This is the surprising 危険 of Ozempic NO ONE 会談 about - and our 専門家 明らかにする/漏らすs how you can 直す/買収する,八百長をする it

Eight months ago, the mood in my therapy room 転換d かなり. (弁護士の)依頼人s who had been 苦しむing from very low self-esteem were suddenly bounding in, filled with a new-設立する enthusiasm for life.

The 推論する/理由 was obvious and needed 非,不,無 of my diagnostic 技術s. They had all lost a かなりの 量 of 負わせる using Ozempic, and after years of struggling with poor 団体/死体 image they finally had the 人物/姿/数字 they always 手配中の,お尋ね者. A few confidently 予報するd they wouldn't be needing me for much longer.

Then just as quickly as they 攻撃する,衝突する this 陶酔的な mental high, they (機の)カム 衝突,墜落ing 負かす/撃墜する again. And I wasn't in the slightest bit surprised.

Within a few months, the same (弁護士の)依頼人s had lost their glow. They were 支援する in my therapy room looking lower than ever and a new 条件 was now 最高の,を越す of my 治療 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) ― one I christened 'Ozempic sadness'.?

These (弁護士の)依頼人s had swapped one 始める,決める of problems for another, just like those I was 扱う/治療するing ten years ago who had bariatric 外科 when that was the 負わせる loss 傾向 du jour.

Women?have so much more emotional investment in food, and feel under more pressure to look good than men do

Women?have so much more emotional 投資 in food, and feel under more 圧力 to look good than men do

They're 混乱させるd about why they look better, but feel worse. As a therapist the answer was obvious. Because their over-eating wasn't the problem. It was just a symptom of something deeper that was yet to be 演説(する)/住所d.

From working with these (弁護士の)依頼人s, I've been able to identify five of the most 一貫した 原因(となる)s of 'Ozempic sadness' and the best ways to 取り組む them. Of course, this emotional 騒動 can strike people who are struggling with any 肉親,親類d of 負わせる loss ― it could even play a part in the vicious 回復する cycle so many yo-yo 食餌療法している人s experience.

So if you find you keep 破壊行為ing yourself every time you lose a few 続けざまに猛撃するs or are stricken by a low mood now you're newly わずかな/ほっそりした, read on to discover how you can 取り組む your problems ― and really enjoy your new 団体/死体.

How to 扱う the 苦痛 when 慰安 eating stops

Over-eating is never about 存在 greedy or eating too much, or 存在 lazy. It's always about one thing. You can find your 誘発する/引き起こす by asking yourself this one question: what am I trying to bury with food?

Then, consider: how does it serve you, 焦点(を合わせる)ing so much of your brain energy and time on what you've just eaten, or what you'll eat next? What would you have to 演説(する)/住所 if you weren't over-thinking about food? If you were 存在 very honest about your thoughts and feelings.

One lady I 扱う/治療する, in her sixties, 設立する that taking Ozempic got rid of her appetite, so she would sit in her armchair for hours at night, over-thinking all the things that could go wrong in her life. These dark, 壊滅的な thoughts were just getting bigger and bigger, now that she didn't have the distraction of food to 占領する her mind.

For people like her ― who have car doors filled with 甘いs, or desk drawers stuffed with 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s ― 慰安 eating has always been a crutch. They enjoy the sensation of food in their mouths; the crispiness, the crunch, the 楽しみ they get from each bite. Ozempic turns that off like a light switch, and it leaves a 抱擁する 無効の.

慰安 eating always masks 騒動. For some it's the いじめ(る)ing they went through at school. For others, it's the 恐れる of a big birthday ― typically 40, 50 or 60 ― and feeling like they aren't where they want to be in life.

One of my (弁護士の)依頼人s was sent away to 搭乗 school at eight and has never dealt with the 衝撃 of feeling 拒絶するd by his family. Even if you think it's 'just' a 事柄 of a few extra 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s or helpings, it rarely is.

