A 年金 'マリファナ for life' would be popular, but many savers worry about making poor choices

  • 政府 is considering 許すing savers to have a 年金 マリファナ for life?
  • 現在の and all 未来 雇用者s could 支払う/賃金 into a 計画/陰謀 an individual chose
  • How would it work and what are the プロの/賛成のs and 反対/詐欺s? Find out and 投票(する) in our 投票?

A 'pot for life': Workers would get the right to choose their own pension and to have contributions paid in by their current employer

A 'マリファナ for life': 労働者s would get the 権利 to choose their own 年金 and to have 出資/貢献s paid in by their 現在の 雇用者

More than half of 年金 savers would like a 'マリファナ for life' but many are nervous about making poor choices, new 研究 明らかにする/漏らすs.

When asked what was most likely to 影響(力) their 選択 of a lifetime 年金 計画/陰謀, the most popular 返答 was that they would follow the 推薦 of a 'money 専門家'.

An 裏書,是認 by an 専門家 they 信用 would be more persuasive than 投資 業績/成果, 信用d brands, 財政上の 助言者s, low 料金s or family and friends, によれば the 調査する by 年金 顧問 Barnett Waddingham.

The 政府 is 現在/一般に looking into whether to 許す savers to open a 年金 that all 現在の and 未来 雇用者s can 支払う/賃金 into throughout their working lives.

It has held a 協議 and 確認するd in the March 予算 that it is 調査するing the idea - which divides 年金 専門家s.

Many welcome the idea and に例える it to having a bank account. They say it could 抑制(する) the 広大な number of 年金s 存在 created every time people start a new 職業.

But although it has been dubbed '自動車 enrolment 2.0', others say it 危険s 土台を崩すing the successful 率先 which has seen millions of people 調印するd up for 年金s by their 雇用者s unless they 活発に 選ぶ out.

> How would a 'マリファナ for life' work? Find out below?

Critics 示唆する letting people choose their own 'マリファナ for life' could 切断する the 関係 with 雇用者s, who have more clout to 選ぶ a decent 年金 計画/陰謀 and 交渉する cheaper 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s than individuals.

They also 恐れる big 年金 providers would advertise and compete to attract the savers with the biggest マリファナs, leaving those with small 年金s or いっそう少なく 財政上の knowledge in worse-成し遂げるing 計画/陰謀s with higher 料金s.

Howeve r, 53 per cent of savers think it would be a 肯定的な change to the 年金 system, and 54 per cent said it would make them more engaged with their 基金s, によれば the new 投票 by Barnett Waddingham.

Some 38 per cent felt it would make them more 確信して about 退職, but 49 per cent said they were worried about making bad 決定/判定勝ち(する)s over their choice of lifetime 年金 計画/陰謀. マリファナs for life were …に反対するd by 15 per cent of those 調査するd.

Barnett 投票d 2,000 people with 'defined 出資/貢献' 年金s, where individuals and 雇用者s build a マリファナ that is 投資するd for 退職.?

These have 取って代わるd safer and more generous final salary or 'defined 利益' 年金s, where 雇用者s 耐える the 投資 危険, outside of the public 部門.

How would a 'マリファナ for life' work??

Many of us are acquiring an ever 増加するing number of 年金 マリファナs as we change 職業s, so having just one that we keep saving into throughout our working life is an attractive idea.

A 'マリファナ for life' would mean 労働者s would get the 権利 to choose their own 年金 and to have 出資/貢献s paid in by their 現在の 雇用者.

Whenever you started a new 職業, your 出資/貢献s would be sent to your 存在するing 'マリファナ for life', unless you chose さもなければ.

If you didn't already have a マリファナ for life or say さもなければ, your 出資/貢献s would go instead to your 雇用者's default 年金 provider.

一方/合間, 雇用者s 現在/一般に send 年金 cont ributions for all their staff to one provider, and won't want to start making 支払い(額)s to a myriad of 計画/陰謀s.

