Inside London's former Limelight club on market for £15M: Iconic Shaftsbury Avenue 発生地 was centre of 80s and 90s decadence and beloved by celebs

  • The former chapel was turned into a popular nightclub by Peter?Gatien?
  • Hosted 星/主役にするs such as?Boy George, Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet?
  • の近くにd in 2003 and turned into Walkabout 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 which 中止するd 貿易(する)ing in 2010??

If you were to take a trip 負かす/撃墜する to the West End borough of Westminster in the late 1980s and 長,率いる に向かって the corner of Shaftesbury Avenue and Charing Cross, you would 位置/汚点/見つけ出す a 崩壊するing late 19th century chapel.

Whilst this description may not sound thrilling, you would in fact be 長,率いるing to he home of the 栄えるing London club scene. A place were the likes of Boy George, Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet soaked themselves in decadence with a blend of techno music, carnival-level costumery and 麻薬s.

The Limelight nightclub was the place to be for much of the late 80s and 90s, and the famous party building has now been put up for sale for almost £15mil.

初めは built in 1888 by architect James Cubitt for the inner London's Welsh community, the 12,000 square foot 発生地 構成するd of five 床に打ち倒すs which would 結局 play host to the '90s club kid movement.

However, before this iconic 発生地 opened in 1985, it was an empty church that seemed beyond resurrection. Having been empty for 15 years, the 場所/位置 was in 廃虚s, with plaster peeling off the 塀で囲むs, dusty 木造の pews and warped floorboards.

The Limelight nightclub was the 
home of the thriving London club scene in the 1980s and 90s

?The Limelight nightclub was the home of the 栄えるing London club scene in the 1980s and 90s?

The famous party building on the corner of Shaftesbury Avenue and Charing Cross has now been put up for sale for almost £15mil

?The famous party building on the corner of Shaftesbury Avenue and Charing Cross has now been put up for sale for almost £15mil

The club was once the hangout spot of Boy George (pictured left), Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet and Steve Strange
The club was once the hangout spot of Boy George (pictured left), Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet and Steve Strange

The club was once the hangout 位置/汚点/見つけ出す of Boy George (pictured left), Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet and Steve Strange

But for nightclub 開拓する and party icon Peter Gatien, it was the perfect space to let people go wild.

Speaking to the New York Times, the Canadian said: 'I fell in love with that building. We had people in sequins showing up と一緒に people in tuxedos coming from a dinner at the 主要都市の Museum of Art.

'If everybody is dressed in Armani, it's boring. If everybody is 最高の-sequins, it's boring. The most important thing you can do in a club is to draw an eclectic (人が)群がる. In the end, they entertain each other.'

Gatien was the 操る behind the iconic Limelight nightclub brand - which had already taken over America's after-dark culture with swanky 発生地s in New York City, Florida, Atlanta and Chicago.

And now, having 設立する the ideal space, he was ready to take his brand of anything-goes partying across the pond.

From 1985 until the end of the millennium, the Grade II building in the heart of the west-end became the home of?celebrities, goths, drag queens and arty 部外者s.

The 抱擁する-doomed 天井 oversaw many nights of?eccentric 衣装s, 麻薬-燃料d parties, drag queens and wild sex.?

Musicians such as Sot 独房's 示す Almond and Grace Jones were spotted amongst those 好意ing?lip piercings and pancake 構成.?

George Michael was photographed there with さまざまな women before admitting that he was gay, whilst Sir (頭が)ひょいと動く Geldof hosted his stag do before he married Paula Yates in 1986.?

It would have felt like the good times would never end, but the 渦巻くing 大混乱 would 結局 catch up to Gatien and his 禁止(する)d of eccentric party-goers.

