A 10年間 after the 殺人 of Meredith, Foxy should just shut up: JAN MOIR says she should starting thinking of the Kerchers, not herself

Most years, on the 周年記念日 of Meredith Kercher’s death, you can depend on Amanda Knox to pop 支援する into the headlines in one way or another.

An 外見 on a 雑談(する) show, a pretty 嘆願 for 温和/情状酌量 and understanding, a penitent’s gaze into the cameras, a halo 小衝突d and gleaming.

She wrote a 調書をとる/予約する in 2013 and appeared in a Netflix 文書の last year, in which she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she was perceived as ‘a psychopath in sheep’s 着せる/賦与するing’.

This year, here she is again, 正規の/正選手 as clockwork, as predictable as a bang on a dull and 割れ目d gong. ‘Foxy Knoxy’ has crassly 示すd the ten-year 周年記念日 of the 殺人,大当り of her former housemate Meredith by publishing a rather self-serving essay.

Meredith Kercher
Amanda Knox

犠牲者: Meredith Kercher and, 権利, Amanda Knox.?Knox was twice 設立する 有罪の of Kercher’s 殺人 before 存在 finally acquitted by the Italian 司法の in 2015

‘There are some people who believe I have no 権利 to 嘆く/悼む Meredith,’ she 令状s on the Westside Seattle website, in the West Coast U.S. city she calls home. ‘They believe I had something to do with her 殺人 ― I didn’t ― or that Meredith has been forgotten in the wake of my own struggle for 司法(官) ― she hasn’t.’

Knox, twice 設立する 有罪の of Kercher’s 殺人, before 存在 finally acquitted by the Italian 司法の in 2015, 解任するs the things she loved about her ‘closest friend’ Meredith ― a girl she knew for only 40 days before the young Briton died of を刺す 負傷させるs.

Quick, pass me a sliced onion and a handkerchief. This is going to get emotional.

明らかに, Amanda loved Meredith’s 削減(する) ol’ English accent, and remembers 情愛深く how they would have espressos, eat cookies and go shopping together.

She 解任するs how Meredith even 貸付金d her a pair of tights ― like a big sister would.

Such a lovely portrait of a rosy friendship! Perhaps she has forgotten that in the Netflix 文書の, she 認める she and Meredith were not の近くに. And it was no secret there had been 摩擦 between them ove r Knox’s 未払いの 世帯 法案s.

But never mind that. Soon, we get 負かす/撃墜する to the real nitty gritty ― the terrible, terrible 苦しむing. Amanda’s 苦しむing that is, not Meredith’s, or Meredith’s family’s.

Indeed, Knox 令状s of her ‘10年間 of 苦しむing’, in which her nice memories of Meredith are buried beneath ‘horrific 検視 photos and 罪,犯罪 scene (映画の)フィート数’.

Also to 競う with were the 中傷するs, 誤った 告訴,告発s and wrongful 監禁,拘置, 多重の 裁判,公判s, slanderous headlines and the 影をつくる/尾行するs she just cannot shake off.

Knox?wrote a book in 2013 and appeared in a Netflix documentary last year, in which she claimed she was perceived as ?a psychopath in sheep?s clothing?

Knox?wrote a 調書をとる/予約する in 2013 and appeared in a Netflix 文書の last year, in which she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she was perceived as ‘a psychopath in sheep’s 着せる/賦与するing’

Most of all, there is her 支配する that the 殺人 of 行方不明になる Kercher is something she cannot escape because her death is ‘不公平に interlocked with my 身元’. Amanda just can’t help herself, can she? It is always about her. She never stops to think about the Kerchers, whose loss is so much greater than hers.

Knox is trying to make her 指名する as an author. If she really was a writer, she’d stop putting herself in the middle of this 悲劇 and 令状 about other things.

But she appears too self-centred and トン-deaf to the continuing 悲惨 of the Kerchers to do so.

Meredith’s sister, Stephanie, has also 解放(する)d a 声明 to 示す the ten-year 周年記念日 of the 殺人 in Perugia.

‘Those who have had to experience the 悲劇 and despair of having someone taken from them in such a 残虐な way will tell you the 苦痛 and helplessness never 中止するs,’ she said.

She 令状s of seeing her sister’s 団体/死体 in the morgue, how the desperate struggle Meredith had put up to live was (疑いを)晴らす by her 負傷させるs. Even now, the family remain baffled by the discrepancies. 特に that the man now in 刑務所,拘置所 ― Rudy Guede ― was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd on the basis that he did not 行為/法令/行動する alone.

Yet Italian police show no 調印する of 調査/捜査するing その上の into who else they think may have been 伴う/関わるd.

にもかかわらず what TV 探偵,刑事 演劇s may have us believe, 罪,犯罪s are not always 割れ目d. The 有罪の go 解放する/自由な, the (死が)奪い去るd never get 司法(官) ― and for the Kercher family, this is a 特に piercing agony. For them, the horror rolls on and on.

All the Kerchers want is 司法(官) ― and for people to remember it was their daughter, not Knox, who was the 犠牲者 in this 罪,犯罪.

Yet a 10年間 on from that terrible night, Amanda Knox still tries to conflate her sense of grievance and victimhood with Meredith’s.

If she really cared about her special, tights-lending, coffee-drinking best friend, wouldn’t she do the decent thing and keep 静かな?


Christmas comes 早期に for Kay Burley

Kay Burley was showing off her gorgeous cache of new Michael Kors outfits this week

Kay Burley was showing off her gorgeous (武器などの)隠匿場所 of new Michael Kors outfits this week

Sky News 錨,総合司会者 Kay Burley, who was showing off her gorgeous (武器などの)隠匿場所 of new Michael Kors outfits this week, has finished her Christmas shopping.

