It was a love story that began in the most horrifying way.?

Lali Sokolov 遭遇(する)d Gita Fuhrmannova - the woman who would become his wife - when she stood before him emaciated and robbed of her dignity at Auschwitz death (軍の)野営地,陣営.

まっただ中に the evil of the Nazi 殺人,大当り machine, Lali - himself a Jew who had been put to work under 脅し of death - tattooed a number on her arm like he had done to tens of thousands of people before her.

Their 続いて起こるing romance was one ray of light that would captivate millions of readers 10年間s later.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz, the novel by Heather Morris, was published in 2018 and quickly became a 世界的な 現象.

It was based on the 証言 of Lali, who tattooed 囚人 numbers on hundreds of thousands of inmates who were sent to Auschwitz in Nazi-占領するd Poland.

A new Sky adaptation of Morris's novel is 存在 解放(する)d this week. The six-part series 星/主役にするs both?Jonah Hauer-King and Harvey Keitel as Lali, whilst ポーランドの(人) actress?Anna Pr?chniak portrays Gita.??

Both Lali and Gita 生き残るd the 大破壊/大虐殺 and went on to marry in October 1945. Lali kept his story to himse lf for 10年間s before 明らかにする/漏らすing all to Morris after Gita's death.

It was a love story that began in the most horrifying way. Lali Sokolov 遭遇(する)d Gita Fuhrmannova - the woman who would become his wife - when she stood before him emaciated and robbed of her dignity at Auschwitz death (軍の)野営地,陣営. Above: The couple after the war
A new Sky adaptation of Morris's novel is 存在 解放(する)d this week. The six-part series 星/主役にするs both Jonah Hauer-King (left) and Harvey Keitel as Lali, whilst ポーランドの(人) actress Anna Pr?chniak (権利) portrays Gita

In April 1942, the Nazis 軍隊d one volunteer from each Slovakian ユダヤ人の family to work for the German war machine.

Lali, who was born in Slovakia in 1916, was herded off to Auschwitz in a packed cattle train in horrendous 条件s.

Like every other 囚人 who was not すぐに sent off to die, he was given a number which became his 指名する. His - 32407 - was tattooed on his arm by a French academic 指名するd Pepan.


He was 最初 sent to work on the construction of new 住宅 封鎖するs as the (軍の)野営地,陣営 拡大するd.

When Lali 契約d typhoid soon after arriving at Auschwitz, he was cared for by Pepan, who 始める,決める him to work as his assistant.?

When Pepan was shipped out of Auschwitz one day, Lali was made the main tattooist.

He was 割り当てるd an SS officer to 監視する him as he went about his work.

Because of his 役割, he was given extra rations and ate in an 行政 building. He also slept in a 選び出す/独身 room rather than in a cramped hut in horrendous 条件s.

And when there were no new 囚人s to tattoo he was given 解放する/自由な time.??

He would 物々交換する gems stolen from Nazi treasure troves for food and 薬/医学 for people who needed them most.?

Lali also used his knowledge of half a dozen languages to 得る any 知能 he could about the (軍の)野営地,陣営.

Both Lali and Gita 生き残るd the 大破壊/大虐殺 and went on to marry in October 1945. Lali kept his story to himself for 10年間s before re vealing all to Morris
Lali and Gita Sokolov with their son Gary, who was born in 1961
Harvey Keitel as the older Lali Sokolov in his Melbourne apartment
Heather Morris, a former social 労働者, is portrayed in the series by Melanie Lynskey (above)
Heather Morris
Jonas Nay as SS officer Stefan Baretzki, who was 刑務所,拘置所d for life for the 殺人 of more than 8,000 people
Stefan Baretzki
ポーランドの(人) actress Anna Pr?chniak (権利) as Gita. Like Lali she was 国外追放するd to Auschwitz but 生き残るd
Pr?chniak portraying Gita in The Tattooist of Auschwitz, which debuted today on Sky
Jonas Nay as 残虐な SS officer?Stefan Baretzki in a scene 描写するing him attacking an inmate
Melanie Lynskey as Heather Morris and Harvey Keitel as Lali Sokolov

Auschwitz's 長,指導者 doctor, the 悪名高い Josef Mengele, would darkly tell him: 'One day, tetovierer [tattooist], I will take you - one day.'