How to 取り組む it: You need to 'break 明言する/公表する', get up, move around, and take three breaths in and out. If you still feel tempted to eat, call a friend; by the time you've done these things, the 勧める will often have passed.

開始 the door to past 外傷/ショック

For some (弁護士の)依頼人s the 幸福感 of fitting into that much-loved dress 簡単に cannot outshine the sadness they now feel at not experiencing the joy of 自由に eating. In some 事例/患者s, food was their only 楽しみ ― and now it's gone.

Worse still, the gap that food leav es creates an open door for buried 外傷/ショック to 現れる. A lot of the time the problems run 支援する to childhood.

In the worst 事例/患者s, it can be 性の 乱用, or the 苦悩 of living in a 大混乱/混沌とした 世帯 perhaps because of an アル中患者 parent. Food is the one 実体 利用できる to everyone from childhood, and so they use it when things are hard, and continue doing so throughout their lives.

Some experts say Ozempic is a lifetime drug, and that once you start injecting it, you?ll have to do so forever

Some 専門家s say Ozempic is a lifetime 麻薬, and that once you start 注入するing it, you'll have to do so forever

For one (弁護士の)依頼人 whose partner died five years ago, taking Ozempic made it suddenly feel as though the agony of their loss was yesterday. The sadness was unbearable. Others feel themselves 焦点(を合わせる)ing on the 深遠な grief at having never 解決するd a 衝突 before a loved one died.

Their method of self-soothing, of swallowing 負かす/撃墜する uncomfortable emotions, has gone now because they can't use food. But they're not equipped to self-soothe in other ways .

That 押し進めるs many to switch their 中毒. If food can't give them the happiness they crave, they'll frequently start drinking more. Another (弁護士の)依頼人 I see has begun compulsively shopping to fill the gap that not over-eating has left. It's all about searching for a dopamine or serotonin (the 'happy hormones') 攻撃する,衝突する from another activity.

This problem is more pronounced の中で women. We have so much more emotional 投資 in our food, and feel under more 圧力 to look good than men do. Men aren't as emotionally 複雑にするd.

When (弁護士の)依頼人s come to me 説 負わせる loss has made them feel emotionally empty, we have to identify what started those feelings. Unless you've pinpointed it, 解決するd it and then let it go, you'll live with the unprocessed 外傷/ショック forever.

How to 取り組む it: If the 外傷/ショック is of a 特に serious nature, you're going to have to 捜し出す professional help. Memories buried alive don't die: if there's something that you know you 港/避難所't 演説(する)/住所d, you must do so with a therapist or counsellor, or you won't be able to move 今後.

Family jealousy at the new you

Losing a large 量 of 負わせる can 全く change the family dynamic, 特に if everyone in the family is overweight. You can be seen as breaking the mould.

Before, everyone ate the same food, 株d the same lifestyle and was in the same position. They understood each other ― now, one person is outside all of that and has 拒絶するd the old norm. Some people will see this as a 批評 of them.

One woman I 扱う/治療する told me her family said she has betrayed them by becoming a normal size for the first time. I 調査する this in my new 調書をとる/予約する, The Getting Of Resilience From The Ins ide Out, which unpicks family dynamics and 早期に life experiences that can lead to self-破壊行為ing behaviour, 含むing compulsive over-eating.

Comfort eaters?enjoy the sensation of food in their mouths; the crispiness, the crunch, the pleasure they get from each bite

慰安 eaters?enjoy the sensation of food in their mouths; the crispiness, the crunch, the 楽しみ they get from each bite

This problem is most pronounced の中で mothers and sisters, and some of the fallouts are 厳しい. I 扱う/治療するd a mother and two daughters, of whom the eldest girl was on Ozempic.

Her mum and sister couldn't understand why she was pulling away from them and fracturing their 関係. But losing 負わせる had changed her 身元. She couldn't 直面する 存在 surrounded by her unhealthy family while on this new path. Their lifestyles had become too different.

