Asian markets 上げるd by fresh 中国-US 貿易(する) 楽観主義

Hong Kong stocks have taken a heavy hit from increasingly violent protests that have jammed up parts of the city for the past five days and fuelled fears of intervention from China

Hong Kong 在庫/株s have taken a 激しい 攻撃する,衝突する from ますます violent 抗議するs that have jammed up parts of the city for the past five days and fuelled 恐れるs of 介入 from 中国

Asian markets mostly rose Friday as 貿易(する) hopes were given a 上げる by Donald Trump's 経済的な 補佐官 説 "enormous 進歩" had been made in 会談 with 中国, 緩和 最近の 関心s that they were つまずくing.

Hong Kong enjoyed a much-needed 脚-up after a bruising week but 感情 remained 壊れやすい after the city 耐えるd another night of violent 抗議する, with the 輸送(する) 網状組織 部分的に/不公平に shut 負かす/撃墜する and many 商売/仕事s の近くにd for a fifth day.

The 幅の広い 地域の 伸び(る)s (機の)カム after 最高の,を越す White House 助言者 Larry Kudlow said that the long-を待つd 小型の 貿易(する) を取り引きする 中国 was on 跡をつける as part of a wider 協定/条約.

"The 取引,協定 is not 完全にする but we've made enormous 進歩," he told reporters, 追加するing that the 会談 were "coming 負かす/撃墜する to the short 一打/打撃s".

His comments follow a week of unease about the much-vaunted 会談, after Trump 解任するd Chinese (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of a 計画(する) to roll 支援する 関税s as the 交渉s 進歩, while 報告(する)/憶測s said Beijing was uneasy about some 面s of the developing 取引,協定.

And on Thursday, 中国's 商業 省 had said the US 解除するing of 関税s was a "条件" to reaching the 予選 取引,協定 -- 示唆するing it was not 切迫した.

- Xi's Hong Kong 警告 -

"Maybe, just maybe, we are finally 近づくing a long-を待つd 指示,表示する物 from 大統領 Trump that the 長引いた period of market adversity is mercifully 近づくing its end," said AxiTrader 長,指導者 Asia market strategist Stephen Innes.

But he 追加するd: "The big question should be about what comes next. How long will 段階 two take?"

He also pointed to "some recriminations, with the US (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that 中国 is 延期するing the 取引,協定, which would seem to play into the 見解(をとる) that 大統領 Trump is under 圧力, having 効果的に 発表するd a 取引,協定 a couple of weeks ago".

Tokyo ended 0.7 パーセント higher, Sydney jumped 0.9 パーセント, ソウル climbed 1.1 パーセント and Singapore was up 0.1 パーセント. Taipei, Mumbai and Jakarta also 地位,任命するd 伸び(る)s.

Shanghai finished 負かす/撃墜する 0.6 パーセント, while there were also losses in Bangkok and Wellington.

Hong Kong was marginally up, having shed almost five パーセント over the previous four days as the city was wracked by violent 抗議するs, with police 説 the 支配する of 法律 was on "the brink of total 崩壊(する)".

The ますます violent 引き分け has also fanned 関心s about possible 介入 by Beijing, with Xi Jinping 警告 Thursday that Hong Kong's 心にいだくd "one country, two systems" 原則 was 存在 脅すd by the 抗議するs, which are in their sixth month.

Oil prices were also given a 解除する by the 貿易(する) 楽観主義, which 相殺する data showing another 選ぶ-up in US 備蓄(する)s.

In 早期に European 貿易(する), London and Paris rose 0.5 パーセント while Frankfurt 追加するd 0.4 パーセント.

- 重要な 人物/姿/数字s around 0825 GMT -

Tokyo - Nikkei 225: UP 0.7 パーセント at 23,303.32 (の近くに)

Hong Kong - Hang Seng: FLAT at 26,326.66 (の近くに)

Shanghai - 合成物: DOWN 0.6 パーセント at 2,891.34 (の近くに)

London - FTSE 100: UP 0.5 パーセント at 7,326.05

続けざまに猛撃する/dollar: DOWN at $1.2877 from $1.2881 at 2200 GMT

Euro/続けざまに猛撃する: DOWN at 85.54 pence from at 85.55 pence

Euro/dollar: DOWN at $1.1017 from $1.1020

Dollar/yen: UP at 108.54 yen from 108.42 yen

West Texas 中間の: UP 21 cents at $56.98 per バーレル/樽

Brent North Sea 天然のまま: UP 20 cents at $62.48 per バーレル/樽

New York - Dow: FLAT at 27,781.96 (の近くに)

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