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Soapwatch with JACI STEPHEN: Toyah's 悲劇の buried secret



When news of Toyah’s 最新の storyline broke on social 網状組織ing 場所/位置s on 1 April, everyone thought it was a joke. Surely Corrie wouldn’t be so daft as to (打撃,刑罰などを)与える this implausible 陰謀(を企てる) on us under another shroud of 悲惨 ? would they?

式のs, our worst 恐れるs are realised when, looking for a 行方不明の Freddie at the Red Rec, Toyah goes 気が狂って with a shovel when she sees three amateur sleuths digging up a rose bed. 

Their theory is that Roy has buried Lauren’s 団体/死体 there, but what’s Toyah’s excuse? Her secret is out when she 明らかにする/漏らすs to Nick that the 場所 is where she buried the stillborn baby girl she had at 19.

There’s nothing about this that makes 劇の, let alone psychological, sense ーに関して/ーの点でs of the character. Emmerdale had a very 類似の plotline last year, and with one of that show’s 生産者s taking over Corrie, we can probably 推定する/予想する more of the same depressing stuff.

Where’s the light 救済? The Tracy/Tommy storyline ended in little over the time it took Tim to sing, ‘There’s only one Tommy Orp.’ Unfortunately, there is only one, and what we need is a 負担 of others, if only to bring us some more totty.

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When Toyah (pictured) searches the park for Freddie, she comes across three sleuths digging up a rose bed who 明らかにする/漏らす that they saw Freddie digging in the same place and reckon Roy may have buried Lauren's 団体/死体 there

Will he or won't he?

Will George 格闘する with his 犯罪 over keeping Archie’s will from Glenda? 

‘絶対,’ says Tony Maudsley, who plays him. 

‘But George 存在 George, he’ll want the best 結果 for everyone.’ 

Rowan is 約束ing, and Leanne 明確に thinks so when she opens up to him about all the bad things that have ever happened to her. Blimey. That’s going to be a long 開会/開廷/会期. 

Rowan listens intently and tells her he’s by her 味方する every step of the way. That’s a lot of steps, mate. Sure your 団体/死体’s up to it?

There’s also 可能性のある humour in the form of Steve’s 悲惨な love life, and the ever-reliable George has a new storyline when he decides to 令状 his will. But will he come clean to Glenda when he discovers that Archie’s old will left half the 商売/仕事 to her? 

It’s probably not 価値(がある) much now, anyway; there 簡単に aren’t enough 死体s. Where are those serial 殺し屋s when you need them? When the only 可能性のある 商売/仕事 on the cards is a 行方不明の woman and a dead baby, you know you’re in trouble.


The multi-la yered nature of Tom’s manipulative behaviour is ますます 乱すing, and wonderfully portrayed by James Chase. The progression from passive 積極的な to 積極的な to downright いじめ(る)ing is fascinating, and now he’s 設立する another angle to unnerve Belle.

Having attacked Vinny, and jealous of his friendship with Belle, he belittles him under the guise of wanting to find him a girlfriend. When Tom alights on Gabby, Belle is made to feel uncomfortable at seeing him enjoy spending time with her.

When Belle (left) 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs Tom (権利) seemingly 社債ing with Vinny (centre) she wonders what he is up to

Poor Belle. There’s very little she can do about all this, apart from 星/主役にする hopelessly into the middle distance, much as you imagine the Horsemen of the Apocalypse might have done, arriving at the stable to find all the horses had bolted.

It’s time to wheel Manpreet out for another storyline when she realises she has a 鎮圧する on Billy, who fails to notice she is flirting with him when he gives her a physical training 開会/開廷/会期. No surprises there; Billy could probably sit through the whole of Titanic and think it was one long advert for a 巡航する. 

If Manpreet is upset by Charles’s 欠如(する) of 利益/興味, she’s in for a bigger 失望 with Billy. All she’s doing is changing cabins on... 井戸/弁護士席, the Titanic.

Rhona 刺激するs an online 嵐/襲撃する

With Rhona having been 設立する not 有罪の of 誘拐する, how much can she and Marlon 信用 Gus when he 約束s them 接近 in the hope of receiving a はしけ 宣告,判決? Zoe Henry (Rhona) has been surprised at the intensity of テレビ視聴者s’ reactions to the storyline.

‘I dipped my toe in to social マスコミ ? and quickly out again,’ she says. ‘It’s コンビナート/複合体. People feel that it’s Gus’s baby. But at the end of the day they’re both parents.’


After Lola, Jay’s joy at the chance to be a dad

Lola’s death 影響する/感情d everyone, and Jay is excited at 存在 given the chance to be a dad. But when Nadine visits him to apologise for upsetting Lexi about the pregnancy, she’s shocked to see how serious Jay is about the baby. 

How can she tell? You could count on one 手渡す the times Jay has smiled in 17 years; he’s always looked as if he has not only the 負わせる of the world on his shoulders but the entire universe.

Jay, who's excited at the prospect of 存在 a dad, is pictured with Nadine

Why would anyone be excited about having a kid in Walford when they’re such trouble, anyway? Whitney’s so keen on children, she bought one from Milton Keynes. 

I’m sure she could have just hopped on the Tube at Walford East and scooped one up in West Ham, but she’s never been one to take an 平易な 大勝する when a Spaghetti Junction of trouble beckons.

Now, it transpires, Britney has Type 2 勧める syndrome, a 条件 that 原因(となる)s sight and 審理,公聴会 loss. Doubtless many people will be 感謝する to the show for raising 認識/意識性 of it, but please, stop the BritWhit stuff #BritStop. When Whit 出発/死s, let’s hope it’s with a big enough 事例/患者 to 融通する the kid.


Soapwatch with JACI STEPHEN: Toyah's 悲劇の buried secret