Pictured: The mountain in Tibet known to over a billion people that no one has ever climbed. Here's why...

No one has ever climbed this mountain. At least - there are no 記録,記録的な/記録するs of a 選び出す/独身 person ever making it to the 最高の,を越す.

Yet it's a 頂点(に達する) known across 広大な 列s of the earth's 全住民 - and it receives thousands of 訪問者s every year.

Behold 開始する Kailash, one of the world's holiest mountains, 深い尊敬の念を抱くd by over a billion Buddhist, Hindu and Jain worshippers and みなすd too sacred to 始める,決める foot on.

The mountain, also known as Kangringboqe 頂点(に達する), stands at?22,028ft (6,714m) in a remote southwestern corner of Tibet. Hindus believe it is the home of the God of Shiva and, along with Buddhists, 言及する to it as the mythical 開始する Meru, the central axis of the universe.

It is forbidden to 首脳会議 the natural 巨大(な) for 恐れる that this will 乱す its sanctity, によれば the?Times of India. Though the 出版(物) recounts the mythical tale of a 修道士 called Milarepa 征服する/打ち勝つing the 頂点(に達する), and returning to 'forewarn everyone to 避ける bothering the God 残り/休憩(する)ing high up in the 頂点(に達する)'.

Mount Kailash (pictured), also known as the Kangringboqe Peak, is one of the world's most sacred mountains - a peak that remai
ns unclimbed

開始する Kailash (pictured), also known as the Kangringboqe 頂点(に達する), is one of the world's most sacred mountains - a 頂点(に達する) that remains unclimbed

Colourful prayer flags flutter in the wind, with the south face of Mount Kailash in the background

Colourful 祈り 旗s ぱたぱたする in the 勝利,勝つd, with the south 直面する of 開始する Kailash in the background

Mount Kailash?stands at 22,028ft (6,714m) in a remote southwest
ern corner of Tibet

開始する Kailash?stands at 22,028ft (6,714m) in a remote southwestern corner of Tibet

And in 1926, 陸軍大佐 R C Wilson of the Indian Army considered an 探検隊/遠征隊 to the 首脳会議, but 豪雪 (判決などを)下すd the 試みる/企てる impossible.?

宗教, mythology and 天候 条件s aside, 開始する Kailash is 'considered impossible to climb' 予定 to the 'physical challenges' it 現在のs.

So says?Tibet 小旅行する 操作者 Tibet Vista?on its website, 追加するing: 'The mountain's pyramid-like 形態/調整, 法外な slopes, and constant snow cover make it incredibly difficult.

'The 首脳会議 stands out from the surrounding 頂点(に達する)s with its symmetrical 塀で囲むs reaching high into the sky. The slopes are almost vertical, making it an 極端に 堅い 仕事 for 登山者s.'

Although it has never been 征服する/打ち勝つd, the 孤独な 頂点(に達する) welcomes thousands of 巡礼者s 毎年,?World 巡礼の旅 Guide?公式文書,認めるs.

The 旅行 to get there alone is one of 広大な/多数の/重要な perseverance, with no flights, trains or buses operati ng anywhere の近くに to the mountain, and 伴う/関わるing 'difficult, often dangerous travel', it 追加するs.

Although it has never been conquered, the mountain welcomes thousands of pilgrims each year and travellers usually spend three days walking around its base

Although it has never been 征服する/打ち勝つd, the mountain welcomes thousands of 巡礼者s each year and travellers usually spend three days walking around its base

The three-day 巡礼の旅, known as 'The Kora', sees 巡礼者s - and 訪問者s - walk around the base of the mountain three times in a clockwise direction.?一方/合間, the Jain and Bon 約束s 宙返り飛行 it in a 反対する-clockwise direction.

Those taking part should 準備する to walk 9.3 to 13.6 miles (15 to 22km) per day, によれば?Wonders of Tibet,?which 述べるs the trekking 大勝する as 'one of the highest in the world'.

The 旅行?begins in the small town of Darchen, at?an 高度 of around 15,091ft (4,600m). While the highest point, Drolma La-Pass, is 18,536ft (5,650m) above sea level.?

The pilgrimage is known as 'the kora' and travellers walking around the sacred site should be prepared to walk 15 to 22km a day

The 巡礼の旅 is known as 'the kora' and travellers walking around the sacred 場所/位置 should be 用意が出来ている to walk 15 to 22km a day

Dharmachakra, the main Buddhist symbol, on the roof of Buddhist monastery Dirapuk, with the north face of Mount Kailash in the background

Dharmachakra, the main Buddhist symbol, on the roof of Buddhist 修道院 Dirapuk, with the north 直面する of 開始する Kailash in the background

On the first day, 巡礼者s 取り組む the 大勝する on the south and west 味方するs of the mountain, which are predominantly flat and 比較して 平易な to walk.??

On the second day, the 条件s become more challenging for hikers moving along the north and east 味方するs of the mountain, 含むing along the 18,536ft (5,650m) Drolma?La pass.

The 巡礼の旅 becomes easier on the final day, which also happens to be the shortest trek.

Travellers will 取り組む the south 味方する and 完全にする their 旅行 by 早期に afternoon.?

Those partaking should be between 18 and 70 years old and it is 示唆するd travellers train for up to three months before 乗る,着手するing on the 巡礼の旅.