Julie Christie 得点する/非難する/20s a 審査する Actors Guild award


Last updated at 08:52 21 December 2007

Julie Christie, who has been collecting a stack of year-end award honours, is 特記する/引用するd in the 審査する Actors Guild awards' best actress section, along with Cate Blanchett for The Golden Age, Marion Cotillard for La 争う En Rose, Angelina Jolie for A Mighty Heart and Ellen Page for the delightful movie Juno, which opens here next year.

The SAGs may 結局最後にはーなる 存在 the only American awards show that won't be 混乱に陥れる/中断させるd by striking Hollywood writers.

The Writers Guild has said it will picket the Golden Globes and the Oscars.

Daniel Day 吊りくさび's powerful 業績/成果 in There Will Be 血 was also recognised in the SAG 事実上の/代理 指名/任命s 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる), 発表するd in LA yesterday, along with George Clooney for Michael Clayton, Ryan Gosling in Lars And The Real Girl (a moving comedy), Emile Hirsch in Sean Penn's Into The Wild and Viggo Mortensen for Eastern 約束s.

Ms Blanchett received a best supporting actress citation for her 解釈/通訳 of (頭が)ひょいと動く Dylan in I'm Not There.

Tilda Swinton and Tom Wilkinson 伸び(る)d 指名/任命s for their 役割s in Michael Clayton.

Atonement was shut out 完全に - and I wonder if that's because the film wasn't marketed 積極性 to SAG 投票者s, as all the other films were.

Lionsgate, I know, sent out DVDs of Away From Her, starring Ms Christie, 支援する in the summer.

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