荒廃させるd 同僚s told the world of BBC?presenter Jill Dando's 殺人 25 years ago today.?

The beloved 37-year-old 新聞記者/雑誌記者 was?発射 in the 長,率いる on her 前線 doorstep in Fulham on April 26, 1999 - with her 殺し屋 still unfound and the 事例/患者 untouched for 10 years.?

Ms Dando's 傷害s were so 厳しい that police could not 最初 tell whether she had been 発射 or stabbed.?

Grieving 同僚s had to 配達する the 'dreadful' news to the 残り/休憩(する) of the world, にもかかわらず many 存在 の近くに friends with Ms Dando.?

報告(する)/憶測ing from the scene, former BBC presenter Clarence Mitchell said on live TV:?'This has been one of the saddest 報告(する)/憶測ing 職業s that I've had to 実行する in many a long time.?

'I knew Jill 井戸/弁護士席 and it really is heartbreaking to 報告(する)/憶測 on the 殺人 of a 同僚 like this.'?

BBC presenter Clarence Mitchell reporting from the scene in 1999, after Jill Dando's death

BBC presenter Clar ence Mitchell 報告(する)/憶測ing from the scene in 1999, after Jill Dando's death?

A visibly emotional Jennie Bond reported Ms Dando's death from the BBC office

A visibly emotional Jennie 社債 報告(する)/憶測d Ms Dando's death from the BBC office?

Ms Bond said the murder of her 'personal friend' still makes her 'blood run cold'

Ms 社債 said the 殺人 of her 'personal friend' still makes her '血 run 冷淡な'

Jill Dando (pictured)?was shot in the head on her front doorstep on April 26,

Jill Dando (pictured)?was 発射 in the 長,率いる on her 前線 doorstep on April 26, 1999

A visibly emotional Jennie 社債 報告(する)/憶測d from the BBC office: 'Within the past few minutes, police have 確認するd that the BBC Television presenter Jill Dando has been stabbed to death outside her west London home.?

'She died in the 救急車 on her way to hospital.'?

In an interview years later, Ms 社債 said the 殺人 of her 'personal friend' still makes her '血 run 冷淡な'.?

'It 事柄d to so much to us that we 配達するd the news 正確に about one of out own,' she said.?

'It was so dreadful, and is so dreadful, to have a personal friend 殺人d on her doorstep. It just makes my 血 run 冷淡な, even now. It's just awful.'?

Martyn 吊りくさび told live TV after Ms Dando's death: 'The 殺人 of our friend and 同僚 Jill Dando 支配するs tonight's news.

'Jill was special, not only to the millions of you who watched, admired and loved her over the years, but to all of us who had the 特権 and delight of working with her.?

Grieving BBC colleagues had to deliver the 'dreadful' news to the rest of the world

Grieving BBC 同僚s had to 配達する the 'dreadful' news to the 残り/休憩(する) of the world

Ms Dando's injuries were so severe that police could not initially tell whether she had been shot or stabbed

Ms Dando's 傷害s were so 厳しい that police could not 最初 tell whether she had been 発射 or stabbed

'The news was best when it was read by Jill. 非,不,無 of us could have believed it would one day be about her.'?

Other BBC presenters also had to break the news to the 残り/休憩(する) of the world, with one 説:?'Between 4半期/4分の1 to 12 and 12 o'clock, the 団体/死体 of a woman was 設立する outside number 29 Gowan Avenue. That woman has been taken to Charring Cross Hospital, and that woman has been 宣言するd dead, すぐに after one o'clock. ?

'That woman has been identified as Jill Dando, the television presenter.'?

It comes as a 証言,証人/目撃する who saw a man running from the scene of Ms Dando's 殺人 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that he looks like a Serbian 暗殺者.?

The 新聞記者/雑誌記者's death has been the 支配する of countless 憶測, but the 事例/患者 hasn't been touched in 10 years.?

Barry George's defence lawyer has also (人命などを)奪う,主張するd police should 再開する the 事例/患者 to look at twice-罪人/有罪を宣告するd 殺し屋 Milorad Ulemek, who looks like the mystery man.?

Mr George, now 64, was tried and 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of the TV presenter's 殺人 but after spending eight years in 刑務所,拘置所, he was (疑いを)晴らすd.

A facial comparison 専門家 gave '限られた/立憲的な support' to the theory that Ulemek, who is serving 40 years in a Serbian 刑務所,拘置所, looks like the 身元不明の person along the 銃器携帯者/殺しや's likely escape 大勝する.

This is the second lowest on a subjective 規模 範囲 from 'no support' to 'powerful support'.

And now a 証言,証人/目撃する who 報告(する)/憶測d seeing a man 'running for his life' from the scene has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he looks like the 悪名高い 暗殺者.