The age when Gen Z say you are 適切に old is 明らかにする/漏らすd (and it puts Salma Hayek, マイク Tyson and Gordon Ramsay の中で the geriatrics)

  • Young people under the age of 27 believe old age 攻撃する,衝突するs you in your late 50s
  • One in five Boomers feel up to 20 years younger than their true age
  • Boomers are the most active 世代, spending four more hours outdoors?

Gen Z has 明らかにする/漏らすd what age they consider to be 'old'?― and it puts Salma Hayek, マイク Tyson and Gordan Ramsay の中で the geriatrics.

A total of 2,000 adults took part in the 熟考する/考慮する 最高潮の場面ing some of the (疑いを)晴らす generational differences, 特に between Gen Z (born 1997 to 2012) and Boomers (born 1946 to 1964).?

Young people under the age of 27 believe old age 攻撃する,衝突するs you in your late 50s,?with 退職 まず第一に/本来 伴う/関わるing sitting in an armchair (20 per cent) and 'pottering' around (16 per cent).

This would mean Gordan Ramsay, マイク Tyson and Salma Hayek are geriatric in the 注目する,もくろむs of the young at age 57.??

But Boomers believe 60 is the new 40,?with two thirds of 関係者s 説 they felt more youthful than they are.

One in five Boomers feel up to 20 years younger than their true age, によれば the 熟考する/考慮する, with a fifth (18 per cent) 説 they're having the time of their lives.

Boomers are the most active 世代, typically spending four more hours outdoors outside of work hours compared to young adults and Millennial 労働者s.

And they're most likely to enjoy travelling and 調査するing new places, and are more likely to spend time 演習ing (56 per cent) compared to 18-to-27-year-olds who were least likely (39 per cent ).

Actress Salma Hayek would be considered geriatric to Gen Zers who took part in the survey. She is 57-years-old and was born on September, 2, 1966

Actress Salma Hayek would be considered geriatric to Gen Zers who took part in the 調査する. She is 57-years-old and was born on September, 2, 1966

Chef Gordan Ramsay is also 57-years-old and would be considered old by Gen Z

Chef Gordan Ramsay is also 57-years-old and would be considered old by Gen Z

Professional boxer Mike Tyson is 57-years-old and would be considered geriatric to Gen Z, according to the survey

Professional boxer マイク Tyson is 57-years-old and would be considered geriatric to Gen Z, によれば the 調査する?

It also 現れるd 68 per cent of Boomers considered themselves an active individual, but 37 per cent were 制限するd from doing as much as they would like to 予定 to health problems and chronic 共同の 苦痛s.

A 広報担当者 from Wellsoon at Practice 加える Group, which (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d the 熟考する/考慮する, said: 'Older 世代s are 極端に active, and many older people are more active than some of their younger friends and family members - with almost half of younger people 説 存在 too busy with work and too tired held them 支援する from 存在 more active.

'Older people are getting the most out of 退職 and have reached an age where they're comfortable in their own 肌 and 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる their 団体/死体s and their health.

'Of all the 世代s, it was those 老年の 79 and older who most loved to have fun with friends.

'They aren't willing to 受託する that 共同の 苦痛 is something you have to put up with just because you're 'old'- they are going to see it as a bump in the road to be 打ち勝つ so they can enjoy many more happy and active years.'

Actress Halle Berry would be considered old at the age of 57 by Gen Z

Actress Halle Berry would be considered old at the age of 57 by Gen Z

When considering the meaning of 'ageing', a 4半期/4分の1 of Boomers associated it with not 存在 as healthy as you are when you're younger.

While 22 per cent of Millennials thought of it as losing your looks and your 外見 changing.

However, there is plenty of hope によれば the OnePoll data, with celebrities over 60 such as Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, and George Clooney 存在 the biggest inspirations for all age groups when it comes to ageing 井戸/弁護士席 and keeping active.

Globetrotter Michael Palin, turning 81 this week, is one of the most 奮起させるing celebrities to the Boomer and Silent 世代.

Boomers said it was when they 攻撃する,衝突する the age of 38 that they learned to 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる their 団体/死体, with 80 per cent feeling 感謝する for their physical wellbeing.

A 広報担当者 from Wellsoon at Practice 加える Group 追加するd: 'We've always known that people coming to us for hip and 膝 交替/補充s and hernia 修理 aren't doing so to get 支援する to their armchairs.

'They want to go dancing, cycling, 引き上げ(る)ing, they want to swim on holiday and run around in the park with their grandchildren.'

Brad Pitt would be considered old according to Gen Z. He is 60

Brad Pitt would be considered old によれば Gen Z. He is 60

Linda MacDonald, 74, from Chard, Somerset, recently 完全にするd her 117th 5km Park Run にもかかわらず having a 膝 交替/補充 last year.

She said: 'I was so worried I'd never run again after 外科. Before my 操作/手術 I thought my running days might be over,' says Linda, a retired teacher from Chard School.

'With the 協定 of her hospital team, she made a 漸進的な return, taking part in 週刊誌 fitness and 負わせる training classes to 強化する her muscles and taking to an electric bike to build up her fitness.

From short runs in her 地元の area, last Christmas Linda went 支援する to her beloved Parkrun in Taunton with her daughter and son-in-法律.

Sandra Bullock would be considered old according to Gen Z at 59-years-old

Sandra Bullock would be considered old によれば Gen Z at 59-years-old

'I feel I have been given a gift and a new start. I look to the 未来 and have always said I want to be running when I am 80. Running a 正規の/正選手 5K is part of my lifestyle, and I love the atmosphere of the Parkrun and racing against myself.

'My time is probably ten minutes slower than before my 外科, but I'll get there. I have a new 賃貸し(する) of life and can continue to do all the things I enjoy and have recently returned to playing ゴルフ!'