The 無所属の政治家 労働 MP who admired Margaret Thatcher: How late Frank Field 定期的に met with the Tory PM he called 'Mrs T' - and helped 説得する her to 辞職する in 1990 by telling her she was 'finished'

にもかかわらず having been a member of the 労働 party since the 早期に 1960s, Frank Field had a soft 位置/汚点/見つけ出す for one 特に famous Tory.

The former MP, who has died from 老年の 81, was long an admirer of margaret thatcher and even called her 'Mrs T'.

He helped to 説得する the three-time 選挙 勝利者 to 辞職する as 首相 in November 1990 まっただ中に 激しい 圧力 from her MPs and 大臣s.

Lord Field later 述べるd how he told Mrs Thatcher that she was 'finished', 追加するing that he was 'sickened' by MPs who 'hated her'.??

The 政治家,政治屋, who was ennobled in 2020,? first became an MP in 1979, at a 総選挙 which saw Mrs Thatcher sweep to victory and become 首相.?

Despite having been a member of the Labour party since the early 1960s, Frank Field had a soft spot for one particularly famous Tory. Above: Outside Parliament in 1995

にもかかわらず having been a member of the 労働 party since the 早期に 1960s, Frank Field had a soft 位置/汚点/見つけ出す for one 特に famous Tory. Above: Outside 議会 in 1995

The pair met when Lord Field was ロビーing her on に代わって of his 選挙権を持つ/選挙人s in Birkenhead.??

He wrote in the Daily Mail in 2009: 'When I needed to get something done for my Birkenhead 選挙区/有権者, it seemed obvious that the best way to do it was to ロビー the most powerful person in the country on their に代わって.

'For some 推論する/理由, Mrs Thatcher usually agreed to see me. We met frequently during her 11 years in 負かす/撃墜するing Street and our 会合s were usually very formal.'

In 1987, Lord Field 原因(となる)d 論争 when he 予報するd that Mrs Thatcher would 勝利,勝つ that year's 選挙.?

He said 労働's anti-核の 武器s 政策 was the Tory leader's 'greatest political 資産' and 追加するd that her chances of winning 明らかにする/漏らすd 'something やめる damning' about his own party.?

On his penultimate 会合 with the PM before she was 軍隊d out of 負かす/撃墜するing Street, Field 解任するd how he had 'never seen her so animated'.

She had just flown 支援する from the US に引き続いて a 会合 with the then 大統領 George Bush Snr to discuss what to do about Saddam Hussein's 侵略 of Kuwait.

'Mrs Thatcher was 毅然とした that the 同盟(する)s must go to war with Saddam but Mr Bush was agonising over the 決定/判定勝ち(する),' he said.?

'Pacing around the room, she told me how she had 勧めるd him that 軍の 活動/戦闘 was 絶対 決定的な.'

にもかかわらず 存在 preoccupied with the hugely consequential 問題/発行する, she agreed to 供給する 基金ing to bring shipping 職業s to Birkenhead, Field's 選挙区/有権者.?

Lord Field helped to persuade the three-time election winner to resign as prime minister in November 1990 amid intense pressu
re from her MPs and ministers. Above: Mrs Thatcher makes her final speech outside Downing Street before heading to Buckingham Palace to resign

Lord Field helped to 説得する the three-time 選挙 勝利者 to 辞職する as 首相 in November 1990 まっただ中に 激しい 圧力 from her MPs and 大臣s. Above: Mrs Thatcher makes her final speech outside 負かす/撃墜するing Street before 長,率いるing to Buckingham Palace to 辞職する

He and Mrs Thatcher were grammar school children from modest backgrounds who both 株d a belief in self-依存 and personal 責任/義務.

In 2009, in what was one of Mrs Thatcher's final public 外見s, she …に出席するd a party to celebrate his 30 years in 議会.?

A few weeks later, on the day she had to decide whether to 辞職する as PM and Tory leader まっただ中に 激しい 圧力 from her MPs and 大臣s, Field saw her again.

'When I saw how some of her own 保守的な MPs hated her and called her 'that woman' it sickened me,' he said.

にもかかわらず 抗議するs from her staff, Mrs Thatcher agreed to see Field in 負かす/撃墜するing Street.

She asked him why he had come and he bluntly replied: 'I believe you are finished, 総理大臣.'

He said she told him how '不公平な' it was, but he replied:?'I have not come to dis cuss fairness, 総理大臣.?

'You cannot now go out on a 最高の,を越す 公式文書,認める, but you can go out on a high 公式文書,認める. You must 辞職する before you 直面する the ありふれたs again.?

'さもなければ those Tory creeps will 涙/ほころび you apart in public.'

She again 主張するd that it was 'so 不公平な' and 追加するd: 'I have never lost them an 選挙'.

He 追加するd: 'She was 簡潔に 支援する to her old self as she explained how I would be 密輸するd out of the building so no one knew I had been there.?

The politician, who was ennobled in 2020, first became an MP in 1979, at a general election which saw Mrs Thatcher sweep to victory and become prime minister. Above: Field in 1976

The 政治家,政治屋, who was ennobled in 2020, first became an MP in 1979, at a 総選挙 which saw Mrs Thatcher sweep to victory and become 首相. Above: Field in 1976

Frank Field speaking in the House of Commons in 1998 after resigning as welfare ref
orm minister in Tony Blair's Labour government

Frank Field speaking in the House of ありふれたs in 1998 after 辞職するing as 福利事業 改革(する) 大臣 in Tony Blair's 労働 政府

"I have arranged for you to go out another way. You will be taken out into Whitehall, not through 負かす/撃墜するing Street."

Field said he saw her only once more as 首相, in what was her final 外見 at the 派遣(する) Box in the House of ありふれたs.

He said that her 発言する/表明する was 'different' and guessed it was because she had been 'fighting 支援する the 涙/ほころびs'.

Field 述べるd Mrs Thatcher's last prime 大臣の 業績/成果 in the ありふれたs as a '議会の 勝利'.

She was famously heckled by 労働 MP Denis Skinner with a quip that brought roars of laughter from both 味方するs of the House.

'The 階級s of Tory MPs behind her 元気づけるd as if to cover their murderous 意図,' Field said.?

'I watched her as I stood at the end of the 議会 and, when I caught her attention, I nodded my 是認.

'But I couldn't help wondering whether I would ever see a 総理大臣 who was more able in 押し進めるing through 過激な 改革(する)s.'