抱擁する piece of space junk from Elon Musk's SpaceX torpedoes into an Aussie 農業者's 所有物/資産/財産 - but it could 結局最後にはーなる 存在 a VERY lucrative find

  • Three-metre piece of space junk lands on farm in the 雪の降る,雪の多い Mountains, NSW?
  • Mick 鉱夫s 位置を示すd the 反対する after his daughters heard a loud bang
  • ANU space 専門家 Brad Tucker was called out to 調査/捜査する the 発見
  • He said it was part of a 要約する/(宇宙ロケットの)カプセル from Elon Musk's SpaceX 乗組員-1 宇宙船
  • The large piece of junk had been floating in space since November, 2020

A 抱擁する piece of space junk from a 宇宙船 flown by Elon Musk's SpaceX has torpedoed into a 農業者's 所有物/資産/財産 in the 雪の降る,雪の多い Mountains in NSW.? ??

The three-metre 反対する - a piece of a SpaceX 乗組員-1 (手先の)技術 - was discovered speared into the ground on a 所有物/資産/財産 south of Jindabyne, after 農業者 Mick 鉱夫s went to 調査/捜査する a loud bang that was heard by his daughters.?

Australian 国家の University space 専門家 Brad Tucker told 無線で通信する host Ben Fordham? he was called out to 調査/捜査する the 発見.

'This is most definitely space junk which was part of the SpaceX 乗組員-1 trunk,' he said on Ben Fordham Live on Monday morning.

'SpaceX has this 要約する/(宇宙ロケットの)カプセル that takes humans into space but there is a 底(に届く) part... so when the 宇宙飛行士s come 支援する, they leave the 底(に届く) part in space before the 要約する/(宇宙ロケットの)カプセル lands.'

Farmer Mick Miners (pictured) discovered the huge piece of space junk stuck in his property in the Snowy Mountains, south of Jindabyne

農業者 Mick 鉱夫s (pictured) discovered the 抱擁する piece of space junk stuck in his 所有物/資産/財産 in the 雪の降る,雪の多い Mountains, south of Jindabyne?

Australian National University space expert Brad Tucker confirmed it was part of Elon Musk's?SpaceX Crew-1 (pictured)

Australian 国家の University space 専門家 Brad Tucker 確認するd it was part of Elon Musk's?SpaceX 乗組員-1 (pictured)??

Mr Tucker said the part has been in space since November 2020 and was starting to de-軌道.

'There was a 計画(する) of having it come 負かす/撃墜する on Earth and purposely hitting the Earth's atmosphere so it would break apart and land in the ocean,' he said.

It's understood 列s of people across southern NSW saw an 爆発 and heard the loud bang when it 衝突,墜落d into Mr 鉱夫s' farm.?

'We saw most pieces land in the ocean but 明確に some hadn't because this three-metre piece was speared into the ground from space,' Mr Tucker said.?

He said the 反対する had landed a long way from Mr 鉱夫s' home, which was why it took some time to 現実に 位置を示す it.?

'From a distance it looks like a tree almost, like a burnt tree, and then you get closer and you realise "hey that's not 権利",' Mr Tucker said.

Mr 鉱夫s' 隣人 Jock also had a piece of space junk on his 所有物/資産/財産.

'The Australian Space 機関 is now 扱うing it because there is 現実に a 合法的な 議定書... so technically it's still SpaceX's,' Mr Tucker said.

The Australian Space Agency is now handling the recovery of the junk - a piece of a Crew-1 spacecraft (pictured) flown by Elon Musk's SpaceX

The Australian Space 機関 is now 扱うing the 回復 of the junk - a piece of a 乗組員-1 宇宙船 (pictured) flown by Elon Musk's SpaceX

'We assume they don't want it 支援する because the whole point was to break in the ocean.

'Now if SpaceX said they want it 支援する, 井戸/弁護士席 then they have to essentially 支払う/賃金 Mick and Jock to get it all 支援する.

'However, if they are able to keep it, they have 選択s 含むing giving it to a museum, selling it on eBay.'

Mr Tucker said there would be plenty people who would like to collect the space junk.?

'They get a little tidy sum for all the trouble they have been put through,' he said.

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