Grown women crossed themselves, bats ぱたぱたするd

Quentin Letts

Last updated at 00:00 02 July 2003

SWINE fever, or its political 同等(の), wiped out four-fifths of the ありふれたs Health 大臣s in that dreadful 改造(する). Alan Milburn leapt. The others were trolleyed off to distant 回廊(地帯)s.

As a result, we had four new 直面するs on the 政府 前線 (法廷の)裁判 for Health Questions yesterday. Four new 事例/患者 熟考する/考慮するs in 逮捕 and skimpy 専門的知識.

This most caring, soothing of Departments is now led - gulp - by Dr Death himself: John Reid The man is a glower on 脚s, the embodiment of a clenched 握りこぶし, a sharp-肘d scuffle buttoned into a too-少しの cheap 控訴.

What a boxy, prickly, stroppy little bantam he is.

First of the new 大臣s to step up to the despatch box was Stephen Ladyman, a biologist who has one of those 直面するs that never seem to stop smiling.

Ladyman was an 利益/興味ing choice for a Health 職業 He used to 議長,司会を務める the all-party group on autism, so has an 知らせるd 見解(をとる) of the MMR ワクチン 列/漕ぐ/騒動 that has so bedevilled the 政府.

But yesterday, asked a question about diagnostic centres, he 認める: ' I'm afraid I have 絶対 no idea.' 十分な 示すs for honesty. Nul points for nous.

Then Dr Death swaggered to his feet. The House swallowed. Grown women in the public gallery crossed themselves and bats ぱたぱたするd from the eaves.

It is amazing how he can 注入する (dread word) a 手段 of 毒(薬) into two words as blameless as 'Mister (衆議院の)議長'.

Soon he was on to how much money the 政府 spends on health care.

It was 'staggering,' said Mr Reid. ' Staggering ' . And again 'staggering'.

井戸/弁護士席 if it's so much, buster, how come it's not better managed?

Liam Fox, 影をつくる/尾行する 国務長官, asked some nicely-詳細(に述べる)d questions about 予算s. Dr Death hadn't a 手がかり(を与える) as to the answer, but rather than follow the Ladyman 大勝する and say so, he snapped at the Tories.

It was so 不正に done that even his old friend (衆議院の)議長 ツバメ told him to shut up.

Mr Lad yman, sitting beside a scowling Mr Reid, smiled 概して. Not a good idea. I dread to think what would have happened to him had Mr Reid known.

As Health 長官, he will spend a good 取引,協定 of his time 小旅行するing hospitals, 説 hello to the sick and maimed.

Good grief. But maybe it is all a brilliant ruse by No 10 to (疑いを)晴らす the 区s.

One sight of this baleful basher entering the 区 with matron will have 無効のs across the country reaching for their crutches and clattering に向かって the 出口s. The other two new 大臣s were Melanie Johnson (肉親,親類d but a bit of a waffler) and Rosie Winterton. Ah, Rosie!

If the ありふれたs has a little 行方不明になる Flirt, Comrade Winterton is the girl. In her 中央の-40s, she flashed two calves as taut as Tim Henman's cat gut.

cottage-loaf decolletage was parked neatly on the despatch box, walnut tanned. Her 注目する,もくろむs 広げるd with innocence and amusement.

She was quizzed about 数字表示式の 審理,公聴会 援助(する)s.

The answers (機の)カム in a slow, Playschool 発言する/表明する. Peter Pike (Lab, Burnley) 自白するd he was deaf as a lamppost.

行方不明になる Winterton resisted the 誘惑 to shout her reply. Every time she approached something 議論の的になる she lowered her 発言する/表明する, gazed imploringly at the Tories and 許すd a look of beatific helplessness to play around her lips.

The 対立 loved it. Capt Hastings (NW Norfolk's Henry Bellingham) fell 即時に in love and told her she was marvellous.

労働 MPs, I sensed, were いっそう少なく enthralled. To them she is a 同僚, and therefore a hated 競争相手.

How maddening that someone so 非,不,無- combative, and such a contrast to Dr Death, should have a 大臣の 職業.

Last thing to 報告(する)/憶測 is the fact that Iain Duncan Smith, most 異常に for a party leader, led a short 審議 on special needs schools in his 選挙区/有権者.

Such 審議s are 普通は the domain of obscure backbenchers. Good on IDS, say I.

The 審議 was …に出席するd by a group of utterly dear special needs youngsters.

At the en d they gave a terrific, St Trinian's 元気づける. Easily the best moment of the day.

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