STS GLOBAL INCOME & GROWTH TRUST: A new 指名する, more 資産s... and the real chance to 上げる income

投資 信用 STS 全世界の Income & Growth has undergone a 重要な reboot since Troy 資産 管理/経営 took over three years ago.?

Troy, an 投資 house that prioritises the 資本/首都 保護 of (弁護士の)依頼人s' wealth, has 精密検査するd the 信用's 大臣の地位, jettisoning 95 per cent of the 在庫/株s it 相続するd from ツバメ Currie, the previous 経営者/支配人s.

It has also reset the (株主への)配当 dial so that 株主s now have every chance of enjoying income growth for the foreseeable 未来 ? while last year the 信用's 指名する was changed from 安全s 信用 of Scotland to give 投資家s a better feel for what it does.

The final part of the 信用's refurbishment will take place in the coming weeks when, 支配する to a 株主 投票(する), it will 吸収する the 資産s of fellow 基金 Troy Income & Growth.?

The 合併 should create a 乗り物 with 資産s of just under £400 million. The reward for 株主s will be a 削減 in the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s that Troy 徴収するs against the new 連合させるd 信用.

Although the 在庫/株s that STS 相続するs from Income & Growth will まず第一に/本来 be UK 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d, there will be much 大臣の地位 overlap ? some 15 在庫/株s (the likes of RELX, Unilever and Reckitt Benckiser) are ありふれた to both 大臣の地位s.?

It will also 堅固に remain a 全世界の income 基金 with a 重要な slice of its 資産s 配分するd to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs and Canada.

James Harries, 経営者/支配人 of STS, believes it will very much be 商売/仕事 as usual. He says: 'When we (機の)カム on board in November 2020, we 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 設立する STS as the best high 質, low volatility 信用 in the 全世界の 公正,普通株主権 income 部門. I think we have done this.'

The 業績/成果 numbers support this (人命などを)奪う,主張する. Over the last three discrete one-year 投資 periods, the 信用 has 登録(する)d returns of 2.3 (year to 早期に February 2024), 4.8 (2023) and 12.5 per cent (2022).

Given the 強調 on 資本/首都 保護, Harries is meticulous about the 在庫/株s that 結局最後にはーなる in STS's 大臣の地位. He eschews 部門s such as energy and 採掘 (too cyclical); automobiles and retailers (攻撃を受けやすい to disruption from competitors); housebuilders and construction companies (too 資本/首都 集中的な).?

In contrast, 重要な areas of 利益/興味 含む selected 産業の 在庫/株s such as US 半導体 巨大(な) Texas 器具s, a company which has 投資するd ひどく in cutting-辛勝する/優位 科学(工学)技術 to 安全な・保証する long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 cash flow growth.

It also has a 火刑/賭ける in Canadian 国家の 鉄道 which Harries believes will 利益 from the 運動 to 押し進める the transportation of goods off the roads and on to the 鉄道s. Harries also likes some of the 非,不,無-bank 財政上の companies such as wealth 経営者/支配人s.?

A 最高の,を越す 10 持つ/拘留するing is Chicago 商業の 交流 (CME) which has 利益d from the growth in 利益/興味 の中で US 投資家s for 財政上の 器具s such as 未来s.

Once Income & Growth's 資産s have been 吸収するd into STS, Harries is 確信して the 信用 will find 普及した 控訴,上告 の中で 投資家s keen to 保存する their wealth while 収入 an income from their investible 資産s.

'The 基金 will be 投資するd in resilient 商売/仕事s,' he says. 'It will 申し込む/申し出 a (株主への)配当 income 同等(の) to around three per cent a year and we will endeavour to grow it by around five per cent per 年. Hopefully, we are building an attractive 投資 which will 控訴,上告 to young and old.'

The 信用's market ID code is B09G3N2 and the ticker is STS. Total 年次の charg es are 0.94 per cent although these should 落ちる when Income & Growth's 資産s are taken under its wing.

(株主への)配当s are paid 年4回の with the last 支払い(額) 存在 1.53pence. The 株 現在/一般に 貿易(する) at around £2.25.

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