How to 投資する in 株: Your guide to successful 在庫/株-選ぶing

Why do people 投資する 直接/まっすぐに in 株 rather than letting a 基金 経営者/支配人 do the work for them?

For some it is because they think they can (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 the market and the 経営者/支配人, for others it's the attraction of owning a direct 火刑/賭ける in a company, and for many 株 投資家s it comes 負かす/撃墜する to the simple fact that they find it 利益/興味ing.

Whatever an individual 投資家's 推論する/理由, buying 株 直接/まっすぐに remains a resoundingly popular 選択 ? and it's something that has seen a resurgence over the past year.

Britain's biggest DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約s have 報告(する)/憶測d 増加するd 利益/興味 in buying company 株 in 最近の years ? and a new 産む/飼育する of younger 株 投資家s coming through.

If you are 利益/興味d in buying 株, want to understand the difference between 投資するing and 貿易(する)ing, or know more about 明らかにするing good companies and valuing them, read our guide to 株 投資するing.

Investing in shares has seen a resurgence in interest as more people dabble in stock-picking and a new younger breed of share investors has emerged

投資するing in 株 has seen a resurgence in 利益/興味 as more people dabble in 在庫/株-選ぶing and a new younger 産む/飼育する of 株 投資家s has 現れるd

投資するing in 株

When you buy 株 you are taking direct 所有権 of a small slice of a company. If that company does 井戸/弁護士席, then the 株 price should rise and your 火刑/賭ける will go up in value.

選ぶ the 権利 company and 株 投資するing can 証明する 高度に lucrative, but 選ぶ the wrong one and you could lose much or all of what you put in.???

When you read about the 株式市場 you'll often hear two 条件 bandied about: 貿易(する)ing and 投資するing. いつかs they will seem to be used almost interchangeably, but there is a 重要な difference between the two ーに関して/ーの点でs of 意向.

There is no strict 鮮明度/定義 of what counts as 貿易(する)ing and 投資するing, but the former is considered a short-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 endeavour, where the underlying 質s of a company 事柄 いっそう少なく than making a 利益(をあげる) and moving on; 反して the latter is considered a long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 game, where carefully 重さを計るing up a company's 根底となる strengths and 存在 患者 事柄s more.

This guide focusses on the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 game of 投資するing in 株 and building a 大臣の地位 that can 利益(をあげる) through the years.?

For many people, 投資するing with a 基金, 投資 信用 or a good low-cost tracker is the best and most sensible 選択, but if you are inte 残り/休憩(する)d in 選ぶing 株 instead, read on.?

Why 投資する 直接/まっすぐに in 株??

But why would you 投資する 直接/まっすぐに in 株 rather than let a 基金 spread 危険 for you??

統計(学) say that you won't (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 the market, and you might be better off with a simple low-cost 全世界の tracker 基金, instead of 在庫/株-選ぶing.

The answer for many lies in the 利益/興味 they develop in it and the direct feeling of 投資.

The 支払う/賃金 off may be the thrill of a company that you have 研究d and 支援するd coming good on its 約束, or 発表するing better than 推定する/予想するd results, and having its 株 price rise.

But what will also 必然的に come too いつかs is a 沈むing feeling as a company disappoints and its 株 price slides.?

To be a 株 投資家, you must learn to take the rough with the smooth, spread your 危険 across different companies and 避ける emotional over reactions.

Remember that it's also not an all-or-nothing endeavour. You can 投資する some of your 大臣の地位 in 基金s and 投資 信用s and some 直接/まっすぐに in 株 in whatever 割合s you choose.

One sensible approach for those dipping their toes in, is to have a large 核心 of holdings in reliable trackers, 基金s or 投資 信用s and a smaller 衛星 大臣の地位 of 株 投資s.

Time, 成果/努力, diversification and a little patience

The 重要な to successful 株 投資するing is time, 成果/努力 and diversification.

If you do decide to 投資する in individual 株, then you must be willing to take the time to 研究 companies carefully and keep 跡をつける of their 業績/成果; to make the 成果/努力 to understand their balance sheets, results and 貿易(する)ing 声明s; and you must make sure that the 大臣の地位 you build is 適切に diversified ? spread across different companies that do different things.

Many companies also choose to 支払う/賃金 out (株主への)配当s to 株主s; these are 正規の/正選手 支払い(額)s that can 変化させる in size and reward them for 持つ/拘留するing the 会社/堅い's 株 ? and over the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 reinvesting and 構内/化合物ing (株主への)配当s has proven to be a major source of 株式市場 returns.?

