Pensioners 辞退する to leave their park homes にもかかわらず 会議 判決,裁定 they only have 許可 to stay for 10 months a year - as the 年輩の community says it has 'nowhere else to go'

  • Beverley Park, 小島 of Sheppey 居住(者)s can only live there 10 months a year
  • 会議 辞退するd planning 許可 to 延長する this to year 一連の会議、交渉/完成する residency?

Pensioners have said they will not leave their park homes にもかかわらず a 会議 判決,裁定 that they only have 許可 to stay there 10 months a year? - にもかかわらず (人命などを)奪う,主張するs they were told they could live there 永久的に.

Occupants of Beverley Park on the 小島 of Sheppey in Kent say they bought the 所有物/資産/財産s on the understanding they could stay there 12 months a year.

But they only had 許可 to live there for 10 months a year, from the beginning of March to the start of January.

The 居住(者)s had sought 許可 for the change of use from a holiday park to the 場所/位置ing of 21 居住の 退職 park homes for use for 12 months.

But this request was 辞退するd at a Swale 会議 planning 会合 earlier this month - leaving 居住(者)s gutted. Although the 使用/適用 was 辞退するd by 議員s, 施行 活動/戦闘 will not be taken against 居住(者)s as the 委員会 did not support any.

A community of elderly people have lost a battle to stay in their park homes year-round - despite claims they were told they could live there permanently. Wendy Benton, 75, has lived at Beverley Park, on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent for seven years with her husband, 77-year-old Kenneth, and their cat Jesse after moving from Thamesmead upon their retirement

A community of 年輩の people have lost a 戦う/戦い to stay in their park homes year-一連の会議、交渉/完成する - にもかかわらず (人命などを)奪う,主張するs they were told they could live there 永久的に. Wendy Benton, 75, has lived at Beverley Park, on the 小島 of Sheppey in Kent for seven years with her husband, 77-year-old Kenneth, and their cat 足緒 after moving from Thamesmead upon their 退職

Occupants of Beverley Park (pictured) on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent say they bought the properties on the understanding they could stay there 12 months a year

Occupants of Beverley Park (pictured) on the 小島 of Sheppey in Kent say they bought the 所有物/資産/財産s on the understanding they could stay there 12 months a year

Those living in Beverley Park argue they are not 破壊的な tourists, with the 大多数 of occupants 老年の between 75 and 97.

Wendy Benton, 75, has lived on the 場所/位置 for seven years with her husband, 77-year-old Kenneth, and their cat 足緒 after moving from Thamesmead upon their 退職.

The mother-of-five said: 'We bought our home in December 2016 and moved on here in March 2017.

'What we didn't realise was that the planning 決定/判定勝ち(する) to make it 12 months had been 否定するd.'

At a planning 会合 earlier this month, a spokesperson for the Beverley Park 活動/戦闘 Group explained why year-long residency should be 許すd at the 場所/位置.

He said: 'A 拒絶 would have 重要な 逆の personal and 財政上の 関わりあい/含蓄s for the occupants of the homes on the 場所/位置.

'This is a system that is working and the applicants are asking to legitimise the 状況/情勢 that has already developed through no fault of their own, who may 井戸/弁護士席 have been the 犠牲者s of some serious mis-selling in the first place.

'If you chuck them out for two months they've got nowhere else to go, it is just going to place more 強調 and more hardship on other 会議 問題/発行するs.'

Wendy explained she and her 隣人s have been 支払う/賃金ing 会議 税金, 任意に, for the 所有物/資産/財産s since April 2022.

She 追加するd: 'We felt if we were to be believed and taken 本気で about everything we were fighting we had to be 絶対 合法的な.

'So we started 支払う/賃金ing our 会議 税金, and everything like our banks, 運動ing licences, doctors, everything has our Beverley Park 演説(する)/住所 on, we're even on the 選挙(人)の roll.'

But a 合法的な 補佐官 at the 会合 explained: 'Just because the 居住(者)s 支払う/賃金 12 months 会議 税金 the 会議 doesn't have an 義務 to give them planning 許可.'

The 場所/位置 was 初めは a caravan park which was 認めるd 10 months of holiday use with a planning 使用/適用 in 2011.

Residents said that they believed Beverley Park was not for holiday use and they say this was made very clear to each of them at the time of purchase

居住(者)s said that they believed Beverley Park was not for holiday use and they say this was made very (疑いを)晴らす to each of them at the time of 購入(する)

Holiday parks on the island 持つ/拘留する 10-month residencies as the 地元の 会議 says it '許すs 救済 to 地元の 居住(者)s from 観光旅行,事業 noise, 騒動 and other amenity 関心s for two months of the year.'

However, in their 使用/適用 声明, 居住(者)s said that they believed Beverley Park was not for holiday use and they say this was made very (疑いを)晴らす to each of them at the time of 購入(する).

The 声明 continues to say that in 2015 the park was transformed with 居住の park homes, which were 購入(する)d as lifetime homes made with the 約束 - from the then owner of the park - that a 肯定的な 使用/適用 had been made and planning was 切迫した.

Recently the park was bought by Cosgrove Leisure Parks, which had no 関与 with the 申し立てられた/疑わしい mis-selling.

議員s 表明するd their 関心 for the 居住(者)s but 定評のある their 現在の living predicam ent did go against the borough's 政策s.

Cllr James 追跡(する), a 保守的な for the Meads, said: 'It is difficult. We'd love to say no problem, stay there because we know the 関わりあい/含蓄 this will have on the 居住(者)s there but in planning 条件, and 政策s, the officer has got the 権利 推薦.

'It is a shame it has come to this and that the 居住(者)s have been mis-sold [by the previous owner].'

The 使用/適用 was 辞退するd not only to '供給する 救済 to 地元の 居住(者)s' but also because 'the 場所/位置 代表するs an unsustainable 場所 for 永久の year-一連の会議、交渉/完成する 居住の use by virtue of its remote 場所 within the countryside'.

保守的な 議員 Tara Noe, for Sheppey East, said: 'This is a tight-knit community of 攻撃を受けやすい, 年輩の people.

'The 委員会 showed 広大な/多数の/重要な sympathy, as have many before them. No one wants to 軍隊 these pensioners out. While 安全な from 施行 today, though, they cannot 残り/休憩(する) 平易な.

'They 港/避難所't the 権利s that come with 居住の status and will live in perpetual 恐れる of what's around the corner.'

Wendy 追加するd: 'We will be remaining on 場所/位置 all year 一連の会議、交渉/完成する while we 控訴,上告 the 決定/判定勝ち(する).'

A Swale 会議 広報担当者 said the 当局 is considering next steps in 予定 course.

The 広報担当者 later 追加するd: 'A 決定/判定勝ち(する) was taken at planning 委員会 on 11 April to 辞退する the retrospective planning 使用/適用.

'Whilst sympathy was 表明するd by officers and 議員s for the 居住(者)s' 状況/情勢, mis-selling is not a lawful basis for deciding a planning 使用/適用, and the 使用/適用 itself was contrary to a number of 設立するd planning 政策s, which are 始める,決める out in the officer's 報告(する)/憶測.

'It is the responsibil ity of the 地元の planning 当局 to come to a 決定/判定勝ち(する) based on planning 事柄s and the applicant has a 権利 to 控訴,上告.'