反乱 against the robo-cars: The city where vigilantes 追跡(する) 負かす/撃墜する and destroy driverless cars because they are sick of having '人工的な 知能 rammed 負かす/撃墜する their throats'

San Franciscans know better than to 運動 into Chinatown during the Lunar New Year 祝賀s. The 狭くする streets are 保証(人)d to be heaving with revellers and 花火s 爆発する wildly in all directions.

The Year of the Dragon, which was welcomed in last month, is considered 特に lucky ― but it certainly wasn't for the driverless 'robotaxi' that inadvertently gatecrashed the party.

After dropping off a 乗客 nearby on the first day of the Chinese new year, the the Jaguar I-PACE?? owned by Waymo, an offshoot of Google?and?one of the world's first fully self-運動ing cars?? 長,率いるd に向かって a busy 交差点, its 恐らく omniscient 人工的な 知能 computer system 明らかに oblivious to the partygoers surrounding it.

Some time later, it finally did 登録(する) that something was up and stopped in its 跡をつけるs.

It never moved again. Minutes later, the (人が)群がる had used some of those New Year 花火s to 始める,決める it 燃えて, sending up a 抱擁する plume of 黒人/ボイコット smoke.

On the first day of the Chinese new year in San Francisco, an empty Jaguar I-PACE robotaxi stopped on a busy intersection. Before long it had been scribbled over with graffiti

On the first day of the Chinese new year in San Francisco, an empty Jaguar I-PACE robotaxi stopped on a busy 交差点. Before long it had been scribbled over with graffiti

The crowd used fireworks intended for the celebration to set the car ablaze

The (人が)群がる used 花火s ーするつもりであるd for the 祝賀 to 始める,決める the car 燃えて

'That was when it went WILD,' wrote Michael Vandi, a witness who said nobody tried to stop the violence

?'That was when it went WILD,' wrote Michael Vandi, a 証言,証人/目撃する who said nobody tried to stop the 暴力/激しさ

It was 明確に no 事故. ビデオ (映画の)フィート数 発射 by bystanders shows people scribbling graffiti on the car and breaking the windows before jumping on the bonnet and 粉砕するing the windscreen as the watching (人が)群がる 拍手喝采する.

'That was when it went WILD,' wrote Michael Vandi, a 証言,証人/目撃する who said nobody tried to stop the 暴力/激しさ. 'There wasn't anything you could do to stand up to dozens o f people.'

The 解雇する/砲火/射撃 Department later 解放(する)d photos of the charred 難破させる: all that was left of a car 概算の to have cost as much as £130,000.

Waymo 小衝突d off the 出来事/事件 as a 'one-off event' and made no 試みる/企てる to explain what lay behind the failing.

But San Franciscans could easily have explained it ? and they also know the attack was not an 孤立するd 出来事/事件. While it appeared to be the first time one of the 概算の 600 robotaxis 巡航するing the city at any one time had been 現実に 始める,決める on 解雇する/砲火/射撃, the 乗り物s have been 繰り返して attacked, vandalised and immobilised in a 支えるd 陳列する,発揮する of 市民の 乱暴/暴力を加える.

Once considered a 深く,強烈に 冷静な/正味の way of getting around one of America's most happening cities, the cars are now 広範囲にわたって shunned as a total menace on wheels.

This week, critics 表明するd 狼狽 after a California regulator 許すd Waymo to 延長する services to the 急速な/放蕩な-moving freeways around San Francisco and a large 列 of Los Angeles ? where robotaxis could 合法的に travel at up to 65mph.?

A Cruise driverless taxi in San Francisco, before their use was suspended following concerns over public safety in October

A 巡航する driverless taxi in San Francisco, before their use was 一時停止するd に引き続いて 関心s over public safety in October?

'We are seeing people reaching a boiling point over tech that they do not want and does not make their lives better,' says Missy Cummings, a ロボット工学 professor at George Mason University in Washington DC, about the taxi 燃やすing.

