Most ぎこちない celebrity interviews EVER: After Cara Delevingne's toe-curling F1 gaffe, a look 支援する at some VERY frosty 交流s from Gwyneth Paltrow's 'unpleasant' 雑談(する) to Oliver Reid's After Dark 炉心溶融

Cara Delevingne went viral for all the wrong 推論する/理由s after she 辞退するd to speak to ツバメ Brundle during his 決まり文句/製法 One 'grid walk' at the British Grand Prix.

ツバメ, 64, a former racing driver turned Sky Sports 放送者, was covering the live 活動/戦闘 from Silverstone?when the model snubbed his request for a 雑談(する).

Of course this is far from the first in a slew of?frosty and shocking interview 交流s, from Tom 巡航する 告発する/非難するing a reporter of 'crossing the line' to Gwyneth Paltrow 存在 (刑事)被告 of 存在 'unpleasant' by a 深い尊敬の念を抱くd 新聞記者/雑誌記者.

While celebrities usually receive rigorous マスコミ training before 乗る,着手するing on 宣伝の 小旅行するs, there are still occasions when they 結局最後にはーなる losing their 冷静な/正味の.?

Now, MailOnline takes a look 支援する at some of the most memorable and ぎこちない interview 交流s ever.?< /p>

Cara Delevingne's 決まり文句/製法 One 無視する,冷たく断わる?

Awkward!?Cara Delevingne went viral for all the wrong reasons after she refused to speak to Martin Brundle during his Formula One 'grid walk' at the British Grand Prix

ぎこちない!?Cara Delevingne went viral for all the wrong 推論する/理由s after she 辞退するd to speak to ツバメ Brundle during his 決まり文句/製法 One 'grid walk' at the British Grand Prix

Model Cara was one of a slew of 星/主役にするs who 長,率いるd to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix last month.

(映画の)フィート数 showed ツバメ?Brundle approaching the supermodel with a Sky Sports F1 microphone before he?was quickly told by an 補佐官 that 'she doesn't want to talk'.

Unperturbed, the racer-turned-放送者 was 明確に keen to get his 雑談(する) anyway, 説: 'That's the 取引,協定 now, everybody 会談 on the grid,' to which Cara 答える/応じるd: 'I can't hear anything, sorry,' as the Red Arrows roared 総計費.

The supermodel gave a curt 'no', shaking her 長,率いる, before repeating 'n o' again.

明確に 失望させるd, ツバメ told her: 'The 取引,協定 is everybody has to speak on the grid...'

Unimpressed, he?replied with more than a hint of sarcasm, telling テレビ視聴者s: 'Okay, 井戸/弁護士席, I'm sure it would have been 極端に 利益/興味ing,' at which point the model 申し込む/申し出d a thumb's up to the camera.

Later in the day, Cara took to Twitter to 申し込む/申し出 a その上の 返答 to the interaction.

She reposted a tweet which read: 'At this point, ツバメ Brundle is just doing it to 製造(する) the moment for the 論争 of it all.?

'You can 明確に see the PR rep tell him 'no' and shake his 長,率いる when he goes up に向かって Cara Delevingne.?He had an out and he chose not to take it to make a 声明.'

Cara 追加するd: 'I was told to say no so I did. Thank you for seeing both 味方するs xxx.'

Gwyneth Paltrow's 'unpleasant' 雑談(する)

Awkward:?In March 2023, it emerged that Gwyneth Paltrow had rubbed revered journalist Dylan Jones up the wrong way in a 1999 interview

ぎこちない:?In March 2023, it 現れるd that Gwyneth Paltrow had rubbed 深い尊敬の念を抱くd 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Dylan Jones up the wrong way in a 1999 interview?

In March 2023, it 現れるd that Gwyneth Paltrow had rubbed 深い尊敬の念を抱くd 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Dylan Jones up the wrong way when she 辞退するd to 認める his presence and 申し込む/申し出d 'monosyllabic' answers to questions.

The 出来事/事件 took place in the Nineties while Gwyneth was working on Shakespeare in Love but the 交流 was so ぎこちない that Dylan still remembers it now, みなすing her 'not pleasant'.

Gwyneth - who has been scrutinised over her 行為/行う during her ski 衝突,墜落 裁判,公判 - 報道によれば did not 迎える/歓迎する Dylan or 認める his presence.

