Rampaging monkey ギャング(団)s are terrorising a Thai tourist town, 原因(となる)ing 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs to arm themselves with slingshots and tranquiliser guns to 戦闘 the 'dangerous' 大主教s.?

Officers said they have come under attack from 積極的な macaques in the town of Lopburi, around 90 miles north of the 資本/首都 Bangkok, which has become 悪名高い for its out-of-支配(する)/統制する monkey 全住民.

The 地元の police 駅/配置する has now 問題/発行するd 木造の catapults that officers can use to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 at the unruly 大主教s, which often climb over cars and steal food from shops and tourists 同様に as vandalise 所有物/資産/財産.

(映画の)フィート数 shows two police officers riding around Lopburi on a motorcycle, with the one on the 支援する 製図/抽選 the slingshot and 開始する,打ち上げるing small 石/投石するs at the 'dangerous' 大主教s.

The move comes as Police Major General Apirak Wechkanchana, 指揮官 of Lopburi 地方の Police, ordered to 設立する a special 部隊 to 戦闘 積極的な wild monkeys.

Rampaging monkey ギャング(団)s are terrorising a Thai tourist town, 原因(となる)ing 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs to arm themselves with slingshots and tranquiliser guns to 戦闘 the 'dangerous' 大主教s
The 地元の police 駅/配置する has now 問題/発行するd 木造の catapults that officers can use to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 at the unruly 大主教s, which often climb over cars and steal food from shops and tourists
Officers said they have come under attack from 積極的な macaques in the town of Lopburi, around 90 miles north of the 資本/首都 Bangkok, which has become 悪名高い for its out-of-支配(する)/統制する monkey 全住民 (pictured: macaque monkey eating watermelon in Lopburi)

General Apirak said: 'I am aware of the 可能性のある danger from monkeys. They have started to 提起する/ポーズをとる a 脅し to tourists and 地元のs. The slingshots now 存在 carried by our officers will help to 脅す the monkeys when necessary.

'In most 事例/患者s they only need to use the slingshots as a deterren t, they don't have to use 反対するs to strike the monkeys.'

READ MORE:? Thousands of monkeys terrorise Thai town: 競争相手 ギャング(団)s 戦う/戦い for 最高位 as they compete for food - even climbing on humans and cars - after getting 麻薬中毒の on sugary drinks?


The police 長,指導者 said officers were equipped with slingshots that the officers could use to 脅す the monkeys.?

He said they are only 許すd to use 激しく揺するs to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 at the creatures when there are no other ways to 支配(する)/統制する them.

They have also been 仕事d with 妨げるing the monkeys from stealing or vandalising items.


Staff at the Department of 国家の Parks, 野性生物, and 工場/植物 自然保護 have also started catching some of the worst monkey 違反者/犯罪者s and relocating them to 一時的な 避難所s.

However, they 報道によれば had difficulties as the 大主教 '凶漢s' were familiar with tranquiliser guns and would 規模 tall buildings and houses whenever they (機の)カム 近づく.

Nathi Krutthaka, 自然保護 Bureau Officer No. 1, said: 'We had to hide our 直面するs and 隠す the tranquiliser guns so the monkeys wouldn't see them.'

The team managed to 逮捕(する) the 軍隊/機動隊's leader, 'Ai Krao', who was 悪名高い の中で the 地元の vendors and drivers 予定 to its aggressiveness. Officers put it to sleep with a sedative dart to its 底(に届く) before 運ぶ/漁獲高ing it inside a cage.

当局 said seven monkeys had been 逮捕(する)d, apart from the nine others caught a day earlier.

olice have started carrying slingshots to defend themselves against crazed monkeys in Thailand.Officers said they have come under attack from 積極的な macaques in Lopburi
Motorbikes and cars 運動 past macaques in Lopburi, Thailand on February 25, 2024. Although the thousands of macaques living in town are a tourists' attraction, many complain that they 悩ます 居住(者)s and 損失 houses and 商売/仕事s while deterring 可能性のある 訪問者s
A macaque monkey drinks from a 瓶/封じ込める outside the Phra Prang Sam Yod 寺 during the 年次の Monkey Buffet Festival in Lopburi 州, north of Bangkok on November 28, 2021
Lopburi has become known in 最近の years for its out-of-支配(する)/統制する 全住民 monkey 全住民, 主要な some to like it to an apocalyptic hellscape - with monkeys even (軍用に)徴発する/ハイジャックするing empty buildings
にもかかわらず the dangers, 地元のs are keen to keep the monkeys in the town as they 証明する a popular draw for tourists from around the world who 料金d them sugary 扱う/治療するs

Lopburi has become known in 最近の years for its out-of-支配(する)/統制する 全住民 monkey 全住民, 主要な some to like it to an apocalyptic hellscape - with monkeys even (軍用に)徴発する/ハイジャックするing empty buildings.

They were seen engaging in a 大規模な ギャング(団) fight in the depths of the pandemic when there was a 不足 of food. Attacks on cars, homes, market 立ち往生させるs and 訪問者s have become ますます たびたび(訪れる).

にもかかわらず the dangers, 地元のs are keen to keep the monkeys in the town as they 証明する a popular draw for tourists from around the world who 料金d them sugary 扱う/治療するs.

The Thai 政府 is struggling to 支配(する)/統制する its macaque problem but has taken steps to manage the monkey 全住民 across the country, 含むing creating 聖域s, 集まり sterilisation programs, educating the public on how to 扱う the animals 適切に, and relocating them to more suitable habitats.

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