You won't 選ぶ only 勝利者s along the way ? there's always something that will go wrong that you 港/避難所't thought of ? but by putting the work in and spreading your 投資s across a diversified 大臣の地位 of 株, you can 増加する your chance of making 伸び(る)s and lower your 危険 of losses.

The classic mistake made by many who 持つ/拘留する 株 is to buy too few different companies?

The classic mistake made by many who 持つ/拘留する 株 is to buy too few different companies.

There is no 魔法 number that tells you how many to 持つ/拘留する; however, academic 研究 on the number of 在庫/株s held vs 危険 by Elton & Gruber (in 1977 and followed later by others) 示唆するs that at least 15 to 20 spread across different 部門s is 望ましい. You can see how this lowers 危険 in the chart below.

It has also become subs tantially easier and cheaper in 最近の years for British 投資家s to 投資する in the 株 of companies 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d on 株式市場s outside the UK, for example, Apple or Tesla in the US. 避けるing home bias and 投資するing beyond your nation's 国境s is a 決定的な way to diversify, although you may choose to use 基金s or 投資 信用s to do this more easily.

Read our guide: How many different 株 does a 大臣の地位 need?

This chart shows how Elton and Gruber's Risk Reduction and Portfolio Size paper illustrated how holding more shares reduces total risk.

This chart shows how Elton and Gruber's 危険 削減 and 大臣の地位 Size paper illustrated how 持つ/拘留するing more 株 減ずるs total 危険.

Where to buy 株

You can buy into a company when it first 問題/発行するs 株, known as a float or an IPO (初期の public 申し込む/申し出ing) but by far the most ありふれた thing to do is to buy 株 already 貿易(する)ing on the 株式市場 ? 効果的に buying 在庫/株 second-手渡す.

Buying 株 is simple and cheap ? far more so than even in the 比較して 最近の past ? and you can manage them yourself on a computer or 動きやすい phone.

The 重要な to this is to use a DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約 or app; some 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 a 料金 to buy or sell, while a 選択 of newcomers 申し込む/申し出 解放する/自由な 株 取引,協定ing.

Some 株 投資家s may still prefer to 支払う/賃金 a 財政上の 助言者 or stockbroker to 行為/法令/行動する for them, but for the 目的s of this guide we will 焦点(を合わせる) on DIY 株 投資するing.

The cost of buying and selling 株 with 設立するd DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約s can be £11.95 but with some of the new apps 貿易(する)ing is 解放する/自由な

To buy and manage 株 online you will need to 調印する up to an account with a DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約 or one of the 選択 of new app-only 壇・綱領・公約s.

The major DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約s with a 焦点(を合わせる) on 株 投資するing 同様に as 基金s 含む Hargreaves Lansdown, Interactive 投資家, AJ Bell, Fidelity, Charles Stanley and Halifax-owned iWeb.

They 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 株 取引,協定ing (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 at between £3.99 (for Interactive 投資家) and £11.95 (for Hargreaves Lansdown) each time you buy or sell 株 and, in 新規加入, have a variety of different ways of 非難する an admin 料金 for accounts, 含むing 百分率, capped and flat 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s.

Challenging these 設立するd players are a 選択 of 貿易(する)ing apps that 申し込む/申し出 解放する/自由な or かなり cheaper 株 投資するing, these 含む eToro, 貿易(する)ing 212 and Freetrade, which all 申し込む/申し出 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限-解放する/自由な 株 取引,協定ing and the 適切な時期 to 持つ/拘留する 株 for 解放する/自由な. With these apps some services or an Isa account can cost extra.

One of the 広大な/多数の/重要な advantages of the 自由貿易ing apps for 株 投資家s starting out or 投資するing lesser sums is that 料金s eat いっそう少なく of your 投資, 反して building a 大臣の地位 of 15 株 on a DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約 非難する £10 per 貿易(する) will feel expensive.

Be aware that some 解放する/自由な 株 投資するing apps also 申し込む/申し出 high-危険 CFD 貿易(する)ing ? while this 許すs you to 支援する 在庫/株s cheaply, this is not 投資するing and 警告s will often tell you that 70 or 80 per cent of 顧客s lose money on CFDs. 注意する them.

< p class="mol-para-with-font">When you buy 株, you will also have to 支払う/賃金 0.5 per cent stamp 義務 ? a 税金 on 処理/取引s that goes to the 政府. There is an 控除 to this for the 株 of most companies 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d on the junior, high-growth 目的(とする) 株式市場 索引.