He spent the next two years tattooing hundreds of thousands of 囚人s with the help of assistants.?

READ MORE:?The Tattooist of Auschwitz: First 公式の/役人 trailer for Stan 初めの series 減少(する)s ahead of show's 首相?


Eight 10年間s on, these symbols of terror remain on the 武器 of m any of the 生存者s who are still alive today.

Only inmates at Auschwitz and its subcamps - Birkenau and Monowitz - were tattooed.

The practice began in 1941 and by the spring of 1943, all inmates had been tattooed.

囚人s were selected either for 軍隊d 労働 or 即座の 死刑執行 on arrival at the (軍の)野営地,陣営. Their 長,率いるs were also shaved and their 所持品 taken away.


Lali met Gita in July 1942 when sh e was 現在のd in 前線 of him. Years later he would tell Morris how, as he tattooed her number on her arm, he fell in love.

With the help of Lali's personal SS guard, he 密輸するd letters to her. These letters led to visits outside her 封鎖する in Birkenau.

He also 密輸するd her his extra rations and got her moved to a better work 駅/配置する

In 1945, the Nazis began 軍隊ing 囚人s on death marches to other (軍の)野営地,陣営s as the ロシアのs の近くにd in まっただ中に Germany's 続いて起こるing 敗北・負かす in the war.?

It was then that Lali and Gita were separated when she was sent away.?

Lali also 結局 left the (軍の)野営地,陣営 and made his way 支援する to his home town of Krompachy in Czechoslovakia.?

Only inmates at Auschwitz and its subcamps - Birkenau and Monowitz - were tattooed
Children are seen in Auschwitz after the (軍の)野営地,陣営's 解放 in 1945
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The arrival of Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz-Birkenau, in German-占領するd Poland, June 1944

Incredibly, the pair were 再会させるd when Gita stepped out in 前線 of his horse and cart.?

Lali had been on his way to Bratislava - the 入ること/参加(者) point for 生存者s returning home - to look for her.?

The first thing he did was to ask for her 手渡す in marriage, and she 受託するd.?

After getting married, the couple emigrated to Australia in 1949 and built a 織物 商売/仕事.

Their son Gary was born in 1961. Gary then told Morris - a friend of a friend - that his father had a story 価値(がある) telling.

Lali had kept his story a secret for 10年間s because he 恐れるd he would be 見解(をとる)d as a Nazi 協力者.?

It was only after his wife died in 2003 that he felt able to recount what happened to him and Gita.?


Morris, a former social 労働者, spent the next three years 会合 Lali several times a week, getting every 面 of his story 負かす/撃墜する on paper.?

She told the Mail in 2018: 'Lali rationalised his work by deciding that if you (機の)カム to him for numbering then you were one of the lucky ones ? it meant you got to see the sun come up the next day, and maybe the day after that too.?

'He had a unique position in Auschwitz and he used it to save as many people as he could.'

She 追加するd: 'In the years after Auschwitz Lali had an uncanny ability to live life in the now. He was very 技術d at shutting 負かす/撃墜する his past.?

A scene from the Tattooist of Ausc hwitz showing?Anna Pr?chniak as Gita and Yali Topol Marghalith as fellow inmate Cilka
Jonah Hauer-King as Lali Sokolov and Jonas Nay as Nazi Officer Stefan Baretzki in the Tattooist of Auschwitz
Another scene from the Tattooist of Auschwitz, 描写するing a 会合 between Lali and?Stefan Baretzki
Jonah Hauer-King as Lali Sokolov in new Sky 演劇 The Tattooist of Auschwitz

'It took me three years of visiting him two or three times a week to piece together those memories. He had 生存者's 犯罪, a 苦痛 he'd buried for 60 years.

'There was an element of the confessional about it but his 最初の/主要な 焦点(を合わせる) was telling the world about Gita after she had died.?

'He kept asking me, "Have you finished yet? I need to hurry up and join her!"

Because she had 最初 sought to turn his 証言 into a film, she received 基金ing from Film Victoria, which itself is 財政/金融d by the Australian 政府.

