Different degrees of 記録,記録的な/記録する breaking

Keith Waterhouse

Last updated at 00:00 11 August 2003

HERE'S a headline you're ありそうもない ever to see, either this week, next week or next year: 37.10 記録,記録的な/記録する Broken. Not because it was ありそうもない to happen, but because now the 気温 has 爆発するd the 温度計, we want it in Fahrenheit.

にもかかわらず the 成果/努力s of the servile BBC to get us to think in Celsius - or centigrade as it used to be called before they decided to 複雑にする our lives even その上の - we stubbornly 辞退する to do so.

Even 普通は bloodyminded newspapers have taken up Celsiusism, translating the 気温 into Fahrenheit only in apologetic brackets afterwards. But we 持つ/拘留する out.

Did you know, by the way, that when Professor Celsius invented centigrade - or was it Professor Centigrade who invented Celsius? - its 規模 was calibrated in 逆転する, so that 100 degrees was 氷点の point and 無 degrees was boiling point, meaning that the 天候 story would read: Torquay frazzled in two degrees yesterday. Not a lot of people know that.

Be that as it may, we have taken to Celsius even いっそう少なく than we ever took to old-hat centigrade, which is to say, not at all. The Americans, too, I'm happy to say, want nothing to do with this obscure way of 手段ing hot 空気/公表する.

But then, unlike us, they had already 拒絶するd the march of metrication and all that in all its forms. The most go-ahead nation in the world put its foot 負かす/撃墜する when it (機の)カム to 重さを計るing its apples in キログラムs.

Apart from the インチ-yard-mile, which さまざまな sneaky 地元の 当局 keep taking potshots at by 築くing 違法な signposts to the 影響 that it is so many metres to the public library, we have more or いっそう少なく fallen in with officious tinkerings with our 負わせるs and 対策. Occasionally a mutinous greengrocer will be dragged into 法廷,裁判所 for selling his sprouts in 続けざまに猛撃するs and ounces, but by and large we put up with it.

EXCEPT when it comes to Fahrenheit. Since the 中央の-70s, of course, British school children have had Fahrenheit drummed out o f them in much the same way that, in the 教育の Dark Ages, Welsh children were forbidden to speak Welsh. But the 残り/休憩(する) of us speak fluent Fahrenheit.

There's no secret to it.

Fahrenheit is 簡単に the more graphic, the more 劇の, the most sensational of the two systems.

One hundred degrees Fahrenheit is news. Thirty-something degrees Celsius is 統計(学).

It's like cricket. A century is a century is a century - if it has to be topped up with extras, that's Celsius.

Professor Celsius, of course, may (人命などを)奪う,主張する his 復讐 when his 温度計 touches 無 degrees, 氷点の point, in the winter. It's just that you have to be at the North 政治家 to be sure it's working.

一方/合間 my money is on Dr Fahrenheit. One hundred not out - any minute now.

Brighton 禁止(する)

BRIGHTON to 禁止(する) public smoking? They might 同様に go the whole hog and 禁止(する) dirty 週末s.

The idea is to become the first city in Britain to forbid smoking in pubs, restaurants and shopping centres. An 平等に ありそうもない 候補者, Dublin, is working 沖合いの/海外の on a 類似の move.

If the craze spreads to Blackpool, I emigrate. And I don't even smoke.

There is, at 現在の, a 緊張する of priggishness running through British towns and cities (Irish ones, too, it would seem, although I cannot see Dubliners taking the slightest 注意する of a 無分別な of no smoking 調印するs).

At one time, worthy 国民s used to go into public service with the 反対する of doing something for the community. Nowadays they go in with the idea of stopping the community from doing anything that might 原因(となる) it 害(を与える), from ball games in the park to a crafty Woodbine in the pub.

I knew Brighton when, as we used to say up north, it were nowt - that is, before it 達成するd, along with Hove 現実に, city status.

The elevation seems to have gone to its 長,率いる.

When Brighton last (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to be 関心d with health was when it 誇るd how を締めるing was its briny.

A 禁止(する) on cigarettes will dri ve the punters into the sea, 長,率いるing for the French coast, where restaurant patrons still strike their matches on the 弁護 de Fumer 調印するs.

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