EXCLUSIVE: Mistress for whom Chris ワットs 殺人d his wife and children 'is STILL in touch with him' three years after changing her 指名する and going into hiding

  • Chris ワットs 明らかにする/漏らすd his mistress Nichol Kessinger wrote to him inside the Dodge Correctional 会・原則 in Wisconsin, under her new 指名する
  • Kessinger, 32, took on a new 身元 and moved from her home in Arvada, Colorado, after ワットs was 逮捕(する)d for 殺人ing his family?
  • Fellow inmate David Carter made the 発覚 in an 排除的 interview with DailyMail.com
  • 'He told me she said that she needed to speak to him to (疑いを)晴らす some things up,' Carter said. 'He wouldn't tell me 正確に/まさに what she had said.'?
  • Carter said that ワットs, 35, first told him Kessinger was 令状ing to him in September 2020
  • ワットs (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that 刑務所,拘置所 当局 discovered what was happening and punished him by 一時停止するing his email account carefully 監視するing all his mail?
  • ワットs?is 現在/一般に serving five life 宣告,判決s 加える 48 years in 刑務所,拘置所 without the 可能性 of 仮釈放(する) for the 殺人s of his 妊娠している wife and two daughters?