CITY WHISPERS: City PR man Neil Bennett cries fowl after 存在 left with egg on his 直面する over chicken red-tape

What put the fox in the henhouse for City PR man Neil Bennett last week?

Was one of his (弁護士の)依頼人s playing up? Had a 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある spoken out of turn or was a pesky 新聞記者/雑誌記者 廃虚ing a (選挙などの)運動をする? The problem lay in fowl play closer to home, with the spin doctor's chickens.

Bennett has kept birds at the 底(に届く) of his garden for 25 years where they have been 供給するing the H/助言者s Maitland co-長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある with eggs.

Bureaucracy Britain gone mad?: Neil Bennett has to register his chickens or face a £5,000 fine for each one he fails to declare

官僚主義 Britain gone mad?: Neil Bennett has to 登録(する) his chickens or 直面する a £5,000 罰金 for each one he fails to 宣言する

But to his horror, Bennett has to 登録(する) them or 直面する a £5,000 罰金 for each one he fails to 宣言する.

It is the 最新の 法令 from the Department for Food and 田舎の 事件/事情/状勢s and as he points out yet another example of 官僚主義 Britain gone mad.

Bennett, in a column in the City AM newspaper, 予知するs trouble, 令状ing: 'When the Man from Defra arrives, owners will 密輸する their birds into potting sheds, even wardrobes and cupboards and pretend they were never there.'

Afiniti 雇うing 広大な/多数の/重要な and good to its (a)忠告の/(n)警報 board

Afiniti has been at it again, 雇うing the 広大な/多数の/重要な and the good to its (a)忠告の/(n)警報 board.?

The Bermuda headquartered tech 会社/堅い was best known for 雇うing David Cameron before the now Foreign 長官 stepped 負かす/撃墜する in 2021 審理,公聴会 of 性の いやがらせ 主張s against its 創立者 Zia Chishti.?

But a newly designed Afiniti website shows former BT boss Gavin Patterson and ex-Unilever 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Alan Jope have joined the team.?

Rupert Soames struggles to remember 'Co ol Britannia'

The 連合 of British 産業's Rupert Soames was in conversation with 商売/仕事 長官 Kemi Badenoch at a City dinner the other evening.

Having discussed Brexit and Britain's place in the world, Soames reminisced about when he felt 'most 楽観主義' about UK 商売/仕事.

'It was in 2012 with the Olympics, it was a wonderful thing, 冷静な/正味の Britannia, we had a brand. It seems an age ago but it was only 12 years,' he said.

The London Olympics were indeed 12 years ago but, as Badenoch reminded Soames, 冷静な/正味の Britannia was over 25 years ago, in 1997.

Perhaps neither cared to remember those halcyon days happened under New 労働.

England boss Southgate 注目する,もくろむing 職業 as 銀行業者?

Goldman Sachs was abuzz last week after Gareth Southgate was spotted at its London offices.

The England 経営者/支配人 was in to give Goldman's 最高の,を越す 厚かましさ/高級将校連 a talk on 'leadership under 圧力'.

England 長,率いる to the Euros this summer with Southgate 始める,決める to step 負かす/撃墜する after the tournament.

Could the ex-Aston 郊外住宅 and Middlesbrough 星/主役にする ? who left school with eight O-levels ? be tempted to a 職業 as an 投資 銀行業者??

Surely easier than managing Manchester Utd should Erik ten Hag be given the boot ? without 疑問 the hardest 職業 in football.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Contributors: Ruth Sunderland and Patrick Tooher?