A former 上級の 助言者 on traffic safety to the US 政府, she told the Mail: 'People are tired of having 人工的な 知能 jammed 負かす/撃墜する their throats and 存在 told 暗黙に that they're about to be 取って代わるd ? whether it's a taxicab driver or a white collar 労働者.'

It's not hard to see why that 怒り/怒る is 存在 taken out on self-運動ing cars. Some of their mistakes have been terrifying.

Only yesterday, social マスコミ was 燃えて with pictures of another rogue electric Jaguar I-PACE 涙/ほころびing 負かす/撃墜する a British motorway after it 苦しむd an '電気の fault'.

Although fully self-運動ing cars are banned for now on UK roads, the terrified driver of the 乗り物, whose 製造業者s 約束 'unyielding acceleration', was helpless, 説: 'The car was in its own world.' The ブレーキs failed?? and Nathan Owen's £8 0,000 乗り物 reached up to 100mph as it hurtled 負かす/撃墜する the M62.

Though Owen, 31, managed to 避ける a 壊滅的な 衝突,墜落 by calling police, who 介入するd to bring the Jaguar to a 停止(させる) by trapping it between their police cars, he 明らかにする/漏らすd that his car had gone rogue in December too.

In San Francisco - the 長,指導者 実験(する)ing ground for the 科学(工学)技術 since they were introduced in 2022 - self-運動ing cars have been seen 失敗ing into police, 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and 救急車 緊急s and 封鎖するing their 乗り物s (more than 75 separate 出来事/事件s have been 記録,記録的な/記録するd, 含むing one in which police were trying to reach an active 狙撃), knocking over cyclists, 後部-ending buses, stopping suddenly for no 推論する/理由 in 急速な/放蕩な-moving traffic and even running over a 歩行者 and dragging her 20 feet before stopping with her 団体/死体 underneath.

It was all supposed to be so different. The cars were meant to be a 過激な and boldly futuristic 解答 to the hazards and drudgery of 運動ing. They were trumpeted by their 支持するs in the 自治権のある 乗り物 (AV) 産業 as safer and slower.

And San Francisco, a short (but inadvisable) robotaxi 運動 from Silicon Valley, waved them through with few 反対s, keen for the city to become the 非公式の birthplace of a tech 革命.

明かすd with hype and 約束s one has come to 推定する/予想する from Silicon Valley with its '偽の-it-till-you-make-it' mantra, self-運動ing cars are now having a very bumpy ride.

Their 可能性のある advantages were never difficult to identify: making cars accessible to everyone and 説 別れの(言葉,会) to the bad old days of fallible humans at the wheel with all their 証拠不十分s like '運動ing under the 影響(力)', 存在 distracted by their 動きやすい phones or 乗客s, or tiredness.

Some are fitted with 29 cameras and sensors, 同様に as Lidar, a sophisticated system that uses レーザー beams that bounce off surrounding 反対するs to create a 3D image of their surroundings. Just hop in your 乗り物 and let AI do the 残り/休憩(する).

The UK 政府 - which says it wants to be a world leader in 科学(工学)技術 - is enthusiastic about self-運動ing cars, hoping that Britain can 利益(をあげる) from an international AV market that is 概算の to be 価値(がある) up to £42billion within 10 years.

輸送(する) 長官 示す Harper breathlessly 発表するd last December that 自治権のある 乗り物s could be on Britain's roads as soon as 2026.

'This 科学(工学)技術 存在するs, it 作品, and what we're doing is putting in place the proper 法律制定 so that people can have 十分な 信用/信任 in the safety of this 科学(工学)技術,' he told the BBC's Today programme.

Asked if people would be able to travel in self-運動ing 乗り物s 'wit h your 手渡すs off the wheel, doing your emails' in 2026, Harper replied: 'Yes, and I think that's when companies are 推定する/予想するing ? in 2026, during that year ? that we'll start seeing this 科学(工学)技術 rolled out.'