‘Yes, I have,’ 確認するs 行方不明になる Burley. ‘I have bought dozens of 現在のs. With extras. I have a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of family, then friends, then children of friends, then people who make my life easier, then extras in 事例/患者 I’ve forgotten anyone.’

For seasonal one-upwoman-ship, that takes the eggnog-dunked biscotti. Yet Kay says it is not that she is 最高の-organised, more that her birthday 落ちるs in December. She likes to 計画(する) ahead, so that she can enjoy her 祝賀s ― and what she calls her ‘gin-time’.

一方/合間, some have criticised her for 地位,任命するing 詳細(に述べる)s online of her £15,000 Kors outfits ― which will only see her through six months.

Why? The outfits are paid for by her 雇用者, and part of her 職業 is looking good on-審査する.

She looks fantastic! Thank goodness one woman in public life dresses 井戸/弁護士席. Far too many are like potato 解雇(する)s pretending to be liquorice allsorts caught in a ハリケーン.

I know Home 長官 Amber Rudd has bigger things to worry about, but she wore a dirndl the other day. What is wrong with these people?


Men are NOT the enemy

At the end of another week of tumult at Pestminster, Scottish 保守的な leader Ruth Davidson said the culture has to change and the stables have to be (疑いを)晴らすd out.

I agree. Wellies and muck shovels at the ready. But I also think that accusat イオンs of 不品行/姦通 have to 量 to something more than a clammy 手渡す almost 小衝突ing against a trembling 膝, or a clumsy text (sent by the 副 首相 Damian Green to a 女性(の) 新聞記者/雑誌記者) that could be misinterpreted.

Women are better than this. For years, feminists fought on our に代わって so that we had a place at the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, a foothold in the rough and 宙返り/暴落する of public life.

The fight against 差別 and sexism gave us the chance to enjoy the freedoms we have today. Now I worry that those freedoms are 存在 charred in a crazed witch 追跡(する) where men are always the enemy, whatever they do or do not do.

I am not a 犠牲者 waiting to happen, and I don’t 尊敬(する)・点 any woman who is.

The 事例/患者 of Bex Bailey is much more serious, but 平等に troubling. The 25-year-old 行動主義者 says that she was 強姦d by a 上級の 労働 Party 公式の/役人 six years ago. She goes on to say that she was told by another party 公式の/役人 not to 報告(する)/憶測 the attack because it could 損失 her political career.

I admire her for speaking out. But 平等に ― and please, this is not a 批評 of her or 犠牲者 非難するing ― why would she even want to belong to a 政党 that 需要・要求するd something so despicable, so loathsome and so retrogressive of her?


扱う/治療するd royally, HM's corgis...

Favoured: The young Princess Elizabeth and a pet corgi

Favoured: The young Princess Elizabeth and a pet corgi

に引き続いて my item about the Queen’s admirable frugality, I received a lovely letter from a lady called Elizabeth (no relation to HM) who lives in Hampshire.

Many years ago, she had an interview at Windsor 城 for the position of Keeper of The Queen’s Linen. Unable to take the 職業 because of illness, she was, にもかかわらず, impressed by her 小旅行する of the 王室の laundry rooms.

‘I hope I am not breaking the 公式の/役人 Secrets 行為/法令/行動する by 明らかにする/漏らすing that there were linen sheets with the 栄冠を与える emblem embroidered on them for the Queen’s use,’ she 明らかにする/漏らすs, ‘but everyone else had to make do with pink duvet 始める,決めるs, typical of a supermarket bed-linen pack.’

Let them eat cake ― and sleep on polycotton sheets! Isn’t the Queen ruddy marvellous? Even better, Elizabeth 明らかにする/漏らすs that when the in-house white Turkish towels were past their best, they were ‘削減(する) 負かす/撃墜する and re-hemmed to be used as small towels for the corgis ― that was going to be one of my 義務s’.

Keeper of the 王室の Corgi Towels! There are worse 職業s out there.


Hard to decide who were the most annoying men on Newsnight’s discussion on 性の politics this week ― the 権利-on young dudes, or the smug, dinosaur older dudes.

Far better to switch over to Nick Ferrari’s excellent After The News show on ITV. Already this new 現在の 事件/事情/状勢s programme is a must-see. Instead of blithering bores, Ferrari had guests who were at the heart of the story of the week ― 含むing Julia Hartley-Brewer, on whose 膝 Michael Fallon’s 手渡す once alighted. Don’t waste time anywhere else.


Waynetta, the 構成要素 Girl

Are we to 推定する that Madonna has turned over a new leaf by 飛行機で行くing economy to Portugal? Not really. Few 運送/保菌者s have first-class cabins on short-運ぶ/漁獲高 flights within Europe. And even the 構成要素 Girl must baulk at 爆撃する out for 私的な jets all the time, when she could be spending all that money on fingerless gloves and 孤児s.

Anyway, I love her Waynetta Slob 偽装する ― she really is an international mistress of disguise, isn’t she? 黒人/ボイコット roots, greasy hair, awful trousers, I’m-a-nobody shoes? Madonna could blend in anywhere, from Wetherspoons to Woollies. And that’s just the way she likes it.


No, I don’t suppose dog-walking pals Kay Benstead and Anne Finnie will be 株ing prosecco and Hula Hoops any time soon.

Kay has been awarded £115,000 補償(金) after Annie’s pet Alsatian pulled her off her feet.

It happened in a London park when Annie gave the dog’s lead to Kay to 持つ/拘留する while she went to get them both coffees.

But the big dog pulled her over and she broke her arm and hip.

Kay had to take seven months off work, on sickness 支払う/賃金.

A friendship in tatters, and a 思い出の品 to all of us that life is much better if you can 解決する your differences without 頼みの綱 to lawyers. They almost always make everything much worse. Woof!