Britain is seeing the green shoots of a 回復, says MAGGIE PAGANO

Along with the warmer 天候, there are good 調印するs that the economy is also brightening up.

人物/姿/数字s out today from the British 小売 国際借款団/連合 (BRC) are nicely surprising, showing that both food and 非,不,無-food price インフレーション is 宙返り/暴落するing.

The 特に sunny 位置/汚点/見つけ出す in BRC’s shop price 索引 for April is that 非,不,無-food prices were deflationary, 落ちるing 0.6 per cent.

全体にわたる, the 索引 shows that 年次の インフレーション 緩和するd to 0.8 per cent in April, 井戸/弁護士席 below the three-month 普通の/平均(する) and the lowest since December 2021.?

Both fresh and ambient food インフレーション was 負かす/撃墜する to its lowest level for more than two years.

Positive signs: Labour market conditions are loosening which is one of the indicators which the Bank of England uses to gauge whether conditions are right for cutting interest rates

肯定的な 調印するs: 労働 market 条件s are 緩和するing which is one of the 指示する人(物)s which the Bank of England uses to 計器 whether 条件s are 権利 for cutting 利益/興味 率s

猛烈な/残忍な 競争 and 激しい 昇進/宣伝 の中で retailers are behind the 落ちるs, おもに in footwear and 着せる/賦与するing, as they fight to keep 顧客s coming into the shops.

Retailers ? 特に the supermarkets ? are criticised for jacking up prices the minute raw 構成要素 costs start rising rather than taking some of the 攻撃する,衝突する themselves.

It’s difficult to know how much of today’s 落ちるing prices is 予定 to lower input costs or 昇進/宣伝s to keep market 株.?

Or a bit of both. What’s for sure is that there is an almighty 戦う/戦い going on to 運動 消費者 需要・要求する.?

If my own 週末 shopping is anything to go by, the fight is becoming more 削減(する)-throat rather than letting up.

Prices at Waitrose for 工場/植物s and other 世帯 製品s are cheaper than at Homebase. That’s やめる a 転換 in the 競争の激しい spirit.

Along with 落ちるing prices comes a fresh 予測(する) from Oxford 経済的なs which 予報するs 重要な growth for the UK with the economy 拡大するing by 0.3 per cent in the second 4半期/4分の1 に引き続いて on from the 0.4?per cent rise in the first 4半期/4分の1.

Oxford 特記する/引用するs the 最近の flash S&P 全世界の 調査する which showed the 合成物 購入(する)ing 経営者/支配人s’ 索引 ? the PMI ? at an 11-month high of 54.0.

And the final PMI results out soon are likely to match those flash 報告(する)/憶測s, 確認するing 予測(する)s that the economy is on the turn.?

労働 market 条件s are also 緩和するing, which should lead to a 減産/沈滞 in 支払う/賃金 growth ? one of the red flashing 指示する人(物)s which the Bank of England uses to 計器 whether 条件s are 権利 for cutting 利益/興味 率s.

Are there enough 調印するs that inflationary 圧力s are 落ちるing 急速な/放蕩な enough for the Bank to be so bold?

インフレーション is unquestionably going south while 行う growth is slowing. Other than the usual caveats about 供給(する) shocks from geo-political 緊張s, the 見通し for 商品/必需品s such as oil and gas look stable.

Indeed, the milder 天候 across Europe this winter and spring (yes, even here in the UK, にもかかわらず the April rain) means that European gas 貯蔵 levels stand at 58 per cent.

ING 予測(する)s that they will be 完全に 十分な ahead of next winter, and gas prices could even come 負かす/撃墜する. Another excellent 推論する/理由 why the Bank should be ahead of the curve and 削減(する) next week.

引き継ぎ/買収 theatre

Once upon a time, 法人組織の/企業の 引き継ぎ/買収s were as 説得力のある as any 広大な/多数の/重要な West End or Broadway 攻撃する,衝突する.?

The 主要な characters would be at each other’s throats with the most 残虐な language, brandishing 脅しs and dishing out 批評 about each other’s companies without 恐れる or favour.?

The bantering would go on for months, but at least the predator would be 軍隊d into 支払う/賃金ing the highest price, 許すing the prey to (人命などを)奪う,主張する some victory for having 安全な・保証するd the best value for its 株主s.

No more it seems. With a few exceptions, today’s 法人組織の/企業の leaders roll over at the first 調印する of a shilling or lay 支援する and wait for the 申し込む/申し出s to roll in.

Are bosses いっそう少なく 確信して than their 前任者s? Or greedier? That’s the impression 伸び(る)d from 最近の 引き継ぎ/買収s, and perhaps another 推論する/理由 why valuations are so low.?

The bosses of Anglo American and 王室の Mail should go 支援する to some of those feisty 法人組織の/企業の 引き継ぎ/買収s of the 1980s and 1990s to learn some lines.

長,率いるing for Madrid

And once upon a time Puig, the Spanish family-run fashion-to-fragrance 巨大(な), might have been 長,率いるing to London to get the best valuation for its IPO.?

Instead, it is 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing this week on the Madrid 在庫/株 交流. Madrid is doing 井戸/弁護士席. Spanish 着せる/賦与するing retailer Tendam and Hotelbeds are both lining up listings over the next few months.?

It would be 利益/興味ing to know whether the London 在庫/株 交流’s 最高の,を越す 厚かましさ/高級将校連 pitched to chairman Marc Puig or been in 接触する with the others.