But if he thinks the 科学(工学)技術 '作品'?? and, oddly, he said his 判決 was based on what he's seen in California?? he is letting his excitement run away with him.

肯定的な stories about robotaxis?? they 報道によれば became a popular place to have sex?? have long since been より数が多いd by 消極的な ones.

ビデオs of Waymo and General モーターs-owned 巡航する robotaxis going 不正に wrong have gone viral online. The cars have done everything from rolling into wet 固く結び付ける to 衝突,墜落ing into a 解雇する/砲火/射撃 engine, 負傷させるing a 乗客.

Anti-robotaxi 行動主義者s in a 隠しだてする group called 安全な Street 反逆者/反逆する have taken to 追跡(する)ing 負かす/撃墜する the 乗り物s in San Francisco and immobilising them: a simple 手続き that 伴う/関わるs placing a traffic 反対/詐欺 on their roof, その為に 無能にするing the sensors that are fitted there. The companies then have to send out someone to 回復する the 乗り物.

Nathan Owen required a police convoy to bring him to a stop on the 
busy M62 motorway on Wednesday afternoon after his Jaguar i-Pace malfunctioned

Nathan Owen 要求するd a police 軍用車隊 to bring him to a stop on the busy M62 motorway on Wednesday afternoon after his Jaguar i-Pace 機能不全d?

専門家s say that the main problem is that, whatever the hype, the 科学(工学)技術 behind self-運動ing cars 簡単に isn't ready?? and won't be, some academics 見積(る), for at least 30 years.

Prof Cummings says: 'What everybody wants to know is 'When am I going to be able to call one of these things on my 独房 phone and it can take me anywhere, at any time?' And my answer to that question is: "Not in my lifetime".'

専門家s identify myriad problems. 最高の,を越す of the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) is いわゆる 'phantom ブレーキing' in which the car's AI 'hallucinates', seeing something in the road that 簡単に isn't there and slamming on the ブレーキs. Nobody knows やめる why it happens but it is believed to be 関係のある to 影をつくる/尾行するs, かもしれない 原因(となる)d by clouds 総計費.

'It's one thing for a slow 貨物 乗り物 carrying groceries at 25 miles an hour to 激突する on its ブレーキs in an 都市の setting where nobody else is going very 急速な/放蕩な,' says Prof Cummings, who was also once one of America's first 女性(の) 闘士,戦闘機 操縦するs.

'It's a 完全に different animal when you've got a 半分-trailer トラックで運ぶ [articulated lorry] going 65 miles an hour 負かす/撃墜する the interstate and then it 激突するs on its ブレーキs. Th at's going to 原因(となる) 大規模な havoc.'

That distinction, she says, explains why robotaxis have been introduced in another US city, 不死鳥/絶品, Arizona, with far いっそう少なく trouble.

Unlike packed and congested San Francisco, 郊外の 不死鳥/絶品 is 十分な of wide roads, slow traffic and few 歩行者s other than slow-moving retirees?? the sort of untaxing 条件s, she believes, where 自治権のある 乗り物s can 栄える.

Another serious problem with driverless cars, say academics, is their capacity for error when 直面するd with 状況/情勢s for which they 港/避難所't been trained. This was graphically illustrated last October when a 巡航する robotaxi ran over a San Francisco 歩行者?? after a human-driven car in 前線 had 配達するd her a ちらりと見ることing blow?? and dragging her 20 feet.

Nine 巡航する 公式の/役人s were 解雇(する)d and the company 一時停止するd all 操作/手術s in the US after admitting it had misled regulators and the public about the 真面目さ of the 出来事/事件. The woman miraculously 生き残るd but is 報道によれば still in hospital.

The British 政府 may be 納得させるd but US 政治家,政治屋s and safety 専門家s are starting to see beyond the hype, 需要・要求するing greater transparency and tighter 支配するs of the 隠しだてする AV 産業.

