Piers the '飛行機で行く' gets stung by The 後見人 wasp

Bad blood: Piers Morgan

Bad 血: Piers Morgan

TV personality Piers Morgan is caricatured as a 飛行機で行く nestling on a 巨大(な) turd in The 後見人 in a spoof of his new 容積/容量 of diaries.

見本: 'My 離婚 with Marion (his ex-wife) is turning 汚い. I hoped we would be able to 分裂(する) 友好的に, but now I'm making 負担s of cash her lawyers inexplicably feel she is する権利を与えるd to a 株.'

Why so 汚い? Morgan (刑事)被告 後見人 editor Alan Rusbridger of '階級 hypocrisy' in a GQ interview.

Also, Piers's romance with a 後見人 lady columnist ended acrimoniously. Bad 血!

Why is フラン's 首相 dame, pouting Carla Sarkozy, pictured, not at the G20 首脳会議 with other wives?

'She does not want to be 影を投げかけるd by Michelle Obama,' purrs a Parisian source. 鎮圧する 知能!

After the スキャンダル in January when 労働 peers were (刑事)被告 of 申し込む/申し出ing to 修正する 法律制定 on に代わって of 法人組織の/企業の (弁護士の)依頼人s, one of them - 労働 大臣 Lord Truscott - lost his roost with the water-メーター 会社/堅い Landis & Gyr.

Now Peter Truscott, 50, who 否定するd the 主張s, has landed two new 職業s .

He's an 'international 助言者' to the Japan Bank for International 開発 and a '顧問 and member of the (a)忠告の/(n)警報 board' of VAL Energy, an oil 会社/堅い based in Wichita, Kansas. Good show!

Eric Pickles made a big, bad impression on Question Time

Eric Pickles made a big, bad impression on Question Time

Tory chairman Eric Pickles 悔いるs his train-難破させる 外見 on the BBC's Question Time, howled 負かす/撃墜する by the audience for defending his second-home expenses (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

Says 20-石/投石する Pickles: 'Afterwards, I phoned Mrs Pickles for her 判決. She said: "You looked a bit slimmer after your diet. On the other 手渡す, you were crap."'?

The late playboy Sir Dai 'Seducer of the Valleys' Llewellyn would be amused by the ructions に引き続いて his 記念の service, which was …に出席するd by 700 friends.

特に a (人命などを)奪う,主張する that he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to be buried wearing the knickers of his graceful, aristocratic ex-wife, Vanessa.

Now the wife of a 実業家, Joe Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, she is 苦しめるd by this vulgar 発言/述べる, friends (人命などを)奪う,主張する.

? ?

More from Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail...


Why so? Married to the old rogue from 1980 to 1987, she must know that in jest he was often wont to 表明する himself in a 甚だしい/12ダース manner.

The queasy-making glorification of 決まり文句/製法 1 boss Max Mosley continues, with a two-page soft-soap interview in The Times in which we are told the reaction of his wife of 48 years, ジーンズ, after 審理,公聴会 he had spent their married life taking part in secret sado-masochistic orgies.

'She was very disappointed,' he 報告(する)/憶測s.

As if h e'd forgotten to 取り消す the milk 事前の to a family holiday.

Mosley considers his privacy sacred. I wonder if his wife feels the same.

What infuriates MPs most about the 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over their expenses is that it's orchestrated by hated 新聞記者/雑誌記者s, whom they 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う are 有罪の of more larcenous 不正行為s.

Like the sports columnist who 'entertained' trainer Noel Murless and his wife to dinner and - asked later by his paper to explain 'two children's 部分s' on the 領収書 - replied: 'A couple of (v)策を弄する/(n)騎手s joined us.'

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