WikiLeaks 創立者 Julian Assange has lost a 合法的な 企て,努力,提案 to have an 逮捕(する) 令状 問題/発行するd in Sweden against him cancelled.

A 裁判官 in Stockholm decided to 支持する the 令状 against him for 申し立てられた/疑わしい 性の offences against two women.

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) by 裁判官 Lena Egelin dashes hopes of a 打開 in the Australian's 事例/患者.

He has been living in the Ecuadorian 大使館 in London for over two years as part of his 企て,努力,提案 to 避ける 国外逃亡犯人の引渡し to Sweden.

He believes that if he travels to Sweden, he will be sent on to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs for 尋問 over the activities of the whistleblowing organisation.

His Swedish lawyer said he will 控訴,上告 against today's 決定/判定勝ち(する).

A 法廷,裁判所 order to 取り消す the 令状 would have been a step に向かって enabling the 43-year-old Australian to leave the London 大使館.

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