令状ing in The Times,?he 解任するd: 'In the space of a few seconds she managed to let me know that this wasn't going to be a nice experience for either of us. And it wasn't.'

Dylan said of her then-boyfriend?Ben Affleck who was also in the room, that he 'stood up, smiled, shook my 手渡す and was perfectly pleasant. But not his girlfriend', 追加するing that the actress 'gave a good impression of someone who'd rather be 選ぶing skewers out of her eyeballs than talking to me.'

He also 公式文書,認めるd that 70 パーセント of the feedback he received was 消極的な, with one 乗組員 member going as far to say that she 'looked like a snotty so-and-so.'?

Tom 巡航する?loses his temper over Nicole Kidman question?

Scary: An infamous interview in which Tom Cruise (pictured) snapped at and stared down journalist Peter Overton has gone viral 17 years after it first aired
Pictured: 60 Minutes reporter Peter Overton

Scary: An 悪名高い interview in which Tom 巡航する (left) snapped at and 星/主役にするd 負かす/撃墜する 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Peter Overton (権利) has gone viral 17 years after it first 空気/公表するd

While Tom 巡航する is often labelled a 'nice guy' to interview and always has time to 雑談(する) with fans, he wasn't able to keep his 冷静な/正味の in a 2005 interview with?60 Minutes.?

Speaking to Australian 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Peter Overton, the Hollywood actor 怒って told the presenter to 'put your manners 支援する in' after he was asked about ex-wife Nicole Kidman.?

In the interview, which took place four years after the couple's 離婚, Tom was asked, 'Is Nicole the love of your life?'

The Golden Globe 勝利者, who looked flustered, 答える/応じるd, 'What do you mean, Pe ter? How do you answer that question?'

Then when asked what sort of 関係 the former couple still had, Tom lost his 冷静な/正味の, telling the Nine reporter: 'You're stepping over the line now. You're stepping over the line, and you know you are.'

He then 星/主役にするd coolly at Peter, until the 新聞記者/雑誌記者 explained, 'I suppose they're questions that people want to know...'.

However Tom 削減(する) him off, 説, 'Peter. Peter. You want to know. Take 責任/義務 for what you want to know.'

'So, I'm just telling you 権利 now, okay, just put your manners 支援する in.'

The clip ended with a quick 陳謝 from Peter.

Peter spoke about the 脅迫してさせるing interview during a 2020 雑談(する) with The Kyle and Jackie O Show.

無線で通信する host Kyle Sandilands asked: 'What were you thinking 支援する then? When you're 存在 rubbished on camera by Tom 巡航する? Are you thinking to yourself, how do I look respectful, but also still in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of the interview?'

Peter explained: 'I just 持続するd who I am, and I didn't get angry. He did. And I just kept true to myself and said it's a fair question.'

'I 持つ/拘留する no ill will に向かって Tom. It was one of those moments,' he 追加するd.

He went on to say that he tried to smooth things over with Tom after the interview, but felt わずかに taken aback by the whole experience.

Grace Jones SLAPS a talk show host?

Ouch:?While Grace Jones is known for her unpredictable interview style no one could have foreseen her attacking talk show host Russell Harty in 1981

Ouch:?While Grace Jones is known for her 予測できない interview style no one could have foreseen her attacking talk show host Russell Harty in 1981

While Grace Jones is known for her 予測できない interview style?no one could have foreseen her attacking a talk show host in 1981.?

The model was left infuriated when?Russell Harty continually turned his 支援する on her while speaking to other guests, resulting in Grace reaching out and slapping him continuously.??

令状ing about the 出来事/事件 in?her autobiography, she 非難するd the 爆発 on a combination of bad coke, hallucinations, and 存在 covered in pigeon excrement.

She penned: 'Bad coke was the last thing I 手配中の,お尋ね者 before I went on a live television show. The purest form, maybe, but anything else was not going into my 団体/死体.?

'I was meant to sit next to Russell Harty and keep still and 静かな. I was all dressed up like an Amazonian seductress, and 扱う/治療するd like the 雇うd help. I thought, 'This is no way to 扱う/治療する a guest.' This wasn't at all like what we'd rehearsed.?