There is also jealousy, 特に の中で sisters when one can afford Ozempic (many of my (弁護士の)依頼人s 支払う/賃金 around £240 per 月毎の jab) and the other can't.

How to 取り組む it: 保護する yourself, and 始める,決める 境界s. Some family members aren't good for us, and if your 親族s aren't 存在 supportive, and are 押し進めるing you off 跡をつける, see and speak to them いっそう少なく. Family should make you feel good, not 使い果たすd.

尋問 your 関係

For many larger women, their partners are their feeders, just as when one partner gives up alcohol, and the other 押し進めるs them to 'just' have a glass of ワイン. It's hard to 持続する 境界s when you're 存在 土台を崩すd by a romantic partner.

People often feel left out of the new 旅行 their other half is on, and they're also fearful. They wonder, if my wife loses 負わせる, will she 逸脱する? Will she be more attractive to other people? Anyone who loses a 広大な 量 of 負わせる has a 意味ありげに higher 離婚 率 because you become a different person.

It's never just about your size. If your partner hasn't changed in any way, you may start to question how much you still have in ありふれた. Losing 負わせる, 特に if you have never 後継するd before, also feels 不安定な.

(弁護士の)依頼人s often tell me they don't want to go home to a partner who's ordering another takeaway. They want to be around people who are doing yoga and eating salads. If you're not getting that at home, you may look for it somewhere else.

Without the distraction of food, you may begin to ask yourself why aren't my husband and I having sex any more? Why doesn't he come 近づく me? Why don't I want to go 近づく him? Once these questions are exposed, they cannot be ignored.

How to 取り組む it: Stay committed to your goal. Come up with a short phrase or mantra ― such as, 'I love you, but I need to do this for me'; or 'I know this makes you uncomfortable, but it's my choice.' Repeat it every time they try and 押し進める you, and they'll stop.

Friends become frenemies

If someone in a friendship group has something the others want, it can 原因(となる) a serious 不和. I see this with women who start getting Botox and fillers when their friends can't afford it, and 負わせる loss jabs are creating that same wedge between them.

Taking Ozempic 示すs a change of lifestyle and 優先s. This can have a serious 影響 on women's social lives, too. With no appetite or 願望(する) to drink (a 味方する-影響 報告(する)/憶測d by some who take the 麻薬), women 簡単に stop going out with friends, because those 状況/情勢s are too hard to navigate.

When your entire friendship group is laughing at your glass of soda water, it can feel like they're 裁判官ing you, and 副/悪徳行為 versa. By the time it's nine o'clock and they start repeating all of their same stories it really stops feeling fun.

But 減ずるing your social life can 誘発する/引き起こす serious loneliness. One of the drivers of over-eating and wanting to lose 負わせる for many people is loneliness, so Ozempic may just be returning you to the source of your problem.

Like my (弁護士の)依頼人s on antidepressants, the 医薬 最終的に has a numbing 影響. Yes, it can get rid of the worst symptoms (in this 事例/患者 over-eating), but it also gets rid of the happiest feelings too. It makes their life feel very grey. That, 加える the loss of social life, can be incredibly hard to を取り引きする.

Some 専門家s say Ozempic is a lifetime 麻薬, and that once you start 注入するing it, you'll have to do so forever. My question is, why shouldn't you be able to 持続する that 負わせる loss without it??

If you can't ― and 熟考する/考慮するs 示唆する 負わせる 伸び(る) for those that come off it is high ― it's because you never 過程d any of the 推論する/理由s why you became overwe ight in the first place. I can 保証(人) those 推論する/理由s were never about a 欠如(する) of willpower or 存在 greedy. In fact, they were never about food.

How to 取り組む it: Friends are for a life or a season, and いつかs you outgrow them. If yours don't want to be there for you in this slimmer period of your life, maybe that friendship has run its course and it's time to find new ones?

The Getting Of Resilience From The Inside Out by Sally パン職人 is published on Thursday, by Hammersmith 調書をとる/予約するs

As told to?Charlotte Lytton