The 悲劇 is no one believes him - even when he IS telling the truth

Melanie Phillips

Last updated at 00:00 02 June 2003

THE PACK is in 十分な cry.

Tony Blair has lied to the country! Excitement can barely be 含む/封じ込めるd.

主張s have reached fever pitch that the 政府 hyped up 知能 報告(する)/憶測s to make the 脅し from Saddam Hussein seem worse than it was to 正当化する going to war against Iraq.

The German 外務大臣, Joschka Fischer, no いっそう少なく, has advised Mr Blair to 収容する/認める that he misused such 知能 and misled world opinion.

And, of course, Clare Short and コマドリ Cook are busy stoking the 炎上s, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that the 総理大臣 deceived the British public while committing a monumental 失敗.

At the same time, 類似の (人命などを)奪う,主張するs are surfacing in the U.S. that the Bush 行政 distorted 中央情報局 報告(する)/憶測s to make a 誤った 事例/患者 for war.

Did Mr Blair 誤って導く this country? It is certainly possible that he deliberately over- egged the pudding in his 試みる/企てる to 説得する a 高度に 懐疑的な public of the need for 軍の 活動/戦闘.

The central 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 is that he 含むd in the 政府's war dossier a (人命などを)奪う,主張する that the 知能 service thought was far too flaky to be used - that some of Iraq's 武器s of 集まり 破壊 (WMD) could be made ready for use within 45 minutes of an order to (軍隊を)展開する,配備する them.

We know enough about the way Alastair Campbell operates to find 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s like this all too 信頼できる. After all, the previous 発覚 that the 政府 passed off (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from a PhD 論題/論文 as fresh 知能 構成要素 about Iraq hardly 奮起させるs 信用/信任 in its judgment.

If it turns out that it did indeed 誤って導く us over the war, this would 原因(となる) 信用 in 政府 - already at an exceedingly low ebb - to 崩壊(する) やめる disastrously.

It would also give an enormous fillip to those who were always against the war and are still 緊張するing to discredit it. For any proof of 公式の/役人 exaggeration would cast 疑問 on what remains an 圧倒的に strong argument: that Iraq was indeed producing 武器s of 集まり 破壊, that Saddam was a danger that could no longer be 許容するd and that the war was perfectly 合法的.

But it is hard to see from the 証拠 so far that Mr Blair did 誤って導く the country.

What is perfectly (疑いを)晴らす instead is the extent of the 深く,強烈に dishonest (選挙などの)運動をする to discredit both the 総理大臣 and the war by people who were 熱心に …に反対するd to 軍の 活動/戦闘 in the first place.

The argument now 激怒(する)ing is 存在 fuelled by the 知能 services of both the UK and the U.S., who are furiously (and 不明な) 要点説明 against their 各々の 政府s by 工場/植物ing stories that their (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) was misused.

It is やめる astonishing to find the 肉親,親類d of people who would 普通は 扱う/治療する such 政府 秘かに調査するs as a 共謀 against 僕主主義 suddenly hanging on their every word, 簡単に because they are 供給するing 弾薬/武器 against the war.

But anything the spooks say always has to be 扱う/治療するd with scepticism, because they tell lies for a living.

They also have an 協議事項 of their own. Both countries' 知能 services are at 半端物s with their 各々の 政府s over 試みる/企てるs to change the way their (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) is used.

And both have serious egg on their 直面するs through their 無(不)能 to 予報する 9/11, their slowness to しっかり掴む the 十分な nature of the 脅し from the Islamic jihad and their consequent 失敗 to have enough sources in Iraq and in other hot 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs of the Arab and Islamic world.

The result is a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 created by 黒人/ボイコット 宣伝 emanating from shadowy 人物/姿/数字s, making it hard to tell what is or is not true. But simple ありふれた sense lends 負わせる to the 政府's 事例/患者. An 匿名の/不明の 知能 source told the BBC that the 45-minute (人命などを)奪う,主張する was unreliable, but was 含むd on the 主張 of 負かす/撃墜するing Street.

But there is no 証拠 that this (人命などを)奪う,主張する - 単に one 宣告,判決 in a large dossier - wasn't true. All we know is that MI6 スパイ/執行官s thought the (人命などを)奪う,主張する wasn't fireproof and so didn't want it publi cised.

For all we know, it was true but Saddam 簡単に chose not to use such 武器s. After all, he would have been stupid to have used any of them, thus 手渡すing the 宣伝 victory to his enemies.

類似して, he would have been 極端に stupid to have left any of his WMD to be 設立する by the 連合した 軍隊/機動隊s. And Saddam, who had outwitted the West for so long, was certainly not stupid.

To say that because no WMD have been 設立する means they didn't 存在する is 簡単に ridiculous.

The first 始める,決める of 武器s 視察官s said thousands of litres of botulism and anthrax were 原因不明の/行方不明の(unaccounnted-for) for. Last February Hans Blix, the 長,率いる of the second UN 査察 team, said Iraq had failed to account for 6,500 化学製品 爆弾s, 供給するd no 証拠 that it had destroyed 8,500 litres of anthrax - and there were 指示,表示する物s that its 供給(する)s of 神経 スパイ/執行官 had not only not been destroyed but had even been weaponised.

The antiwar ロビー (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that the war can only be 正当化するd if WMD are 設立する. But this is factually wrong.

The 重荷(を負わせる) was always on Saddam to 従う with the UN's binding 指示/教授/教育 to 論証する that he had destroyed them. He 辞退するd to do so. The war was a 合法的 施行 of the will of the UN.

After all, who told the ありふれたs in 1998: 'There is no room for 疑問 over the 規模 of Saddam's 化学製品 or 生物学の capacity, nor over his repeated 試みる/企てるs to 隠す it'? And also: 'We will use 軍隊 to make sure that 安全 会議 決意/決議s are 器具/実施するd'?

Why, 非,不,無 other than the person who is now (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the whole thing was an 違法な put-up 職業 - コマドリ Cook.

To believe that Mr Blair lied, one would have to think Saddam perversely 隠すd the fact that he had indeed 従うd with the UN and instead deliberately 招待するd the 破壊 of his 政権. One would have to believe in a 広大な 共謀 of lies 構成するing two 政府s, two 始める,決めるs of 武器s 視察官s, several European countries and the UN 安全 会議.

And one would h ave to believe that the two 動きやすい 生物学の 研究室/実験室s 設立する in Iraq were 現実に - what shall we say? - travelling cinemas, perhaps, or circus trailers.

To listen to the BBC's disgracefully 同志/支持者 presenters, you'd think the whole 事例/患者 for war 残り/休憩(する)d on what the 知能 services told the UK and U.S. 政府s. But it did not. It 残り/休憩(する)d on Saddam's noncompliance with UN 決意/決議s. The 秘かに調査するs' 出資/貢献 was 単に 付加.

Mr Blair's problem of 信用性 over Iraq is in part of his own making.

His 政府 has form in the honesty department as long as Pinocchio's nose. It has 絶えず misled us over the public services, tried to cover up 大臣の and party peccadilloes and is now busy telling whoppers once again about Europe.

Mr Blair says he will 解放(する) yet more 知能 about Iraq's WMD. But will anyone 信用 this either?

The 悲劇 is that no one believes him when he now speaks the truth in 説 that the 脅し from Saddam was all too real.

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