'存在 stuck there while he ignored me made me feel very uncomfortable. I felt I was 刺激するd. I was feeling exhausted, had no idea where I was, and was coated in pigeon s**t; now it seemed I was hallucinating that I was on a live 雑談(する) show and the host was ignoring me. P***ed off, I poked him in the 支援する.'?

She 追加するd: 'I wasn't attacking him because I was drunk or 石/投石するd. I was 攻撃するing out because I felt he was not 存在 proper.?

'You can see if you watch it. I am 存在 極度の慎重さを要する rather than unruly.'

Dakota Johnson 告発する/非難するs Ellen DeGeneres of LYING?

Oh dear:?Dakota Johnson became an internet sensation back in 2019 when she publicly called out Ellen DeGeneres during an incredibly awkward interview

Oh dear:?Dakota Johnson became an internet sensation 支援する in 2019 when she 公然と called out Ellen DeGeneres during an incredibly ぎこちない interview?

Dakota Johnson became an internet sensation 支援する in 2019 when she 公然と called out Ellen DeGeneres during an incredibly ぎこちない interview.

In the 交流, Ellen 試みる/企てるd to 取調べ/厳しく尋問する Dakota for not 招待するing her to her birthday party, only for the actress to 堅固に 訂正する her.

When the talk show host について言及するd she wasn't 招待するd to Dakota's 30th birthday, the 50 Shades actress replied: '現実に no. That's not the truth, Ellen. You were 招待するd.

'Last time I was on the show last year, you gave me a bunch of s**t about not 招待するing you, but I didn't even know you 手配中の,お尋ね者 to be 招待するd. I didn't even know you liked me!'

An ぎこちない Ellen 答える/応じるd:?'You knew I liked you. You've been on the show many times.'?

She then 追加するd in a fluster:? 'I was 招待するd? Why didn't I go? Oh yeah, I had a thing. It was probably in Malibu. That's too far for me to go - I think I do remember I was 招待するd. But I really didn't remember that until just now.'

The moment was later 言及/関連d by Drew Barrymore on her talk show as Dakota について言及するd the fact that she never gets 招待するd to?Jimmy Kimmel's parties にもかかわらず living 負かす/撃墜する the road from him.

Drew said:??'Is this for real? Because people have gotten in trouble for (人命などを)奪う,主張するing [about] not 存在 招待するd to your parties... amazing, by the way. Like, amazing.'

Oliver Reed's 大混乱/混沌とした After Dark 雑談(する)

Chaos!?Known as the 'hellraiser,' it was no surprise that Oliver's appearance on the late night Channel 4 series After Dark in 1991 would become one of the most memorable in TV history

大混乱!?Known as the 'hellraiser,' it was no surprise that Oliver's 外見 on the late night Channel 4 series After Dark in 1991 would become one of the most memorable in TV history

Shocking!?The live show was pulled from the air during Reed's outbursts, and the programme was cancelled in 1991

Shocking!?The live show was pulled from the 空気/公表する during Reed's 爆発s, and the programme was cancelled in 1991

Known as the 'hellraiser,' it was no surprise that Oliver's 外見 on the late night Channel 4 series After Dark in 1991 would become one of the most memorable in TV history.

The actor was 招待するd to discuss the 問題/発行する of 'Do men have to be violent?' と一緒に seven other 星/主役にするs.?

Fuelled by alcohol, Reed called the feminist 行動主義者 Kate Millet 'big t*s', kissed her on the cheek, and rambled on about the dynamic between men and women.

When asked for his thoughts on an 乱用d wife who 削減(する) off her husband's penis, Oliver said: 'I said to my missus ''If I put my plonker on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, I won't take it off unless you give me my mushy peas.''?

The live show was pulled from the 空気/公表する during Reed's 爆発s, and the programme was cancelled in 1991.

Robert Downey Jr walks out on 'parasite' Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Bye:?Robert Downey Jr stormed out of an interview with Channel 4's Krishnan Guru-Murthy after he was asked about his childhood and past drug use

Bye:?Robert Downey Jr 嵐/襲撃するd out of an interview with Channel 4's Krishnan Guru-Murthy after he was asked about his childhood and past 麻薬 use

Robert Downey Jr 嵐/襲撃するd out of an interview with Channel 4's Krishnan Guru-Murthy after he was asked about his childhood and past 麻薬 use.