California 明言する/公表する 上院議員 Dave Cortese, who is 提案するing 法律制定 to give 地元の 政府s more 力/強力にする to 規制する self-運動ing cars, 警告するs: 'What is becoming abundantly (疑いを)晴らす is that AV 科学(工学)技術 is not as sophisticated as the 産業 would like us to believe.'

Cathy Chase, 大統領,/社長 of 支持するs for 主要道路 and 自動車 Safety, a road safety 圧力団体 in Washington, calls the 状況/情勢 in San Francisco a 'fiasco'.

She told the Mail that 政府s are failing to see what is 現実に happening on the roads and instead 落ちるing for AV companies 'that are 存在 very per suasive about what they think they can 配達する'.

One of the main 反対s to the 乗り物s was their 予測できなく, she says, 特記する/引用するing a 報告(する)/憶測 of a robotaxi suddenly スピード違反 up and almost hitting a child.

'We're 現実に やめる lucky that more, and more serious, 傷害s 港/避難所't happened yet,' she says. Her organisation has (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d several 投票s that show people are uneasy about 運動ing next to 自治権のある cars and lorries.

Tech 専門家s say the AV companies could have 妨げるd most of the 事故s had they kept human 支援する-up drivers in the robotaxis, as used to be the 事例/患者, but they 主張するd on 押し進めるing ahead with 実験(する)s.

直面するing 激しい 競争 from 中国 and 支援するd by billions of dollars from 投機・賭ける 資本主義者s now 需要・要求するing a return on their 投資, the driverless-car companies?? which are 現在/一般に unable to compete with human-driven taxi 競争相手s like Uber?? are said by critics to be cutting corners in their 急ぐ to 配達する.

And nobody's in more of a 急ぐ than Elon Musk who, like a broken 記録,記録的な/記録する, has 毎年 保証するd 投資家s for about a 10年間 that his Tesla electric cars are only a year or so away from becoming fully 自治権のある.

His たびたび(訪れる) 傾向 to over-egg the self-運動ing 能力s of Teslas?? whose '(空)自動操縦装置' 機能(する)/行事 is essentially 高めるd '巡航する 支配(する)/統制する' rather than 十分な 自治?? has landed the company in a lot of trouble.

An 調査 by the Washington 地位,任命する 明らかにする/漏らすd how 連邦の data shows that, since it was introduced in 2014, (空)自動操縦装置 has been 伴う/関わるd in 736 衝突,墜落s, at least 19 of them fa tal.

The company now 直面するs at least 10 訴訟s over (空)自動操縦装置. The 事例/患者s 主張する Tesla 誇張するd the system's self-運動ing 能力. In some, drivers were killed after assuming the car could 運動 itself and taking their 注目する,もくろむs off the road.?

Last week, Texas police 発表するd they were 扱う/治療するing the 怪しげな 溺死するing death of the 億万長者 sister-in-法律 of 共和国の/共和党の 上院議員 Mitch McConnell as a 犯罪の 事柄 after her Tesla 逆転するd into a pond and firemen spent an hour trying to get her out.?

Tesla 反対するs in such 事例/患者s that the driver is 最終的に in 支配(する)/統制する of the 乗り物 and must 支払う/賃金 attention.

Needless to say, 非,不,無 of this has done any favours for the already (名声などを)汚すd 評判 of real self-運動ing cars.

Prof Cummings 収容する/認めるs she is bemused that the British 政府 is so enthusiastic about 自治権のある cars. She says it ignored her advice when, as a 上級の safety 助言者 at the 国家の 主要道路 Traffic Safety 行政, she essentially told them: 'You're not ready, we're not ready, the cars are not ready.'

She went on: 'I'm 現実に 極端に disappointed because I thought the Brits were a little bit more circumspect than Americans. You know, we like to believe that you're smarter than us?? but you're not 存在 about this.'

She 受託するs that 'people are desperate for the 魔法' of self-運動ing cars but the idea of an articulated lorry suddenly stopping in a motorway 急速な/放蕩な 小道/航路 is no 疑問 a form of 魔法 we could all live without.

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