TikTok 星/主役にする is assassinated in Iraq: Om Fahad is 発射 in her car as 反目,不和 爆発するs with 'Iraqi Barbie' influencer 競争相手 and months after she was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd for 'morality offences'

  • Om Fahad was 発射 dead on Friday, 誘発するing a 調査(する) into the 悲劇の events

Iraqi TikTok?sensation Om Fahad has been 発射 dead outside her Baghdad home in an 明らかな 暗殺, によれば Iraqi 安全 公式の/役人s.

An 身元不明の 攻撃者 発射 the popular influencer in her car in the Zayouna 地区, a 安全 公式の/役人 said, requesting anonymity.

The 攻撃者, who arrived on a motorbike, appeared to have pretended to be making a food 配達/演説/出産 before 解雇する/砲火/射撃ing upon Fahad, によれば another 安全 公式の/役人.

A second woman was also 負傷させるd in the attack, によれば the Al Hurra news 機関.

A 'specialist work team' has since been 始める,決める up to 調査/捜査する the circumstances 主要な to Ms Fahad's death, によれば Iraq's 内部の 省.?

The online celebrity had become known for light-hearted TikTok ビデオs of herself dancing to Iraqi music wearing tight-fitting 着せる/賦与するs.

She had recently become embroiled in a 反目,不和 with influencer Dalia Naeem, known as 'Iraqi Barbie' 予定 to her use of plastic 外科, who had 報道によれば 脅すd to expose her 申し立てられた/疑わしい 関係 with 安全 公式の/役人s, per the BBC.

In February 2023, a 法廷,裁判所 宣告,判決d Fahad, real 指名する Ghufran Sawadi, to six months in 刑務所,拘置所 for 株ing 'ビデオs 含む/封じ込めるing indecent speech that 土台を崩すs modesty and public morality'.

TikTok sensation Om Fahad (pictured in January 2023) was shot dead outside her home Friday

TikTok sensation Om Fahad (pictured in January 2023) was 発射 dead outside her home Friday?

'Iraqi Barbie' Dalia Naeem had recently entered into a spat with Fahad, per the BBC

'Iraqi Barbie' Dalia Naeem had recently entered into a spat with Fahad, per the BBC

Om Fahad rose to prominence through her colorful ビデオs on TikTok, often showing her dancing to popular music.

She was 刑務所,拘置所d last year as the?Iraqi 政府 開始する,打ち上げるd a (選挙などの)運動をする to clean up social マスコミ content that it said 違反d Iraqi 'morals and traditions'.

An 内部の 省 委員会 was 設立するd to scour TikTok, YouTube, and other 壇・綱領・公約s for clips it みなすd 不快な/攻撃.

'This type of content is no いっそう少なく dangerous than organised 罪,犯罪,' the 省 宣言するd in a 宣伝の ビデオ that asked the public to help by 報告(する)/憶測ing such content.?

'It is one of the 原因(となる)s of the 破壊 of the Iraqi family and society.'?

Several influencers have since been 逮捕(する)d, によれば 当局.

Days after Om Fahad's 宣告,判決ing, another TikTok influencer who goes by the online 指名する of Assal Hossam received an even harsher 宣告,判決 of two years in 刑務所,拘置所.

Some of her ビデオs showed her dressed in a tight 軍の uniform.

にもかかわらず years of war and sectarian 衝突 after the 2003 US 侵略 to overthrew Saddam Hussein, Iraq has returned to a 外見 of normality.

But civil liberties - for women, 性の 少数,小数派s and other groups - remain constrained in the 保守的な society.

The Iraqi 明言する/公表する bases its (選挙などの)運動をする on 声明s 'with vague and elastic terminology, such as public morals and indecent (危険などに)さらす', said Mustafa Saadun, of the Iraqi 観測所 for Human 権利s.

He 警告するd these are open to '解釈/通訳' and mean that 'someone who has done nothing wrong 危険s 存在 逮捕(する)d'.?

In 2018, model and influencer Tara Fares was 発射 dead by gunmen in Baghdad.

特記する/引用するing the 厳重取締 on 'indecent content', 国際アムネスティ 解放(する)d a damning 報告(する)/憶測 on human 権利s in Iraq last year, 警告 当局 continued to attack freedom of 表現 and bring in new 法律s to その上の 抑制(する) this 権利.

'当局 強めるd their repressi on of LGBTI people’s 権利s. 保護 from gender-based 暴力/激しさ remained 厳しく 限られた/立憲的な in central Iraq and the Kurdistan 地域 of Iraq,' the 分析 主張するd.

In 中央の-February, the 法廷,裁判所s 発表するd they had already 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d 14 people for publishing 'indecent' or 'immoral' content on socials, and 宣告,判決d six to 刑務所,拘置所 条件 between six months and two years, によれば the organisation.?

'Between April and December, an 付加 13 people had been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d. The 大多数 were 解放(する)d on 保釈(金) or after 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s against them were dropped, but at least one person was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd and 宣告,判決d to a 刑務所,拘置所 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 of three months and 10 days,' 恩赦,大赦 報告(する)/憶測d.?

The presenter pictured before surgery
The presenter and actress revealed her latest look (pictured) in a new video, with one critic commenting 'Zombie', while another said: 'Devil Barbie'

Om Fahad (not pictured) had 報道によれば become embroiled in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 with 'Iraqi Barbie' Dalia Naeem, who last year 株d her 変形 after 43 cosmetic 手続きs (pictured)??

隣人ing Iran is also in the 支配するs of a terrifying 厳重取締 on いわゆる public morality.

Earlier this week it was 報告(する)/憶測d rapper Toomaj Salehi, 33, would be hanged for 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s linked to a period of 全国的な 不安 に引き続いて the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police 保護/拘留 in 2022

Salehi had 株d photos online of himself at 抗議するs, and 解放(する)d songs reifying his support for disenfranchised women in Iran.

に引き続いて his 2022 逮捕(する), Salehi was 宣告,判決d last year to six years and three months in 刑務所,拘置所 for '汚職 on Earth', but 避けるd a death 宣告,判決 予定 to a 最高裁判所?判決,裁定 which sent the 事例/患者 支援する to a 地裁 for re-examination.

Iranian 'morality police' have 開始する,打ち上げるd 時折起こる (選挙などの)運動をするs to 口頭で or violently 逮捕(する) and 're-educate' women 設立する in 違反 of 規則s in 返答 to changing dress codes and norms.

Iran has experienced its largest wave of 抗議するs in years に引き続いて the death of student Mahsa Amini in police 保護/拘留 in 2022 after she was 拘留するd for 妥当でない wearing of a headscarf.