明らかにする/漏らすd: Meghan's 人気 with the British public remains 不変の, with just 25 per cent having a 肯定的な 見解(をとる) of the Duchess - while all other 王室のs enjoy rising 是認 ratings

Meghan Markle's 人気 with the British public remains 不変の, with just 25 per cent having a 肯定的な 見解(をとる) of the Duchess, a 調査する has 明らかにする/漏らすd.?

The 調査する, 行為/行うd for The Mail on Sunday, showed Meghan was the only member of the 王室の Family whose 是認 ratings did not rise since the King's 載冠(式)/即位(式) last May.?

一方/合間, the Princess of むちの跡s enjoyed the largest 上げる, with a jump of 10 per cent taking her to 69 per cent.?


Catherine has stepped away from the public 注目する,もくろむ since 存在 認める to hospital in January for major 復部の 外科, before discovering she had 癌.?

The princess has since undergone chemotherapy 治療 and has continued to step away from public 義務s as she 焦点(を合わせる)s on her 回復.?

Meghan Markle's 人気 with the British public remains 不変の, with just 25 per cent having a 肯定的な 見解(をとる) of the Duchess
The Prince and Princess of むちの跡s 証明するd to be the 共同の most popular members of the 王室の Family

The 大多数 of the public believe the palace has 株d enough (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about Catherine's health - after 憶測 about the 原因(となる) of her absence 循環させるd on social マスコミ before she 明らかにする/漏らすd she had 癌.?

Catherine and William, the Prince of むちの跡s, 証明するd to be the 共同の most popular members of the 王室の Family, with?69 per cent 是認 ratings.?

一方/合間, Harry (機の)カム third to last and Meghan was second from the 底(に届く), only 証明するing more popular than Prince Andrew, who received an 是認 率ing of 12 per cent.?Harry's 是認 is now at 31 per cent, while Meghan stayed put at 25 per cent.?

The 投票 of 2,116 adults was 行為/行うd by Ipsos for the Mail on Sunday.?

The 大多数 of the public - 56 per cent - believe King Charles is doing a good 職業 as 君主, compared to 49 per cent a year ago.?

Like Kate, Charles also stepped away from public 王室の 義務s after he was 診断するd with 癌 earlier this year.?

Charles looked overjoyed to be 支援する to public 義務s at the end April for the first time since his diagnosis, smiling and waving as he arrived at a hospital in London.

His Majesty ? who still has the 病気 and is を受けるing 治療 - visited the University College Hospital Macmillan 癌 Centre with his wife Queen Camilla, 会合 患者s and staff in his 役割 as the charity's patron.


Charles is keen that his 就任の 約束/交戦 since doctors gave him the all-(疑いを)晴らす to 再開する public events will raise 認識/意識性 of the importance of 早期に diagnosis.

William and Kate 証明するd to be the 共同の most popular members of the 王室の Family
King Charles pictured waving on the balcony of Buckingham Palace on the day of his 載冠(式)/即位(式)

But while the 排除的 分析 for the MoS will be welcomed at the Palace, it also hints at the challenges 直面するing the 君主国.?

に引き続いて the 熱狂的興奮状態 around the Princess of むちの跡s's edited Mother's Day photo, one in three of the 2,166 British adults 調査するd by Ipsos said they did not 信用 the 正確 of pictures 解放(する)d by the 王室の Family ? and young people were the most 懐疑的な.?

Gideon Skinner from the 投票ing 会社/堅い, told the Mail on Sunday: 'As the King returns to public 義務s he is 迎える/歓迎するd by a その上の 上げる in favourability ratings for himself and other 核心 members of the 王室の family.

'The question for the 君主国 is whether this is a short-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 改良 driven by a swell in public sympathy or whether it can be 持続するd ? 特に amon g younger 世代s where the 王室のs need to 焦点(を合わせる) their 約束/交戦 成果/努力.'

The 調査する also 明らかにする/漏らすs:

Some 60 per cent of Britons believe we should keep the 君主国, with 28 per cent preferring a 共和国;

The Prince and Princess of むちの跡s are the most popular members of the 王室の Family with 69 per cent 是認 ratings, while just one in eight give their 支援 to Prince Andrew;

There is an age divide, with one third of young people 説 it 'would be better' if the 君主国 was 廃止するd, compared with just one in six of older people;

Charles also stepped away from public 王室の 義務s after he was 診断するd with 癌
In March Kate 解放(する)d a ビデオ explaining she was having preventative chemotherapy after 癌 was 設立する in 実験(する)s

保守的な 投票者s are the most supportive of the 王室の Family, but King Charles noticeably has strong 支援 across the political spectrum.

Of all those 調査するd, 56 per cent said Charles was doing a good 職業 as King, a healthy 増加する of seven 百分率 points compared with April 2023.

He has also won over 投票者s of all (土地などの)細長い一片s, with 73 per cent of 保守的なs, 68 per cent of 自由主義の 民主党員s, and 49 per cent of 労働 投票者s agreeing he has done 'very' or '公正に/かなり' 井戸/弁護士席.

王室の 伝記作家 Hugo Vickers said: 'These results should be very 安心させるing for King Charles. Compared to 政治家,政治屋s, he is 井戸/弁護士席 ahead of the game.

