'This magical work of art is part Willy Wonka, part Big Lebowski, and 全く unlike anywhere else.'

So says the Airbnb 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing for The Bloomhouse, a 'fairytale escape' nestled in the 支持を得ようと努めるd of West Lake Hills in Austin, Texas.

The home was created in the 1970s by, as the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing says, 'some hippies and a dream'.?Dalton Bloom, its 初めの owner and namesake, (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d his friend and architect student Charles Harker as the designer. Together, they spent 11 years in the hills of Austin 完全にするing the whimsical structure.?

The result is difficult to 述べる. Even Charles has never 認める what the 1,100 sq ft (102 sq m) space is 奮起させるd by, though its Airbnb 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing に例えるs it to a '巨大(な) seashell unicorn'.?

The Bloomhouse (above) was created in the 1970s and took 11 years to complete. Located in the West Lake Hills in Austin, Texas, it now operates as a rental property

The Bloomhouse (above) was created in the 1970s and took 11 years to 完全にする. 位置を示すd in the West Lake Hills in Austin, Texas, it now operates as a 賃貸しの 所有物/資産/財産?

The listing describes it as a 'magical work of art' and 'totally unlike anywhere else in the world'

The 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing 述べるs it as a 'magical work of art' and '全く unlike anywhere else in the world'

It 代表するs the 'symbiotic interaction of man and nature', によれば its website.?'Its 有機の 形態/調整, rising from the earth, mimics the flow of the 空気/公表する, the curve of the 勝利,勝つd, and the gentle rise and 落ちる of nature's melody,' it 追加するs.

The methods and 構成要素s used to 建設する The Bloomhouse were as unique as the 概念.

Charles began by making basic 形態/調整s from steel 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s. He coated it in 層s of polyurethane 泡,激怒すること and used a 手渡す-held pruning saw to sculpt the curves. He then finished the structure with 層s of 固める/コンクリート stucco inside and out.?

The design is intended to represent the 'interaction of man and nature'

The design is ーするつもりであるd to 代表する the 'interaction of man and nature'

The architect has never admitted what the shape is inspired by. But the Airbnb listing describes it as a 'giant seashell unicorn'. The above image shows the entrance to the property

The architect has never 認める what the 形態/調整 is 奮起させるd by. But the Airbnb 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing 述べるs it as a '巨大(な) seashell unicorn'. The above image shows the 入り口 to the 所有物/資産/財産

The Bloomhouse 内部の is as striking as the outside.

It was 述べるd by 地元の Austin magazine?Tribeza?as 'like 落ちるing 負かす/撃墜する the rabbit 穴を開ける in Alice in Wonderland - mesmerizing and 幻覚的な'.?

It features cherry 支持を得ようと努めるd accents, 棚上げにするs and 閣僚s that are carefully carved into the dwelling's natural 形態/調整s.

There is not a 選び出す/独身 straight line or corner in the 所有物/資産/財産. Each room seamlessly connects to the next. The bathroom door is the only 分離.?

Although the structure received 承認 upon its 初期の construction, it fell into disrepair in the 1980s. That was until 2017 when David and Susan Claunch 購入(する)d the 所有物/資産/財産 and saved it from abandonment.?

The interior of The Bloomhouse has been described as 'like falling down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland'

The 内部の of The Bloomhouse has been 述べるd as 'like 落ちるing 負かす/撃墜する the rabbit 穴を開ける in Alice in Wonderland'

The furniture is carefully carved into the property's natural shapes
The bathroom door is the only barrier in the entire house

The furniture is carefully carved into the 所有物/資産/財産's natural 形態/調整s.?The bathroom door is the only 障壁 in the entire house

There is not a single straight line or corner in the property. Each room seamlessly connects to the next

There is not a 選び出す/独身 straight line or corner in the 所有物/資産/財産. Each room seamlessly connects to the next

The pair spent 18 months renovating the 所有物/資産/財産 and put it online for 賃貸しの in 2019. It sleeps four guests and 誇るs a 私的な patio, a balcony and 見解(をとる)s of downtown Austin.

The space is now 利用できる for long and short-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 let by Austin company Lodgewell and is often 調書をとる/予約するd up for weeks at a time. Its?Airbnb?名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing says: 'When you stay at The Bloomhouse, you are entering a place where 魔法 can and will happen.

'At The Bloomhouse, you leave behind the 限定するs of modernity and the 支配するs of logic, to l ive only in whimsy. We are alive in a fairytale of our own making. Let the story begin.'

But experiencing the 魔法 doesn't come cheap. A night in The Bloomhouse starts at $400 (£315).

To 調書をとる/予約する a stay visit?www.airbnb.co.uk or?www.booklodgewell.co/The-Bloomhouse/.