調印 up to a 壇・綱領・公約 or app is usually 平易な and quick and depending on which service you choose, you can 選ぶ to 支払う/賃金 in a lump sum to 投資する or make 正規の/正選手 月毎の direct debit 支払い(額)s into 投資s ? or do both.

Most 壇・綱領・公約s are very simple to use and 平易な to get used to. They will 申し込む/申し出 変化させるing degrees of tips, 分析, 道具s and service.

This is Money's best DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約s 一連の会議、交渉/完成する-up, 最高潮の場面s some of our favoured 壇・綱領・公約s and explains how their 非難する 作品.

Where to get 投資するing ideas?

There is no 不足 of places to get ideas on 株 to buy.

These 範囲 from 観察するing the world around you and noticing what companies you think are doing 井戸/弁護士席, to 検討する,考慮するing what could happen in the 未来, reading 株 tips, 分析 and 投資するing ideas, running the numbers on a 在庫/株 screener and 株ing ideas with others, whether in person or 経由で social マスコミ.

You can read our guide on Where to find 株 投資 ideas here.

?The ありふれた thread that runs through all of these places to get ideas is that you must do your own 研究

The ありふれた thread that runs through all of these places to get ideas ? and any other you can think of ? is that you must do your own 研究.

Never 簡単に rely on a tip or 推薦 from someone else, or the results thrown up by one bit of data 審査.?

Beware FOMO ? 恐れる of 行方不明の out ? when someone tells you that they've made a packet on a 在庫/株 and you think 'I fancy some of that and need to 行為/法令/行動する 急速な/放蕩な'.

It is your money that is 存在 put on the line, so make sure you 適切に 研究 a company.

For その上の sources of inspiration, This is Money's 投資するing section carries our 週刊誌 Midas 株 Tips and Small Cap 株 Ideas?columns, along with other 正規の/正選手 articles on 投資するing ideas.?

This is Money's fortnightly 投資するing Show?also features interviews with 基金 経営者/支配人s and professionals explaining how they 投資する.

How to 選ぶ and value 株?

When you are 重さを計るing up a company's 株, look at the 根底となるs ? as its 重要な 財政上の metrics are known. Read the 最新の 貿易(する)ing 声明s, results and 年次の 報告(する)/憶測, and also look at what it says about itself and its prospects - and what others think.

Consider how that company is positioned ーに関して/ーの点でs of 財政上の strength, prospects for growth, ability to 支払う/賃金 (株主への)配当s, the success of its 製品s and services, its 管理/経営 and how all this might change in the 未来.

Don't try to time the market but do consider whether the 現在の 株 price 申し込む/申し出s a good 入ること/参加(者) point?

Can it capitalise if things go its way - and has it got the robustness to 生き残る if things go against it?

Don't try to time the market but do consider whether the 現在の 株 price 申し込む/申し出s a good 入ること/参加(者) point, or perhaps you may be overpaying as 感情 is running hot.

Think about your 投資 目的(とする)s and your time horizon, too, and how the company fits with this and the 残り/休憩(する) of your 大臣の地位.

You should 適切に 研究 all 株 you 投資する in, but in reality people will do more work on those they are putting a 相当な sum into.

You don't need to learn to understand complicated trading charts, but you should properly research all shares you invest in before you hit the buy button

You don't need to learn to understand 複雑にするd 貿易(する)ing charts, but you should 適切に 研究 all 株 you 投資する in before you 攻撃する,衝突する the buy button

Part of 存在 a successful 株 投資家 is learning how to manage your own level of 危険. Before you 攻撃する,衝突する the buy button always 重さを計る a 株 up against your 危険 appetite and ability to 許容する losses.

There are some things that can help you with this 研究: This is Money's market data and 株 pages feature 根底となるs, charts, 財政上の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and 公式の/役人 company results, 貿易(する)ing updates and 告示s.

You will also need to get your 長,率いる 一連の会議、交渉/完成する some 重要な valuation metrics for 株, such as price-to-収入s (PE) 割合s, return on 公正,普通株主権, (株主への)配当 cover and 収入s per 株 growth.

It's important to put all these things in 状況. For example, comparing the valuation of a company against the market and others in its 部門 and also 重さを計るing up how 一貫した and 強健な its 商売/仕事 and 利益(をあげる)s will be.

Our guide How to tell if a 株 is good value can help and その上の 資源s can be 設立する at paid-for 株 data 場所/位置s.

Growth, value and 勢い?

Spend a little time reading about 投資するing in 株 and you'll start coming across 条件, such as value, growth and 勢い ? often used without much explanation.

