Merkel could join Macron in Davos for epic 衝突/不一致 with Trump

By Noah Barkin

BERLIN, Jan 14 (Reuters) - German (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Angela Merkel is considering joining French 大統領 Emmanuel Macron at the World 経済的な 会議 in Davos next week in what could turn into an epic 衝突/不一致 of competing world 見解(をとる)s with U.S. 大統領 Donald Trump.

Merkel, who has been struggling to put together a 政府 since a German 選挙 in September, had been 推定する/予想するd to skip the 年次の 集会 of leaders, CEOs, 銀行業者s and celebrities in the スイスの アルプス山脈 for a third straight year.

But after clinching a 予選 連合 協定 with the centre-left Social 民主党員s (SPD) on Friday, German 公式の/役人s said Merkel could travel to Davos after all, かもしれない setting up a major 対決 with Trump, who is 推定する/予想するd to speak on the final day of the 会議.

An 外見 would signal Merkel's return to the world 行う/開催する/段階 after months of political limbo in which she has 避けるd the limelight and been 解任するd by some in the German and international マスコミ as a spent 軍隊.

It would also 許す her and Macron, who is scheduled to speak at the 会議 on Jan. 24, two days before Trump, to 再確認する their かかわり合い to 改革(する)ing the European Union after Britain's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to leave, and to defend 自由主義の democratic values in the 直面する of Trump's "America First" 政策s.

Merkel's 広報担当者 Steffen Seibert was coy last week when asked whether she might …に出席する the WEF, which will run from Jan. 23-26 under the 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道する "Creating a 株d 未来 in a Fractured World" and will attract some 60 長,率いるs of 明言する/公表する and 政府.

But after clinching a 予選 を取り引きする the SPD, the chances that she could …に出席する appear to have risen. German 公式の/役人s said no final 決定/判定勝ち(する) had been taken and that Merkel may wait for the 結果 of an SPD congress in Bonn next Sunday - where the party will 正式に decide whether to enter 連合 会談 with her 保守的なs - before committing.

公式の/役人s at the WEF said th ey believed Merkel was still considering whether to …に出席する. If she does, it is ありそうもない that she or Macron would overlap with Trump, who is 推定する/予想するd to arrive on the afternoon of Jan. 25.

This year's 会議 will be opened by Indian 総理大臣 Narendra Modi on Jan. 23. Britain's Theresa May, Canada's Justin Trudeau and イスラエル's Benjamin Netanyahu are also 推定する/予想するd, 同様に as celebrities such as actress Cate Blanchett and musician Elton John.

Last year's 集会 took place in the week 主要な up to Trump's 就任(式)/開始 and was headlined by Chinese 大統領 Xi Jinping, who signalled his 準備完了 to fill the vacuum in 全世界の leadership created by America's 転換 inward.


Since then, Trump has pulled the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs out of the Trans-太平洋の 共同, a 自由貿易 を取り引きする Asian countries, 発表するd a 撤退 from the Paris 気候 (許可,名誉などを)与える and 脅すd to torpedo an 協定 between Western 力/強力にするs and Iran 目的(とする)d at 抑制(する)ing its 核の programme.

He has stirred 恐れるs of 衝突 with North Korea by engaging in an 増大するing war of words with its leader Kim Jong Un. Last week, he stirred international 乱暴/暴力を加える by referring to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries", によれば members of 議会 who …に出席するd a 会合 in the White House.

On Saturday, some 500 デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s marched in the スイスの 資本/首都 Bern to 抗議する against Trump's 計画(する)s to …に出席する the WEF.

"There are very few things in the world that 部隊 countries as much as their 反感 に向かって Trump and what he is doing," said Ian Bremmer, 大統領,/社長 of political 危険 consultancy Eurasia Group, and a 正規の/正選手 at Davos.

"In the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs he may have 40 パーセント who 認可する of what he's doing. In the Davos (人が)群がる it is closer to 5 パーセント."

The visit by Trump will be the first by a U.S. 大統領,/社長 since 法案 Clinton in 2000. He will be …を伴ってd by a large 代表 that is 推定する/予想するd to 含む his son-in-法律 Jared Kushner, 財務省 長官 Steve Mnu chin and 国務長官 Rex Tillerson.

Merkel has had a frosty 関係 with Trump, who (刑事)被告 her during his (選挙などの)運動をする for the 大統領/総裁などの地位 of "廃虚ing Germany" by 許すing hundreds of thousands of 難民s, many 逃げるing war in the Middle East, into the country in 2015.

She was あられ/賞賛するd in some Western マスコミ as the last defender of 自由主義の democratic values after Trump's victory. Since then, the 選挙 of Macron, a プロの/賛成の-European 中道派(の) who, like Merkel, supports 自由貿易 and the 全世界の 支配するs-based order, has given her a powerful 同盟(する) in the 対決 with Trump.

Macron is 予定するd to speak for 45 minutes in the evening of Jan. 24 in Davos, a ski 訴える手段/行楽地 in eastern Switzerland.

"My instinct tells me that Macron will go big," said コマドリ Niblett, director of the Chatham House think 戦車/タンク in London. "He won't just talk about Europe. He will try to (問題を)取り上げる the mantle of the 解放する/自由な world under Europe's wing."

If he is joined by Merkel, who has made seven 外見s at the WEF since becoming (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 in 2005, that message may resonate even louder. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Noah Barkin; Editing by Dale Hudson)

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