The Grade II building in the heart of the west-end became the home of celebrities, goths, drag queens and arty outsiders

The Grade II building in the heart of the west-end became the home of celebrities, goths, drag queens and arty 部外者s

Peter Gatien was the mastermind behind the iconic Limelight nightclub brand - which had already taken over America's after-dark culture

Peter Gatien was the 操る behind the iconic Limelight nightclub brand - which had already taken over America's after-dark culture

Musicians such as Soft Cell's Mark Almond and Grace Jones were spotted amongst those favoring lip piercings and pancake makeup

Musicians such as Soft 独房's 示す Almond and Grace Jones were spotted amongst those 好意ing lip piercings and pancake 構成

George Michael was photographed there with various women before admitting that he was gay

George Michael was phot ographed there with さまざまな women before admitting that he was gay

Party-lovers came together in a blend of techno music, carnival-level costumery and drugs

Party-lovers (機の)カム together in a blend of techno music, carnival-level costumery and 麻薬s

The huge-doomed ceiling oversaw many nights of eccentric costumes, drug-fueled parties, drag queens and wild sex

The 抱擁する-doomed 天井 oversaw many nights of eccentric 衣装s, 麻薬-燃料d parties, drag queens and wild sex

Grace Jones would also regularly attend the Limelight nightclubs in London and New York

Grace Jones would also 定期的に …に出席する the Limelight nightclubs in London and New York??

Famed for wearing an 注目する,もくろむ-patch, Gatien's 出口s became 悪名高い places to 得る recreational 麻薬s, 特に ecstasy.?

Constant 調査s and 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者s into 税金 回避 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s and 麻薬 取引 cost Gatien millions and 廃虚d his 評判.

どこかよそで, the club kid movement was beginning to peter out, に引き続いて the 有罪の判決 of club and party promoter Michael Alig, the self-布告するd 'King of the Club Kids,' for the grizzly 殺人 of Angel Melendez, a Limelight-based 麻薬 売買業者.

The 落ちる of both Gatien and clubbing culture 容易にするd the 拒絶する/低下する in 人気 for the London Limelight. In 2003, the 発生地 was eventualy sold and became a Walkabout 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.

The Australian pub chain 変えるd the Grade II building into a sports 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業, a far cry from what the Limelight used to 代表する.

The company 中止するd 貿易(する)ing from the 発生地 in 2010 after its parent company went into 行政, leaving the former chapel 空いている for the first time in 25 years.

The 場所/位置 became 占領するd by members of an art group known for squatting in large homes and 大使館s in the central London area.

Following its decline in popularity, the venue was sold and in 2003 became a Walkabout bar

に引き続いて its 拒絶する/低下する in 人気, the 発生地 was sold and in 2003 became a Walkabout 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業

The venue was originally a Welsh Presbyterian church, built by James Cubitt in 1888 for the inner London's Welsh community

The 発生地 was 初めは a Welsh Presbyterian church, built by James Cubitt in 1888 for the inner London's Welsh community

In 2012,?arts charity Stone Nest began to restore and redevelop the former chapel into a performance space for theatre, dance, music, video and performance art

In 2012,?arts charity 石/投石する Nest began to 回復する and redevelop the former chapel into a 業績/成果 space for theatre, dance, music, ビデオ and 業績/成果 art

The Oubliette Group, had 計画(する)s to 変える it into an art gallery and 業績/成果 発生地, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing it 達成するd 接近 合法的に through an 射撃を開始する escape door and had successful 交渉s with the building's owners about leaving 任意に 早期に the next year.

In 2011, The club was sold to a 私的な 投資家 for £8.25m and the に引き続いて year, arts charity 石/投石する Nest began to 回復する and redevelop the former chapel into a 業績/成果 space for theatre, dance, music, ビデオ and 業績/成果 art.

In October 2018, the landlord of the building won planning 是認 to upscale the 発生地 into a major 業績/成果 発生地 with a restaurant and 地階 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業, run by 石/投石する Nest.?

Knight Frank have now put the building up for sale at £14.75mil. it is 不明瞭な if there is any 利益/興味d suitors, but the real Est ate 巨大(な)s say the 結局の 買い手 will be 購入(する)ing a 'unique part of London history'.??

Richard Watson, 長,率いる of auctions at Knight Frank, said: 'The sale of this building 申し込む/申し出s an 後継の purchaser the chance to own a unique part of London's social history.

'Rarely do buildings of this significance come up for sale in the heart of the West End, 特に ones which 申し込む/申し出 a blank canvas for 開発 and a wide 範囲 of 可能性のある uses, such as for leisure and office space.

'The 所有物/資産/財産 has international 控訴,上告, and we 推定する/予想する 利益/興味 to come from a wide 範囲 of 投資家s not least from theatre land and the wider arts community.

'It is an intimate and characterful pair of buildings, making them ideally ふさわしい to 成し遂げるing arts, comedy, or social uses.'