The Marvel 星/主役にする was 促進するing?his new movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron, in 2015 when he got 感情を害する/違反するd by the line of 尋問 and 辞退するd to answer anything else.?

He had been on good form when the 交流 started but could be seen getting visibly uncomfortable when Krishnan began asking about his long-征服する/打ち勝つd personal demons.

特に, Krishnan was asked to explain a comment in a 2010 interview with the New York Times, in which he said: 'You can't go from a $2,000-a-night 控訴 at La しん気楼 to a 刑務所 and really understand it and come out a 自由主義の.'

答える/応じるing, Robert said: 'I could 選ぶ that apart for two hours and be no closer to the truth than giving you some half-arsed answer 権利 now. I couldn't even tell you what a 自由主義の is.'

But when asked about his 関係 with his father Robert got up and 宣言するd: 'I'm sorry, I really don't... what are we doing?' before walking out of the interview.

Seemingly amused with the reaction, Krishan smiled and quipped to the camera: 'It's all getting a bit Diane Sawyer [a U.S. 新聞記者/雑誌記者 known for her 侵入するing interviews].'

Robert was still furious about the 交流 days later, branding the British 新聞記者/雑誌記者 a?'底(に届く)-feeding muckraker' in an interview?on Howard 厳しい's 無線で通信する show, 説 that he wished he had walked out of it sooner.

He told Howard: 'I'm one of those guys who I'm always assuming the social decorum is in play, and that we're 促進するing a superhero movie, a lot of kids are going to see it, and that just has nothing to do with your creepy dark 協議事項 that I'm feeling, like, all of a sudden ashamed and obligated to 融通する your weirdo s**t.'

He went on to recount how he felt during the interview, 説: ''You know what? You are weirding me out. You are a 底(に届く)-feeding muckraker.'?

'My heart was (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing in my chest because this was the first interview of the day. What do you think ? are you in Kumbaya land?

Krishnan 辞退するd to 支援する 負かす/撃墜する, however, telling the 後見人: 'We don't do 宣伝の interviews on Channel 4 News.

'We agree with PR people that 同様に as talking about a new movie for a while we want to ask wider 範囲ing questions on 比較して serious topics, and we don't 保証(人) to run any answers in particular.'

Taylor Swift shoots a death 星/主役にする?

Awkward:?Taylor Swift made her feelings very clear at the 2015 Grammys when talk turned from the awards show to her love life

ぎこちない:?Taylor Swift made her feelings very (疑いを)晴らす at the 2015 Grammys when talk turned from the awards show to her love life?

Taylor Swift made her feelings very (疑いを)晴らす at the 2015 Grammys when talk turned from the awards show to her love life.?

The singer had been labelled a serial dater 予定 to her high profile romances with the likes of?Harry Styles and Jake Gyllenhaal.?

圧力(をかける)ing into this line of 尋問,?Entertainment Tonight host Nancy O'Dell made a joke about the singer's love life when she grabbed her for a red carpet 雑談(する).

'You're going to walk away with more than a トロフィー tonight, I think, lots of men,' Nancy told Taylor.

For a moment there was only an ぎこちない silence from Taylor, who 簡単に glared at her interviewer, before she said:?'I'm not going to walk home with any men tonight.'

She then 追加するd, 'I'm going to hang out with my friends, and then I go home to the cats...?Men get me into trouble!'

Taylor later spoke about the fascination surrounding her love life, telling Vogue: 'You know, I went out on a normal 量 of dates in my 早期に 20s, and I got 絶対 虐殺(する)d for it.?

'And it took a lot of hard work and altering my 決定/判定勝ち(する)-making. I didn't date f or two and a half years. Should I have had to do that? No.'

Samuel L Jackson wades into race 列/漕ぐ/騒動?

Blunder: Entertainment anchor Sam Rubin confused Samuel L. Jackson with Laurence Fishburne on live TV, making for an incredibly awkward interview

失敗: Entertainment 錨,総合司会者 Sam Rubin 混乱させるd Samuel L. Jackson with Laurence Fishburne on live TV, making for an incredibly ぎこちない interview

Samuel L Jackson was left in a 明言する/公表する of 不信 when an KTLA entertainment 錨,総合司会者 混乱させるd him with Laurence Fishburne in 2014.

During the interview, presenter Sam Rubin asked Samuel, who was appearing on the show from Atlanta to discuss his new movie RoboCop, about his 最近の 最高の Bowl 商業の.

