Don't be a stranger! 再燃するing old friendships can be as scary as making new ones, 熟考する/考慮する finds

  • The 大多数 of people are hesitant to 再燃する past friendships
  • They 恐れる that it would be 'too ぎこちない' or their 成果/努力s would be rebuffed

Most of us have an old friend we've somehow lost touch with over the years.

But reaching out to an old pal is as scary as striking up a new friendship with a stranger, によれば new 研究.

専門家s have discovered that the 大多数 of people are hesitant to 再燃する past friendships over 恐れる that it would be 'too ぎこちない' or their 成果/努力s would be rebuffed.

But they said 生き返らせるing pre-存在するing 関係s could 供給する a 重要な source of happiness ? 特に during a time when more people are feeling disconnected.

The team, from the University of Sussex and Simon Fraser University in Canada, carried out seven different 熟考する/考慮するs 伴う/関わるing nearly 2,500 関係者s.

Experts have discovered that the majority of people are hesitant to rekindle past friendships over fear that it would be 'too awkward' or their efforts would be rebuffed (stock image)

専門家s have discovered that the 大多数 of people are hesitant to 再燃する past friendships over 恐れる that it would be 'too ぎこちない' or their 成果/努力s would be rebuffed (在庫/株 image)

READ MORE: The Mean Girls 影響: Women enjoy it when their friends are 汚い に向かって people they dislike, 熟考する/考慮する finds

A study may provide some insight as to why some women gravitate towards friendship groups that emanate Regina George (second right) and her notorious 'Plastics'

A 熟考する/考慮する may 供給する some insight as to why some women gravitate に向かって friendship groups that emanate Regina George (second 権利) and her 悪名高い 'Plastics'


They 診察するd people's 態度s に向かって reconnecting with lapsed friendships, the 障壁s and 推論する/理由s for doing so, and whether 的d 介入s could encourage people to send a message to an old friend.

分析 明らかにする/漏らすd that 90 per cent of people had lost touch with someone they still care about, yet 70 per cent said they felt 中立の or even 消極的な about the idea of reaching out ? even when they still felt 温かく about the friendship.

One 熟考する/考慮する showed that even when 関係者s 手配中の,お尋ね者 to reconnect, thought the friend would be appreciative, had their 接触する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and were given time to 草案 and send a message, only about a third 現実に sent it.

全体にわたる they 設立する that people were as 気が進まない to reach out to an old friend as they were to strike up a conversation with a stranger or even 選ぶ up rubbish.

The 最高の,を越す 報告(する)/憶測d 障壁s 含むd 恐れるs that an old friend might not want to hear from them, that it would be 'too ぎこちない after all this time', and feeling 有罪の.

Dr Gillian Sandstrom, 上級の lecturer in the psychology of 親切 at the University of Sussex, said: 'We live in a time when people are more and more disconnected, and have より小数の の近くに friends than they used to in years past.

'And this is にもかかわらず the multitude of modern-day communication channels 利用できる to us.

Reviving pre-existing relationships could provide a key source of happiness ? especially during a time when more people are feeling disconnected (stock image)

生き返らせるing pre-存在するing 関係s could 供給する a 重要な source of happiness ? 特に during a time when more people are feeling disconnected (在庫/株 image)?

'With 研究 finding that it takes more than 200 hours of 接触する to turn a new 知識 into a の近くに friend, we 手配中の,お尋ね者 to find out if and why people were overlooking another pathway to meaningful 関係: 生き返らせるing pre-存在するing の近くに friendships.'

As part of the 熟考する/考慮する the 研究員s also 実験(する)d 的d 介入s ? and 設立する that when people practiced social 関係 with 現在の friends, they became more likely to feel more 確信して about reaching out to an old pal.

Professor Lara Aknin, from Simon Fraser University, said: 'We know from 10年間s of 研究 that social 関係s are a 重要な source of happiness and meaning in our lives.

'We hope these findings 誘発する other people to send that first message to someone that they 行方不明になる in their lives.'

The findings were published in the 定期刊行物 Nature Communications Psychology.