This enabled international 研究員s to 確認する Lali's story.?

The 文書s they 暴露するd led 研究員s to discover that Lali's parents had been killed at Auschwitz a month before he arrived.?

Anna Pr?chniak portraying Gita as she lines up with other inmates in The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Dylan Corbett-Bader as Jakub and Jonah Hauer-King as Lali Sokolov in The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Melanie Ly nskey as Heather Morris, interviewing Sokolov (played by Harvey Keitel) in later life

Lali died 老年の 90 in 2006 after developing a の近くに friendship with Morris.?


He even dreamed up his own cast 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) when he learned Morris was trying to get his story turned into a film.

She said: 'He began with Brad Pitt but quickly moved on to Ryan Gosling to play himself. For Gita it was only ever going to be Natalie Portman.

'Even on the eve of his 90th birthday Lali still saw himself as that dapper young man, the man he'd been before Auschwitz.

'He never lost that sense of himself.'

Jonah Hauer-King, who portrays Sokolov when he was an inmate, told the Mail's 週末 magazine:?'What drew me to the story is that you have two people 許すing love to 存在する in a place like that.

'I was taken in by their ability to show any sort of humanity.'?

The show 描写するs Morris's friendship with Lali in his final years. She is portrayed by Melanie Lynskey.??

Although her 2018 調書をとる/予約する was a bestseller, it did receive some 批評 from historians for its inaccuracies.

Critics pointed out that Morris had given Gita's character the tattoo number 34902, but the?Auschwitz 記念の 研究 中心 said this was incorrect.

Gita had 恐らく 証言するd herself that her number was 4562.? ?

Wanda Witek-Malicka, from the 中心, also said that Morrison's depiction of Auschwitz was based on 'exaggerations, misinterpretations and understatements.'?

Heather Morris's The Tattooist of Auschwitz

She 追加するd that Lali could not have given Gita penicillin for typhoid fever in 1943, because it was not 広範囲にわたって 利用できる until after the war.?

The new show's director, Tali Shalom-Ezer, said:?'When I read the scripts I felt like all the questions I had when I read the 調書をとる/予約する were answered.


'Lali only started to tell his story 60 years after he left Auschwitz and we know the nature of memory is that events can be jumbled up.?

'There were questions for me about how he felt about his special position. I'm glad we're getting to 調査する some of that.'

Keitel portrayed the older Sokolov with the help of prosthetics. His 外見 was so 納得させるing that Lali and Gita's son could not tell them apart.

He said: 'There were moments when I couldn't tell the difference between my father and Harvey.'?

The show was 発射 in Slovakia in 氷点の 条件s. A therapist was on 手渡す on the 始める,決める for the 星/主役にするs if they struggled with the 支配する 事柄.??

Hauer-King 追加するd: 'Often with these stories there's a sense of 終結 when the war ends, but that's not how these things work.

'These experiences are carried forever and passed on to the next 世代. It was important that we show that.'?

The Tattooist of Auschwitz begins 公表/放送 on Sky 大西洋 in the UK on May 2.??

The Nazis' 集中 and extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営s: The factories of death used to 虐殺(する) millions?

Auschwitz-Birkenau, 近づく the town of Oswiecim, in what was then 占領するd Poland

Auschwitz-Birkenau was a 集中 and extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営 used by the Nazis during the Second World War.?

The (軍の)野営地,陣営, which was 位置を示すd in Nazi-占領するd Poland, was made up of three main 場所/位置s.

Auschwitz I, the 初めの 集中 (軍の)野営地,陣営; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a 連合させるd 集中 and extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営 and Auschwitz III?Monowitz, a 労働 (軍の)野営地,陣営.

Auschwitz, pictured in 1945, was 解放するd by Soviet 軍隊/機動隊s onafter around 1.1million people were 殺人d at the Nazi extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営

An 概算の 1.3 million people were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, of whom at least 1.1 million died. Around 90 パーセント were Jews.

Since 1947, it has operated as Auschwitz-Birkenau 明言する/公表する Museum, which in 1979 was 指名するd a World 遺産 場所/位置 by Unesco.