Looking 混乱させるd, Samuel 答える/応じるd 'what 最高の Bowl 商業の?' and was met with a 簡潔な/要約する silence.?

The penny then dropped as the presenter realised that Laurence had starred in a 最高の Bowl advert that year, not Samuel.?

The Snakes On A 計画(する) 星/主役にする quickly 選ぶd up on the error and pointed?his finger 怒って, as he 明言する/公表するd: 'you see, you're as crazy as the people on Twitter. I'm not Laurence Fishburne!'?

Sam chuckled uncomfortably, repeating, 'that's my fault, I know that, my mistake,' while 持つ/拘留するing his 手渡すs up in 降伏する, but Samuel continued his tirade as he scoffed:?'We don't all look alike! We may all be 黒人/ボイコット and famous but we don't all look alike.'

He went on to 公式文書,認める: 'You're the entertainment reporter? You're the entertainment reporter for this 駅/配置する and you don't know the difference between me and Laurence Fishburne?

'There must be a very short line for your 職業!'?

He later lightened the?mood わずかに by joking about the さまざまな 広告s he, Laurence and even Morgan Freeman have starred in, to 明らかにする to entertainment reporter just which '黒人/ボイコット guy' he was.

Jeremy Strong is '裁判官d and shamed' over Succession 引用するs?

Oops:?Succession star Jeremy Strong baffled fans when he was quoted in The New Yorker saying he didn't see his hit show as a comedy - a revelation that baffled his peers

Oops:?Succession 星/主役にする Jeremy Strong baffled fans when he was 引用するd in The New Yorker 説 he didn't see his 攻撃する,衝突する show as a comedy - a 発覚 that baffled his peers?

Succession 星/主役にする Jeremy Strong baffled fans when he was 引用するd in The New Yorker 説 he didn't see his 攻撃する,衝突する show as a comedy - a 発覚 that baffled his peers.?

He was ひどく mocked for the profile, which showcased his 'method 事実上の/代理' 傾向s, with the piece starting with a 引用する about his character Kendall Roy: 'I take him as 本気で as I take my own life.'

It also discussed his childhood 事実上の/代理 idols - all of whom are 悪名高い for going 広大な/多数の/重要な lengths to portray their characters - Daniel Day 吊りくさび, Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman.??

His co-星/主役にする Kieran Culkin and (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 生産者 Adam McKay were 引用するd in the piece, with the latter 説: 'He's not playing it like a comedy. He's playing it like he's Hamlet.'?

The piece was 広範囲にわたって mocked at the time, and Jeremy later said it was?'15 minutes of shame, with a long tail. I hadn't felt 裁判官d like that in a very long time.'?

However, he was keen to iterate that he 耐えるs no ill will to his 同僚s for their part in the piece or their comments critiquing his techniques.

He said: 'Everyone's する権利を与えるd to have their feelings. I also think Brian Cox, for example, he's earned the 権利 to say whatever the f**k he wants.

'There was no need to 演説(する)/住所 that or do 損失 支配(する)/統制する… I feel a lot of love for my siblings and my father on the show.

'And it's like a family in the sense that, and I'm sure they would say this, too, you don't always like the people that you love. I do always 尊敬(する)・点 them.'

反映するing on when he felt fully over the profile, he said: 'If anything, I was worried - could it have 害(を与える)d how I feel about doing what I do? And that 肉親,親類d of haunted me for a while.'

Joan Rivers brands?Brigitte Nielsen a c***

See you:?Brigitte Nielsen was so offended by Joan Rivers' line of questioning on her chat show that she stormed out not just once, but twice

See you:?Brigitte Nielsen was so 感情を害する/違反するd by Joan Rivers' line of 尋問 on her 雑談(する) show that she 嵐/襲撃するd out not just once, but twice

Brigitte Nielsen was so 感情を害する/違反するd by Joan Rivers' line of 尋問 on her 雑談(する) show that she 嵐/襲撃するd out not just once, but twice.?

The pair were filming?The Joan Rivers Position in 2005 when things quickly took a turn and the conversation became frosty.?

An audience member said: 'Joan was bitching about some of Brigitte's former husbands and it didn't go 負かす/撃墜する very 井戸/弁護士席.?

