As Thames Water スキャンダル 重さを計るs 負かす/撃墜する 株 in its 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d 競争相手s - is the 産業 a 破産した/(警察が)手入れするd 紅潮/摘発する?

  • The shock ripples continue to flow from Thames Water?

The shock ripples continue to flow from the news that Thames Water, the 個人として-owned 供給者 to London and the South East, has been 宣言するd 'uninvestible' by its 株主s.

助言者s are working to 再編する the 負債-laden 商売/仕事, but it may yet have to be 一時的に renationalised. Yesterday its parent company defaulted on 利益/興味 支払い(額)s on a £400million 社債.

The reverberations have 影響する/感情d 株 in Pennon, Severn Trent and 部隊d 公共事業(料金)/有用性s, the 産業's three 引用するd companies which, like Thames Water, have an appalling 記録,記録的な/記録する on both 漏れるs and 汚染.

Splashing out: Some investors are seeking out companies that are endeavouring to improve supply and environmental standards

Splashing out: Some 投資家s are 捜し出すing out companies that are endeavouring to 改善する 供給(する) and 環境の 基準s

But the 危機 at Thames Water seems to be turning a スポットライト on their strengths. Not only are their 負債s much lower, they are also felt to be more resilient, thanks to their 引用するd status.?

Pennon is a member of the FTSE 250, and Severn Trent and 部隊d 公共事業(料金)/有用性s are FTSE 100 選挙権を持つ/選挙人s.

The publicity surrounding Thames Water is also having a wider 影響, at home and 世界的な, encouraging some 投資家s to 捜し出す out companies that are endeavouring to 改善する 供給(する) and 環境の 基準s.

Caroline Langley, 副 経営者/支配人 of the Quilter Cheviot 気候 資産s 基金 says: '全住民 growth, urbanisation, and 気候 change are 強めるing the 緊張する on systems 世界的な.'

These 傾向s 嘘(をつく) behind the 予測(する)s from the US analytics group 優先 that the 全世界の water 部門, 価値(がある) an 概算の £261billion in 2023, could grow to £457billion by 2032.

重要な 受益者s of this 拡大, it is argued, will be the 引用するd players in the UK and どこかよそで since the transparency 要求するd by a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d status 強いるs a water company to be 'more community and environmentally-minded'. Or so John Moore of wealth 経営者/支配人 RBC Brewin イルカ, 競うs.

The arguments in favour of 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d water companies come まっただ中に calls for all water companies to be returned to public 所有権.

But it is hard to see how any 政府 would 熟視する/熟考する such an 結果, given the 基金s 要求するd to 治療(薬) 10年間s of underinvestment in 組織/基盤/下部構造.?

For example, the cost of 除去するing 連合させるd 下水管 洪水s 範囲s from £350billion to as much as £600billion.

These 法案s 供給する another argument that water companies 要求する the 接近 to long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 資本/首都 that only a 株式市場 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing can 供給する.

Until the 見通し becomes clearer, it seems 価値(がある) hanging on to Pennon, Severn Trent and 部隊d 公共事業(料金)/有用性s.

This 不確定 means more 投資家s will be looking outside the UK, however. Dan Boardman-Weston of BRI Wealth 管理/経営 says: 'The world will have an 増加するing problem with water as a result of popula tion growth, urbanisation, 増加するd affluence and poor 組織/基盤/下部構造. We 投資する in JO Hambro's Regnan 維持できる Water and Waste 基金 which 支援するs companies 供給するing 解答s.'

の中で this 基金's holdings are US groups 核心 & Main and Xylem, the 全世界の water 治療 group. Its 株 have risen by 46 per cent over the past six months to $128, but 分析家s at BNP Paribas are 的ing a その上の 増加する to $150.

Holdings at the Quilter Cheviot 気候 資産 基金 含む the 適切な-指名するd Waters, another US 多国籍の which specialises in water 実験(する)ing.

The Thames Water スキャンダル may make you wish to stay away from water.?

But it may be wise to be positioned for the 事件/事情/状勢's repercussions.?

Tougher 環境の 衝撃 規則s may result, which is 原因(となる)ing me to 熟視する/熟考する dipping a toe (as it were) into the 株 of Halma, the FTSE 100 company. It has six 商売/仕事s, all 献身的な to the 自然保護 and 改良 of water.

Halma's 株 stand at 2270p. But 仲買人s UBS have recently tipped them as a buy with a 的 of 2700p which would certainly 正当化する my, er, splashing out.