Fortunately, while some 投資家s dedicate their lives to digging as 深く,強烈に as possible into these 投資するing styles, they aren't that 複雑にするd to get your 長,率いる 一連の会議、交渉/完成する.

In essence, the 条件 述べる the 支配的な characteristic that a 株 is considered to have and thus the 部類 it would fit into.

It's 価値(がある) 耐えるing in mind though that 在庫/株s can get lumped into more than one 部類 ? and what defines each is somewhat subjective.


Value 投資家s 目的(とする) to buy companies where they think their 資産s or 可能性のある for returns aren't 反映するd in the 株 price.?

There are plenty of other 推論する/理由s that a 株 could be a value 適切な時期, but vitally value 投資家s will crunch the numbers and look at the 根底となるs of a company to try to 設立する what it is 現実に 価値(がある) and compare that to the 株 price.

の中で 重要な 財政上の metrics, value 投資家s use and compare to the market, 部門, and long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 普通の/平均(する) for the company, are price-to-収入s and price-to-調書をとる/予約する 割合s, the (株主への)配当 産する/生じる, 逮捕する 負債 and cashflow 対策.


Growth 投資家s are いっそう少なく 関心d with 選ぶing up 取引 株 (although they don't 活発に want to overpay) and instead 焦点(を合わせる) on companies that can 配達する 一貫した, above-a verage growth in 歳入 and 利益(をあげる)s for years to come.

Growth 株 will tend to be more expensive than the market 普通の/平均(する) on a price-to-収入s basis, but 投資家s are 支援 the ability of those 収入s to keep rising ? and (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 期待s ? over the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語.

の中で 重要な 財政上の metrics, growth 投資家s use are 収入s-per-株 growth, return on 資本/首都, return on 公正,普通株主権, 構内/化合物 年次の growth 人物/姿/数字s and cashflow.


勢い 投資家s or 仲買人s worry much いっそう少なく about whether a company's せいにするs and 簡単に buy the 株 that are going up the most and then 目的(とする) to sell up when the bandwagon starts to slow.?

The theory is that once a ball starts rolling it will keep moving for some time and the greater the 量 of money that is 存在 投資するd, the quicker an 資産's value will rise.?

勢い 仲買人s don't mind buying high if they can sell even higher. Buy at a lower point than you sell and you will make money.

勢い 投資するing might sound daft to some but it has been proven to work, with one 決定的な caveat: 勢い 投資家s needs a system for identifying 勢い, knowing when to buy in and when to sell out, and then must stick to it.

Think like you own the company ? because you do

When you buy 株 you take 所有権 of part of the company.

基金 経営者/支配人s and professional 投資家s often advise small 投資家s to remember this when they are making a buying 決定/判定勝ち(する)s.

Considering that you are buying a company can 焦点(を合わせる) the mind on whether you really want those 株 and they are 価値(がある) 支援 with your hard-earned cash.

株 所有権 also brings important 権利s and 示す Northway, chairman of ShareSoc, a group that 支持する/優勝者s and ロビーs on に代わって of individual 投資家s, says 'those 権利s come with 平等に important 義務s'.

He 追加するs: 'It's your company, and you should think and behave as an owner and as a steward. You should care how it behaves and use the levers of 影響(力) and 支配(する)/統制する 利用できる to you. It's only 権利.'

It's your company, and you should think and behave as an owner and as a steward?
?示す Northway, chairman of ShareSoc

株主s have the 権利 to …に出席する general 会合s of the company, the 権利 to 投票(する) at those 会合s, the 権利 to 提案する change, and the 権利 to call a general 会合.

Unfortunately, the structure of a 広大な/多数の/重要な 取引,協定 of UK 株 所有権 has made these 権利s far harder to 演習. Unlike in days gone by when 株 were held 直接/まっすぐに by small 投資家s with paper 証明書s, DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約s 持つ/拘留する 顧客s' 資産s in pooled 指名された人 accounts.

Mr Northway explains: 'Under UK 法律, 投資家s who 持つ/拘留する 株 経由で 指名された人 accounts are not the 合法的な owner of t hem, and therefore do not enjoy the 権利s which …を伴って 所有権.'

Those with 株 held in DIY 投資するing 壇・綱領・公約 指名された人 accounts can 演習 their 権利s, but different 壇・綱領・公約s approach this in different ways.

If you want to get 伴う/関わるd as a 株主, 圧力(をかける) your 壇・綱領・公約 to give you your 権利s and also 支援する (選挙などの)運動をするs to 改善する 株 所有権, for example, ShareSoc's (選挙などの)運動をする for direct 所有権 on a 数字表示式の 登録(する).?


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