Was the 予算 too little, too late - and will it make you richer? This is Money podcast

Jeremy 追跡(する) bounced around 配達するing his 予算, proudly 宣言するing his かかわり合い to 税金 削減(する)s and supporting working families.

Another 2p was chopped off 国家の 保険 and the threshold at which child 利益 is 除去するd was raised from £50,000 to £60,000.

But you don’t need to be a 財政上の 専門家 to know that the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長’s 見解/翻訳/版 of events isn’t やめる the whole story.

Because Mr 追跡(する) is also 統括するing over a long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 stealth 税金 凍結する to thresholds that is costing 労働者s dear and his child 利益 move 単に kicked sky-high ごくわずかの 税金 率s 負かす/撃墜する the road, rather than getting rid of them altogether.

Nonetheless, a 税金 削減(する) and an extra £5,000 Isa allowance ? even if it’s a わずかに iffy, 限られた/立憲的な one ? is not to be 匂いをかぐd at.

So, was this an escape velocity 予算 that puts Britain 支援する on the path to growth?

Or was it too little, too late, from a Tory party that has sported 連続する (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長s who have been keener to raise our 税金s by hook or by crook rather than 削減(する) them ? or even just keep thresholds in line with インフレーション.

On this week’s 予算 special This is Money podcast, Georgie 霜, 物陰/風下 Boyce and Simon Lambert look at the 勝利者s and losers and go searching for the devils in the 詳細(に述べる).

What is the NI 削減(する) 価値(がある) to you? Will you get some child 利益 支援する? Did pensioners deserve a 税金 削減(する) too? With a 失敗 to 逆転する his 資本/首都 伸び(る)s and (株主への)配当 税金 (警察の)手入れ,急襲, what has the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 got against small 投資家s?

And will the British Isa be any good?

All that and more ? 加える a look at why 全国的な is buying Virgin Money and whether that’s good or bad for us all.