Camilla's 支援する to 商売/仕事: Queen hosts young 開拓するs from 国内の 暴力/激しさ charity SafeLives at Buckingham Palace as she returns from 復活祭 break

Queen Camilla has returned to work today?に引き続いて the 復活祭 break and began with an 問題/発行する の近くに to her heart - ending?国内の 暴力/激しさ.

The Queen, 76, patron of SafeLives, hosted?four young 開拓するs from the charity at Buckingham Palace, in London, to discuss how 暴力/激しさ and 乱用 in the home 影響する/感情s younger people.

Camilla has long been a 目だつ 発言する/表明する in calling for support for 犠牲者s of 国内の 暴力/激しさ, a 原因(となる) she has continued to 支持する/優勝者 since she became Queen.

Today, after a break for the 復活祭 holidays and a trip to Scotland to celebrate her 19th wedding 周年記念日 with King Charles who is having 癌 治療, Camilla 確実にするd the 問題/発行する remained 最高の,を越す of her 優先 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).

The group of Changemakers from the SafeLives charity are 老年の between 14 and 20, and their 役割 is to help 知らせる and guide the charity's work with young people.

Queen Camilla, Patron of SafeLives, meets with young pioneer 'Changemakers', from the SafeLives charity, at Buckingham Palace

Queen Camilla, Patron of SafeLives, 会合,会うs with young 開拓する 'Changemakers', from the SafeLives charity, at Buckingham Palace

The Queen, 76, patron of SafeLives, hosted four young pioneers from the charity at Buckingham Palace, in London, to discuss how violence and abuse in the home affects younger people

The Queen, 76, patron of SafeLives, hosted four young 開拓するs from the charity at Buckingham Palace, in London, to discuss how 暴力/激しさ and 乱用 in the home 影響する/感情s younger people

In particular, they help to 知らせる SafeLives's work in 促進するing healthy 関係s の中で young people.

The Queen hosted the four girls and young women in Buckingham Palace's music room and was told about their 会合 with Education 長官 Gillian Keegan to encourage the 政府 to 器具/実施する changes to the 国家の curriculum.

'You're 事実上 the same age as my granddaughters and I was talking to one the other day and I was 示唆するing to take sort of pop-up shops into these schools,' the Queen told the Changemakers.

'You know, say two or three Changemakers, it would be such a good idea because then they could all come and ask questions. To get around (all these) schools would be a brilliant idea.'

SafeLives (選挙などの)運動をするs to end 国内の 乱用 and in 2020 Camilla became the patron of the organisation which recognises children and young people as 犠牲者s in their own 権利.?

One Changemaker, Maya, told Camilla that they had recently taken the (選挙などの)運動をする to 議会 and met the Education 長官 to ロビー for changes to 国家の academic 指導/手引.

The 20-year-old said: 'Children need to feel いっそう少なく alone and feel stronger. Part of our work is about reach and that's why we took our (選挙などの)運動をする to 議会.

'We met Gillian Keegan and discussed ways they are trying to change the curriculum, it's 絶対 決定的な we can make changes.'

Camilla, centre, poses for a photograph with young pioneer 'Changemakers' from left, Imi, Maya, Almas, and Lybah

Camilla, centre, 提起する/ポーズをとるs for a photograph with young 開拓する 'Changemakers' from left, Imi, Maya, Almas, and Lybah

Camilla (pictured left) has long been a prominent voice in calling for support for victims of domestic violence, a cause she has continued to champion since she became Queen

Camilla (pictured left) has long been a 目だつ 発言する/表明する in calling for support for 犠牲者s of 国内の 暴力/激しさ, a 原因(となる) she has continued to 支持する/優勝者 since she became Queen

The Queen hosted the four girls and young women in Buckingham Palace's music room and was told about their meeting with Education Secretary Gillian Keegan to encourage the Government to implement changes to the national curriculum

The Queen hosted the four girls and young women in Buckingham Palace's music room and was told about their 会合 with Education 長官 Gillian Keegan to encourage the 政府 to 器具/実施する changes to the 国家の curriculum

The group of Changemakers from the SafeLives charity are aged between 14 and 20, and their role is to help inform and guide the charity's work with young people

The group of Changemakers from the SafeLives charity are 老年の between 14 and 20, and their 役割 is to help 知らせる and guide the charity's work with young people

Queen Camilla, Patron of SafeLives, (left) talks wit
h Chief Executive SafeLives Ellen Miller and Chair of Trustees SafeLives Isabel Boyer

Queen Camilla, Patron of SafeLives, (left) 会談 with 大統領 SafeLives Ellen Miller and 議長,司会を務める of Trustees SafeLives Isabel Boyer

The young 支持するs want to see children taught about healthy 関係s and the 問題/発行する of coercive 支配(する)/統制する, and want 関係s and sex education taught at a younger age.

Ellen Miller, the SafeLives 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある who joined the 会合, said: 'Our 研究 shows that children and young people are too often 存在 let 負かす/撃墜する.

'They want more from their 関係s and sex education classes, and they are 存在 continually 行方不明になるd by professionals and misunderstood by the adults around them. They rarely see themselves 反映するd in the 国内の 乱用 services that 存在する.

'I know after 会合 the Changemakers, Her Majesty felt energised and 新たにするd in her かかわり合い to stopping 乱用 before it starts, before it 廃虚s lives.'

In 2022, Queen Camilla helped to host an art 展示 in 共同 with SafeLives which 陳列する,発揮するd portraits of people who had been 支配する to 国内の 暴力/激しさ.?

The 展示 ーするつもりであるd to show that people of all genders, ages, and backgrounds could 落ちる 犠牲者 to 国内の 乱用.

The 展示 featured ひどく in a documentar y broadcast on ITV?that same year, Camilla's Country Life.?