'It's hard to tell 正確に what the 列/漕ぐ/騒動 was about because Brigitte started yelling in Italian.'?

During the interview, an 感情を害する/違反するd Brigitte walked out twice, promting Joan to brand her a ' c***' to the shocked audience.?

A テレビ視聴者 explained:?'They are both renowned for 存在 outspoken but what was strange was the way the whole thing blew up and then blew over.

By the end they seemed to be 支援する on good 条件 again. To be honest, they are both a couple of nutbags but it was fabulous to watch.'

Paris Hilton 嵐/襲撃するs out over sexist question?

Furious:?Paris Hilton stormed out of a U.S TV interview in 2011 after she was asked if she was 'past her prime'

Furious:?Paris Hilton 嵐/襲撃するd out of a U.S TV interview in 2011 after she was asked if she was 'past her prime'

Paris Hilton 嵐/襲撃するd out of a U.S TV interview in 2011 after she was asked if she was 'past her prime'.

The reality TV 星/主役にする took offence at the question and pulled the plug on the interview with Dan Harris of ABC News at her Los Angeles mansion.

She first become agitated when the 新聞記者/雑誌記者 示唆するd she had been (太陽,月の)食/失墜d by her best friend turned 競争相手, Kim Kardashian.

He asked: 'Do you worry at times that people who have followed in your footsteps like Kim Kardashian are over 影をつくる/尾行するing you?'

Through gritted teeth, she replied: 'No, not at all.'

She became even more irritated when について言及するd that her 最新の reality TV show The World によれば Paris has struggled in the ratings.

The 新聞記者/雑誌記者 continued: 'Do you worry about your moment having passed?'

Paris, then 30-years-old, ちらりと見ることd across at her publicist off camera before getting up from her 議長,司会を務める and 嵐/襲撃するd out.

She could be heard 説 off camera: 'I don't want all this 存在 used.'

After a 'heated' discussion between the reporter, Paris and her publicist, she 結局 returned to camera to 配達する an 明らかに 井戸/弁護士席-rehearsed answer.

'I've been doing this for 15 years now, so it's been a long time so just like any other 商売/仕事 person or someone in the 産業, it is always important to reinvent yourself and come up with new 事業/計画(する)s,' she said.

Britney Spears bursts into 涙/ほころびs after 取調べ/厳しく尋問するing??

Uncomfortable viewing: A fragile and vulnerable Britney Spears was grilled by Diane Sawyer on national television when she was just 22 years old leaving her in tears

Uncomfortable 見解(をとる)ing: A 壊れやすい and 攻撃を受けやすい Britney Spears was 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd by Diane Sawyer on 国家の television when she was just 22 years old leaving her in 涙/ほころびs?

Britney Spears?famously burst into 涙/ほころびs during an emotional 2003 interview with Diane Sawyer who 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd her about her 分裂(する) from Justin Timberlake.

The American 新聞記者/雑誌記者 asked the singer 'what she did' to 原因(となる) the 分裂(する), and 直面するd her with 半分-naked pictures of the singer that she had 提起する/ポーズをとるd for, which many fans see now as sex-shaming.?

押し進めるing the 問題/発行する of the 分裂(する), Diane said: 'You broke his heart. You did something that 原因(となる)d him so much 苦痛, so much 苦しむing. What did you do?'

Diane also asked the pop 星/主役にする about a comment made by Maryland's first lady in 2003, Kendel Ehrlich, who made some eyebrow-raising comments at an anti-国内の 暴力/激しさ 会議/協議会 that year.

She slammed the singer as a bad 影響(力) as she said: 'Really, if I had an 適切な時期 to shoot Britney Spears, I think I would.'

The singer seemed shocked by the comment which she said was 'horrible' and 'really bad.'

Yet Diane seemingly defended the former 検察官,検事 as she (a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述するd: 'It's because of the example for kids and how hard i t is to be a parent.'

Britney later (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she?was '軍隊d' into giving the interview by her father and 管理/経営, にもかかわらず 存在 in a 攻撃を受けやすい 明言する/公表する at the time and not wanting to speak.

The troubled pop 星/主役にする 地位,任命するd a 非常に長い 公式文書,認める to her Instagram account where she called out the 伝説の 放送者 for making her cry, and for 行為/行うing the 雑談(する) with a 'you're in the wrong' 協議事項.