'As 君主, he can 控訴,上告 to both 味方する s of the political spectrum and be a 代表者/国会議員 of the country who doesn't have to climb the greasy 政治家 of politics and has a 確かな modesty because he's there by 運命/宿命.'

Queen Camilla's 人気 ? based on the number of people who said they had 'favourable' 見解(をとる)s of her ? has 増加するd to 43 per cent, from 38 per cent in a 類似の Ipsos 投票 last April.

The public are still divided on her 肩書を与える, with the 大多数, 35 per cent, thinking she should be 'Queen Consort'.

READ MORE:?King Charles pictured leaving Sunday Service in Gloucestershire まっただ中に 恐れるs 列/漕ぐ/騒動 with Prince Andrew could be re-点火(する)d by photos of 崩壊するing 王室の 宿泊する where the Duke of York lives

But the 割合 who 認可する of 'Queen Camilla' has grown from just 14 per cent last year, によれば a 調査する by Deltapoll, to 25 per cent now.

Mr Vickers said: 'If we were to えり抜く the 星/主役にするs, Queen Camilla has come out of this year 絶対 brilliantly. At the age of nearly 77 she has been the 前線 直面する of the 君主国.


'Who'd have thought it, Mrs Parker Bowles 分配するing the Maundy money?

'She's been running the extra mile, and you have to remember her work behind the scenes 上げるing the King's 意気込み/士気.'

The Prince and Princess of むちの跡s are the most popular 王室のs, with 69 per cent of the public having a 肯定的な impression of them both 個々に.

This is a rise on last year's Ipsos 調査する, from 61 per cent for William and 59 per cent for Kate.

王室の author Margaret 支えるもの/所有者 said: 'There is enormous sympathy for Kate after her 癌 diagnosis and for William too, who is trying to 対処する with this awful period for them as a couple and as parents of young children.

'But even before this, as Prince and Princess of むちの跡s they 生成するd a lot of 人気 for the 君主国 and were seen to be 関連した with their (選挙などの)運動をするs...

'In a visual age, it helps that they are an extraordinarily photogenic family ? the 直面する of the 未来.'

Princess Anne, often 賞賛するd for her work ethic and no-nonsense 態度, continues to be held in high regard, with 64 per cent having a good impression of her, up from 59 per cent last year.

After the 解放(する) of Netflix's 演劇 Scoop, which portrayed the Duke of York's 悲惨な 2019 Newsnight interview, Andrew is the least popular 王室の, with just 12 per cent of the public liking him.?

The Sussexes continue to languish 近づく the 底(に届く) of the 最高位のs, with just 25 per cent having a 肯定的な 見解(をとる) of Meghan and 31 per cent liking Harry.


But the couple are more popular with young people, with 49 per cent of 18- to 34-year-olds 見解(をとる)ing the Prince as 'favourable' compared to 18 per cent of 55- to 75-year-olds.

For Meghan, the 類似の 人物/姿/数字s are 42 per cent against 12 per cent. One in three think Harry, who is fifth in line to the 王位, should become a 十分な-time 王室の on a 一時的な basis while the King and the Princess of むちの跡s 苦しむ with their health.

It comes as the Prince 準備するs to visit Britain this week for the tenth 周年記念日 of his Invictus Games, 誘発するing 憶測 as to whether he will have a 会合 with his father.

More popular are Eugenie and Beatrice, with just over 40 per cent supporting their return to 王室の 義務s.

Mr Vickers said of the Princesses: 'I think the Palace really せねばならない use them. They're very 井戸/弁護士席 brought up, have university degrees and do charity work.' Far より小数の ? 16 per cent ? would welcome their father Andrew 支援する into the 倍の.

In heartening news for Palace 補佐官s, nearly 70 per cent said the 王室の Family had 解放(する)d 'the 権利 量' of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about the King's health and 65 per cent felt the same for Kate.

In January, Buckingham Palace 明らかにする/漏らすd the King was having 治療 for an 大きくするd prostate and in February said he had an 明示していない type of 癌.

By contrast, Kensington Palace 明らかにする/漏らすd the Princess of むちの跡s was in hospital only after her 'planned 復部の 手続き' was 完全にするd in January.


共謀 theories soon whipped around the world, and in March Kate 解放(する)d a ビデオ explaining she was having preventative chemotherapy after 癌 was 設立する in 実験(する)s.

王室の commentator Richard Palmer, who has 報告(する)/憶測d on the Windsors for 20 years, said: 'I think the 王室の Family should be 安心させるd by the results of this 調査する.

It shows they have 可決する・採択するd the 権利 戦略 in 取引,協定ing with this 前例のない health 危機.' Exposing the challenging path ahead, one third of the public does not 信用 the 正確 of pictures 解放(する)d by the 王室の Family.

There is a generational divide, with 44 per cent of 18- to 34-year-olds 説 they 'do not 信用' the 有効性,効力 of photos 株d by the 王室のs, compared with just 20 per cent of 55- to 74-year-olds.

But Mr Palmer said: 'I don't think the 王室の Family should be too 関心d that young people are いっそう少なく 信用ing of images they 株. I 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う it is a result of that 世代's 疑惑 of all (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from 公式の/役人 sources.'

にもかかわらず much handwringing about the 衝撃 of The 栄冠を与える, only 37 per cent of the country has seen the 議論の的になる Netflix show.

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