The programme followed the Queen as she guest edited an 版 of Country Life magazine - and a 報告(する)/憶測 into 国内の 暴力/激しさ in 田舎の areas took a 二塁打-page spread の中で the pages.

SafeLives campaigns to end domestic abuse and in 2020 Camilla became the patron of the organisation which recognises children and young people as victims in their own right. Pictured, Camilla today

SafeLives (選挙などの)運動をするs to end 国内の 乱用 and in 2020 Camilla became the patron of the organisation which recognises children and young people as 犠牲者s in their own 権利. Pictured, Camilla today

One Changemaker, Maya, told Camilla (pictured right) that they had recently taken the campaign to Parliament and met the Education Secretary to lobby for changes to national academic guidance

One Changemaker, Maya, told Camilla (pictured 権利) that they had recently taken the (選挙などの)運動をする to 議会 and met the Education 長官 to ロビー for changes to 国家の academic 指導/手引

'You're virtually the same age as my granddaughters and I was talking to one the other day and I was suggesting to take sort of pop-up shops into these schools,' the Queen (pictured left) told the Changemakers

'You're 事実上 the same age as my granddaughters and I was talking to one the other day and I was 示唆するing to take sort of pop-up shops into these schools,' the Queen (pictured left) told the Changemakers

Queen Camilla is driven from Clarence House today before her Buckingham Palace meeting

Queen Camilla is driven from Clarence House today before her Buckingham Palace 会合

Speaking to the film 乗組員 Camilla said she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to draw attention to the problem of 国内の 暴力/激しさ in her 問題/発行する of the magazine.

She said: 'It's incredibly moving. It's so 勇敢に立ち向かう of these women... to get up and talk about it when some of them have sat on it for years and years and years.' The 王室の 追加するd it was 'a very 勇敢に立ち向かう thing to do'.

Speaking with a male 生存者 of 国内の 暴力/激しさ who appeared in photographer Allie 乗組員's 展示, Camilla said she was 'glad' to 会合,会う him.

She told him: 'You were the 勇敢に立ち向かう man in the 展示. I いつかs think men get a bit overlooked. I think people think "it's all women and it doesn't happen to men" but it jolly 井戸/弁護士席 does.'

The 王室の 確認するd she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to make a について言及する of 国内の 暴力/激しさ in her 版 of Country Life - 特に in 田舎の areas.

'I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to point out that in the countryside, it's not all rosy. There are darker things happening, 特に in 田舎の areas where they don't get やめる as much attention as they do in these big cities.'

As Camilla got 支援する to work today, King Charles also made a 簡潔な/要約する 外見 as he cheerfully waved to 王室の fans while leaving Clarence House.?

Pulling out of his central London home in his maroon 明言する/公表する Bentley リムジン the 君主, who was 診断するd with ?earlier this year, appeared in high sprits.

King Charles cheerfully waved to royal fans and tourists today as he left Clarence House this morning

King Charles cheerfully waved to 王室の fans and tourists today as he left Clarence House this morning

Excited royal watchers took photos of Charles as he passed, with many appearing shocked that they had been so lucky to get a glimpse of the King in real life

Excited 王室の 選挙立会人s took photos of Charles as he passed, with many appearing shocked that they had been so lucky to get a glimpse of the King in real life

Excited 王室の 選挙立会人s took photos of Charles as he passed, with many appearing shocked that they had been so lucky to get a glimpse of the King in real life.?

Charles and Queen Camilla had returned from their short stay on the Balmoral 広い地所 in Aberdeenshire last night. It was his first visit to the country since he 明らかにする/漏らすd his diagnosis and sent shockwaves around the world.

Whilst receiving 治療 the King?大部分は stepped 支援する from his public 直面するing 義務s, however, has continued to read his daily red boxes and have his 週刊誌 audience with the 総理大臣.?

In the coming weeks, however, it is understood Charles 計画(する)s to 'ramp up his schedule'.

It comes after the King made an 外見 と一緒に other 上級の 王室のs at the 復活祭 Sunday service at Sandringham, 供給するing a much needed 上げる to the British public coming to 条件 with both his and the Princess of むちの跡s' 癌 diagnosis.

The King was seen?shaking 手渡すs and chatting to those 王室の fans who had lined the nearby road, with many wishing him 井戸/弁護士席 with one 王室の fan telling Charles 'never give in'.?

On Thursday night the King and Queen arrived at?Aberdeen Airport from RAF Northolt in north-west London on Thursday evening, Charles and Camilla travelled to Birkenhall.

They were seen 長,率いるing to Sunday service at Crathie Kirk over the 週末, smiling as they drove past.

Birkenhall was the home of the late Queen Mother on the Balmoral 広い地所 and later (機の)カム into the King's 所有/入手.

It is seven miles away from the 城 and is where the King and Queen spent their honeymoon after tying the knot on April 11, 2005.?

The 君主, as with his daughter-in-法律 Kate, has not 公表する/暴露するd what type of 癌 he is fighting.

Charles was 以前 advised by doctors to 避ける any large-規模 public events and visits to 保護する his health during a 決定的な 行う/開催する/段階 in his 治療.

にもかかわらず this, he has remained within the public 注目する,もくろむ and it is understood that he will 'ramp up' his schedule in the coming weeks.?

One insider 以前 told the Mail: 'The idea of a 君主 cloistered away just wouldn't wash nowadays and will only create 損失ing 憶測 about His Majesty's health.'?

A source 追加するd last month: 'While it is too 早期に to 確認する things ? and, of course, it is 比較して 早期に in His Majesty's 治療 cycle ? the 患者 is 肯定的な, the doctors are 楽観的な and the 治療s are incredibly sophisticated.'?