To get around this there would probably have to be one (疑いを)晴らすing house, which would become the new 目的地 for all 年金 出資/貢献s, and then be 責任がある redistributing them.

And all 'マリファナ for life' providers would have to be 認可するd for suitability, and 規制するd to 確実にする people's money was 存在 looked after 適切に and they weren't 存在 overcharged.

年金 産業 団体/死体 the 協会 of British 保険会社s says that 'lifetime provider' models might help to 取り組む the growing number of small 年金 マリファナs, but they 危険 土台を崩すing the success of (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 enrolment.

It (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d a 報告(する)/憶測 from consultancy 会社/堅い 卸売物価指数 経済的なs into the 可能性のある 衝撃 of 'マリファナ for life' 提案s, which 含むd a 調査する of more than 1,000 雇用者s. Here are its findings.

- Under (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 enrolment, savers 現在/一般に 支払う/賃金 low 百分率 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s (capped at 0.75 per cent if you stay in an 雇用者 計画/陰謀's default 基金) so people with smaller 年金 マリファナs 利益 from lower 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s than those with larger マリファナs.

'会社/堅いs recoup the lower 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s for small マリファナs by 非難する more for larger マリファナs ? known as cross-subsidisation,' says the 卸売物価指数 報告(する)/憶測.?

'However, under member choice people would be encouraged to switch providers and 会社/堅いs ? creating a 小売 or individualised pricing model, 類似の to banks.'

Mark Futcher of Barnett Waddingham: Issues of apathy, low financial literacy, and chronically low pension saving won’t be fixed by a pot for life

示す Futcher of Barnett Waddingham: 問題/発行するs of apathy, low 財政上の literacy, and chronically low 年金 saving won't be 直す/買収する,八百長をするd by a マリファナ for life

- With a 'マリファナ for life' system, 年金 会社/堅いs are likely to 捜し出す to attract savers with bigger マリファナs out of workplace 計画/陰謀s, leaving smaller 年金 マリファナs behind.

'Based on 分析 of international and UK markets, those with lower 貯金 could 結局最後にはーなる with lower 成し遂げるing defaults, while also 潜在的に 存在 攻撃する,衝突する with 増加するd 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s as they would lose the cross-補助金s from larger マリファナs.

'This could 原因(となる) 存在するing 不平等s in 年金s to 深くする その上の, as it's more likely to 衝撃 those who are younger, on lower incomes, women, and people from 民族の 少数,小数派 backgrounds.'

- 証拠 from Mexico shows 40 per cent of savers switched to 計画/陰謀s which had both lower returns and higher 料金s when a 'member choice' model was introduced.

- 雇用者s play a 重要な 役割 in defined 出資/貢献 年金 saving by selecting an appropriate 計画/陰謀 that 会合,会うs their 従業員s' needs.

'The onus would 転換 from 雇用者s 安全な・保証するing the best 取引,協定 for their 従業員s, to individuals taking more 支配(する)/統制する of their 年金 マリファナ,' says the 報告(する)/憶測.

In 卸売物価指数's 調査する of 雇用者s, 57 per cent said they would take いっそう少なく 利益/興味 in the 質 of the 計画/陰謀 they would choose for staff who stuck with their workplace provider, and 59 per cent said they would worry that staff would make bad 年金 決定/判定勝ち(する)s if they had to choose for themselves.

Some 62 per cent of 雇用者s were 関心d staff would get worse 年金 結果s compared to 10 per cent who 同意しないd the re would be a 消極的な 衝撃.

What are the プロの/賛成のs and 反対/詐欺s of a 'マリファナ for life' - and when might we get them?

支持者s say savers would be able to choose their own 年金 providers, which would be incentivised to look after them as individuals rather than 雇用者s, and beyond what is 要求するd by a regulator.

They believe putting savers in 支配(する)/統制する of their own 基金s would encourage them to saver harder, and also help the 移行 to 退職 when many people move to drawdown 基金s and manage their own 投資s.


Do YOU want a 'マリファナ for life'

Do YOU want a 'マリファナ for life'

  • Yes 94 投票(する)s
  • No 39 投票(する)s
  • Don't know 23 投票(する)s

Now 株 your opinion

  • ?