Treblinka, 近づく a village of the same 指名する, outside Warsaw in Nazi-占領するd Poland

Unlike at other (軍の)野営地,陣営s, where some Jews were 割り当てるd to 軍隊d labor before 存在 killed, nearly all Jews brought to Treblinka were すぐに ガス/無駄話d to death.

Only a select few - mostly young, strong men, were spared from 即座の death and 割り当てるd to 維持/整備 work instead.

Unlike at other (軍の)野営地,陣営s, where some Jews were 割り当てるd to 軍隊d labor before 存在 killed, nearly all Jews brought to Treblinka were すぐに ガス/無駄話d to death

The death (死傷者)数 at Treblinka was second only to Auschwitz. In just 15 months of 操作/手術 - between July 1942 and October 1943 - between 700,000 and 900,000 Jews were 殺人d in its gas 議会s.

Exterminations stopped at the (軍の)野営地,陣営 after an 反乱 which saw around 200 囚人s escape. Around half of them were killed すぐに afterwards, but 70 are known to have 生き残るd until the end of the war

Belzec, 近づく the 駅/配置する of the same 指名する in Nazi-占領するd Poland

Belzec operated from March 1942 until the end of June 1943. It was built 特に as an extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営 as part of 操作/手術 Reinhard.?

ポーランドの(人), German, Ukrainian and Austrian Jews were all killed there. In total, around 600,000 people were 殺人d.

The (軍の)野営地,陣営 was 取り去る/解体するd in 1943 and the 場所/位置 was disguised as a 偽の farm.??

Belzec operated from March 1942 until the end of June 1943. It was built 特に as an extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営 as part of 操作/手術 Reinhard

Sobibor, 近づく the village of the same 指名する in Nazi-占領するd Poland

Sobibor was 指名するd after its closest train 駅/配置する, at which Jews disembarked from 極端に (人が)群がるd carriages, 自信のない of their 運命/宿命.?

Jews from Poland, フラン, Germany, the Netherlands and the Soviet Union were killed in three gas 議会s fed by the deadly ガス/煙s of a large 石油 engine taken from a 戦車/タンク.?

An 概算の 200,000 people were killed in the (軍の)野営地,陣営. Some estimations put the 人物/姿/数字 at 250,000.?

This would place Sobibor as the fourth worst extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営 - ーに関して/ーの点でs of number of deaths - after Belzec, Treblinka and Auschwitz.?

Sobibor was 指名するd after its closest train 駅/配置する, at which Jews disembarked from 極端に (人が)群がるd carriages, 自信のない of their 運命/宿命

The (軍の)野営地,陣営 was 位置を示すd about 50 miles from the 地方の ポーランドの(人) 資本/首都 of Brest-on-the-Bug. Its 公式の/役人 German 指名する was SS-Sonderkommando Sobibor.

囚人s 開始する,打ち上げるd a heroic escape on October 14 1943 in which 600 men, women and childre n 後継するd in crossing the (軍の)野営地,陣営's perimeter 盗品故買者.

Of those, only 50 managed to 避ける 逮捕(する). It is 不明瞭な how many crossed into 連合した 領土.

Chelmno (also known as Kulmhof), in Nazi-占領するd Poland

Chelmno was the first of Nazi Germany's (軍の)野営地,陣営s built 特に for extermination.?

It operated from December 1941 until April 1943 and then again from June 1944 until January 1945.?

Between 152,000 and 200,000 people, nearly all of whom were Jews, were killed there.??

Chelmno was the first of Nazi Germany's (軍の)野営地,陣営s built 特に for extermination. It operated from December 1941 until April 1943 and then again from June 1944 until January 1945

Majdanek (also known 簡単に as Lublin), built on 郊外s of city of Lublin in Nazi-占領するd Poland

Majdanek was 最初 ーするつもりであるd for 軍隊d 労働 but was 変えるd into an extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営 in 1942.?

It had seven gas 議会s 同様に as 木造の gallows where some 犠牲者s were hanged.

In total, it is believed that as many as 130,000 people were killed there.?

Majdanek (pictured in 2005) was 最初 ーするつもりであるd for 軍隊d 労働 but was 変えるd into an extermination (軍の)野営地,陣営 in 1942

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