SMALL CAP IDEA: Why 投資家s should 追加する Hemogenyx 製薬のs to their watchlist

In a 最近の article, I said at least 20 micro-cap 生命科学s 在庫/株s were waiting to pop once 利益/興味 returned to the 部門.

投資家s can now 追加する Hemogenyx 製薬のs?to the watch 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) after it pulled off the 近づく impossible by raising $4.2million at a time when 投資家s have 大部分は gone into hibernation.

This feat of resourcefulness, which will 基金 the 初期の 行う/開催する/段階s of a first-in-human 熟考する/考慮する of the 麻薬 developer's lead 資産, HEMO-CAR-T, only tells part of the story.

The pedigree of the 科学の team 支援 the 成果/努力s of Hemogenyx is impressive.

At the same time, the 利益/興味 in the next 世代 of CAR-T ? the type of therapy that Hemogenyx is developing ? amongst big pharma has seen the likes of AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Abbvie and Novartis 最高の,を越す the billion-dollar threshold in milestone and 王族 支払い(額)s.

The pedigree of the scientific team backing the efforts of Hemogenyx is impressive

The pedigre e of the 科学の team 支援 the 成果/努力s of Hemogenyx is impressive

Upfront 支払い(額)s, usually a good litmus 実験(する) of 'real' 利益/興味 from these 巨人s of the world of 麻薬s, have been 注目する,もくろむ-watering; in some 事例/患者s up to $100million.

The 推論する/理由? CAR-T 申し込む/申し出s something that the healthcare 産業 rarely comes up with ? a curative 治療, showing the world has truly moved on from the 時代 of me-too, once-a-day pills such as statins.

Anyway, before we delve into the nuts and bolts of the Hemogenyx 投資 事例/患者, it is probably 価値(がある) explaining just what CAR-T therapy is and how it might revolutionise the 治療 of 癌s such as 激烈な/緊急の myeloid leukaemia (AML), which is the particular area of 利益/興味 of this UK biotech.

CAR-T, or chimeric antigen receptor T-独房 therapy, redefines the 戦う/戦い against the 病気 by reprogramming the 団体/死体's own natural defences, called T-独房s, to recognise and kill 癌 独房s.

This 前進するd form of immunotherapy 伴う/関わるs 抽出するing T-独房s from a 患者, genetically 工学 them to 的 癌 独房s, and then 再提出するing these 高めるd 独房s into the 患者's bloodstream.

CAR-T has 論証するd remarkable success in 取り組むing 確かな 血 癌s, 申し込む/申し出ing new avenues for 戦闘ing 以前 untreatable 癌s.

にもかかわらず its 可能性のある, much of the 研究 is now 焦点(を合わせる)d on CAR-T therapy's 重要な 味方する 影響s, while broadening its applicability to a wider array of 癌s.

Hemogenyx will use the newly raised 基金s to take HEMO-CAR-T into the clinic to 扱う/治療する AML later this year.

The open-label 熟考する/考慮する will 実験(する) for any 可能性のある 味方する 影響s from 扱う/治療するing people with 血-borne 病気s and 査定する/(税金などを)課す how the therapy interacts with the 団体/死体.

A 第2位 goal or 'endpoint' will be whether any of the 批判的に ill AML 患者s chosen for the 裁判,公判 答える/応じる to the CAR-T infusion.

Under the strict 指導基準s laid 負かす/撃墜する by the US Food & 麻薬 行政, 患者s will be dosed 個々に one month apart, recognising people are 存在 治めるd with a 潜在的に 有毒な 独房s.

Hemogenyx hopes to have the results from 'two, or even three 患者s' in time for the American Society of Hematology 会議/協議会 in 早期に December.

Success at this 行う/開催する/段階 would be a 30% 返答 率, says Dr Vladislav Sandler, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある and co-創立者 of Hemogenyx.

Investigational work will be carried out by a team from the University of Pennsylvania, led by Professor Nolle Frey, who has 長,率いるd a number of important CAR-T 臨床の 裁判,公判s.

The entre was 供給するd by Professor Carl June, the 'father' of CAR-T, and his 同僚, Dr Saar Gill, who was 伴う/関わるd in the preclinical 研究 on HEMO-CAR-T.

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