競争 and choice of 計画/陰謀s could 改善する, and 一方/合間 the hassle of starting new マリファナs whenever you move 職業s - and 潜在的に losing 跡をつける of them - would be 少なくなるd.

Critics say changing how 雇用者s make 年金 出資/貢献s would be a major 行政の endeavour even if there was a new (疑いを)晴らすing house system.

They also point out that bank accounts are far more interchangeable than 年金s, which don't all 申し込む/申し出 the same 製品 and value for money, and can be very different ーに関して/ーの点でs of 料金s, 業績/成果 and 契約 条件s.

一方/合間, 年金 providers operating 独立して of 雇用者s do not have to cap 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s, as workplace 計画/陰謀s do at 0.75 per cent if you stay in their 'default' 基金.

対抗者s 表明する 関心 that individuals will not have the knowledge to choose a 年金 計画/陰謀 meant to last them for life, or have the same 力/強力にする as 雇用者s to get a good 取引,協定. Also, a 年金 計画/陰謀 that 控訴s someone 早期に in life might not work 同様に when they 攻撃する,衝突する middle age, or get 近づく 退職.

The 政府 flagged the 計画(する) at the Autumn 声明 last year, and the その後の 協議 ended in January. (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Jeremy 追跡(する) 示すd at the 予算 in March that he remained committed to 調査するing the idea.

It might not have time to do more ahead of the next 選挙, and we will learn more if 'マリファナs for life' appear in the party manifestos.

> Should you 合併する your 年金 マリファナs? Read a This is Money guide

What do 年金 専門家s say?

示す Futcher, partner and 長,率いる of DC 年金s at Barnett Waddingham, says of his 会社/堅い's 調査する results: 'British savers have 明確に been 支持を得ようと努めるd by a sexy-sounding new 年金s 政策 that has built up their hopes for a better 未来 for 退職.

'But 問題/発行するs of apathy, low 財政上の literacy, and chronically low 年金 saving won't be 直す/買収する,八百長をするd by a マリファナ for life.

Yvonne Braun of the ABI: Member choice would deliver few benefits, but risk throwing away the gains from auto-enrolment

Yvonne Braun of the ABI: Member choice would 配達する few 利益s, but 危険 throwing away the 伸び(る)s from 自動車-enrolment

'What's worse, we know that Australian SuperFunds on the other 味方する of the world tend to splash the cash on 後援s of sports teams, and advertising (選挙などの)運動をするs which would 明確に 勝利,勝つ over savers looking for 専門家s and brand 信用.

'Yet, this spend comes at an 適切な時期 cost of 投資するing in member 結果s, and we 危険 a 年金s system that is fighting for 商業のs, not 消費者s.'

Futcher says there are some very big 年金 problems the 政府 must 直す/買収する,八百長をする before a マリファナ for life will work, such as 増加するing 自動車-enrolment levels, 自動車-増大するing 出資/貢献s when people get 支払う/賃金 rises, and lowering the 出資/貢献 age threshold.

Yvonne Braun, director of long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 貯金 政策 at the ABI, says: '取り組むing the challenge of the 速く growing number of small, inactive 年金 マリファナs is 決定的な so that it's easier for people to keep 跡をつける of their money.

'However, (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 enrolment through the workplace was まず第一に/本来 始める,決める up to help those who were not saving into a 年金, many of whom were lower paid people, and we must not 逆転する its success.'

She says of the ABI-(売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d 報告(する)/憶測 on how マリファナs for life would work in practice: 'As this 証拠 shows, member choice would 配達する few 利益s, but 危険 throwing away the 伸び(る)s from 自動車-enrolment.

'年金s dashboards will bring 重要な 改良s in data 質 which could help to make more efficient, cheaper 年金 移転s a 全世界の/万国共通の reality. It is important that this work is 完全にするd, and the 衝撃 understood, before any その上の 改革(する)s are 追加するd to the mix.'