Create a buzz this summer:?Pollinators are under 脅し but there are plenty of ways to help

When you have a spare moment, go into the garden, watch a bumble bee 上陸 on a flower and feeding on its nectar before 長,率いるing to the next bloom, carrying pollen as it goes.?

This is how the cycle of 工場/植物 life continues, but our pollinating insects are under 脅し.?

I heard Dave Goulson, Professor of Biology at Sussex University and author of The Garden ジャングル, 解任する at a 最近の talk how, when he was young, you would come 支援する from a 運動 with insects splattered all over your windscreen.?These days, the glass is (疑いを)晴らす.?

In her 調書をとる/予約する A Flower Garden for Pollinators, which was?published on Thursday, BBC Gardeners’ World presenter Rachel de Thame 警告するs that in the past 50 years, more than half of the bee 種類 in the UK have 拒絶する/低下するd 劇的な.?

Over the same period, there has been an 80 per cent 減少(する) in バタフライ numbers and there are 40 per cent より小数の moths.?

A bumble bee lands on a flower and feeds on its nectar before heading to the next bloom, carrying pollen as 
it goes

A bumble bee lands on a flower and 料金d on its nectar before 長,率いるing to the next bloom, carrying pollen as it goes


But all is not lost. Our gardens together (不足などを)補う thousands of ヘクタールs of nature reserve and we can do plenty to encourage pollinating insects into them.?

研究 by 広大な/多数の/重要な Dixter, in East Sussex, has shown cultivated 陰謀(を企てる)s are richer in 野性生物 多様制 than the countryside.?

‘Some people’s viewpoint is either you have a 野性生物-friendly garden, or a beautiful, ornamental garden... I feel you can have both,’ says de Thame.?

In her 塀で囲むd garden in the Cotswolds, she has taken a relaxed approach to weeding, and filled it with 工場/植物s that attract 有益な insects.?

The first step に向かって an insect-friendly 陰謀(を企てる) is to 避ける 除草剤s and pesticides. We must 許容する some leaf 損失 by caterpillars that will turn into beautiful バタフライs.?

When choosing 工場/植物s, go for a good 割合 of straightforward 種類 rather than just 高度に bred cultivars. 目的(とする) to have flowers in as many 形態/調整s and sizes as possible, and make room for some natives.?

層 工場/植物s by 含むing trees, shrubs, perennials, bulbs and 年次のs for the 最大限 possible flower count.?

工場/植物 generous 量s of the same speci es, so if insects have travelled a long way to 料金d on a particular 工場/植物, it won’t be a wasted 旅行.?


Leave parts of your garden to grow wild to 供給する food and 避難所 for pollinators. If you can, 追加する a pond or create a 冷静な/正味の and damp 位置/汚点/見つけ出す. Bees and wasps can drink from a water source, and bees use mud to plug their egg-laying 議会 入り口.?

Think about having 工場/植物s for pollinators in every season.?

In spring you could 含む primroses, pulmonaria and purple alliums. For summer, try red valerian, Mexican fleabane, wild carrot ‘Dara’, foxgloves, hollyhocks, and ?English lavender ‘Hidcote’.?

Zinnias, stonecrop, Michaelmas daisies and Japanese anemones are all sources of nectar and pollen in autumn.?

Even in winter the 時折の bee will 現れる from its 蜂の巣 and be 感謝する for snowdrops, hellebores, winter aconite and Clematis cirrhosa ‘Freckles’.?