The BBC won’t show the Gaza 控訴,上告 to 保護する its 公平さ.
But does anyone really believe it’s impartial?

What an 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の 危機 the BBC has 刺激するd by its 決定/判定勝ち(する) not to broadcast an 控訴,上告 by さまざまな 援助(する) 機関s for 人道的な 救済 for Gaza.

The BBC said it 恐れるd that doing so would 妥協 its 評判 for 公平さ.

This 爆発させるd a ferocious attack from 政治家,政治屋s, 宗教的な leaders and even members of its own journalistic staff, along with 'Stop The War' デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s laying 包囲 to its offices.

A protest

反映するing 不正に: A 抗議する in London against the BBC'S 決定/判定勝ち(する) not to 審査する an 控訴,上告 to raise money for 犠牲者s in Gaza

It is not surprising that the BBC's 決定/判定勝ち(する) seems inexplicable to so many. After all, 援助(する) is intrinsically 議論の的になる, with repeated (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that it doesn't get to the people who 現実に need it. Yet the BBC 定期的に broadcasts such 控訴,上告s.

Indeed, its very own 'Make Poverty History' 控訴,上告 programmes laid itself open to the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 that it was 促進するing a Left-wing 見解(をとる) of 人道的な 救済 - and that the millions it was helping raise were likely to 結局最後にはーなる in the pockets of corrupt African kleptocrats.

So no wonder many have been baffled by the 決定/判定勝ち(する) not to broadcast this particular 控訴,上告 for Gaza, where the need for 人道的な 救済 for people 苦しむing the grievous 影響s of war are 否定できない.

にもかかわらず, I 本人自身で believe that on this occasion the BBC has made the 訂正する 決定/判定勝ち(する). For what few in this country are aware of is that Hamas is said to be systematically stealing 出荷/船積みs of 人道的な 救済 and 爆撃する the 援助(する) crossing points.

These (人命などを)奪う,主張するs have been made not just by イスラエル but by Jordanian 新聞記者/雑誌記者s and the Palestinian 当局, who have 報告(する)/憶測d that Hamas has 迎撃するd dozens of 援助(する) トラックで運ぶs and 押収するd food and 医療の 供給(する)s bound for the UN 援助(する) 蓄える/店s in Gaza.

The 主張 is that Hamas is manipulati ng the 援助(する) 軍用車隊s as a 武器 of war.

So the BBC director-general 示す Thompson was, in my 見解(をとる), 訂正する in 正当化するing his 決定/判定勝ち(する) not only because of 関心 that the 援助(する) would not get to the 貧困の but also because the very 問題/発行する of 人道的な need in Gaza remains 深く,強烈に contentious.

Whether he was 権利 or wrong, moreover, it is surely a 事柄 of some 関心 that 政府 大臣s have been putting such 圧力 on the BBC to 逆転する its 決定/判定勝ち(する). There were 調印するs over the 週末 that the BBC was digging itself in for a fight over the 極度の慎重さを要する 問題/発行する of its political independence.

With the Culture 長官's 声明 yesterday that the BBC was する権利を与えるd to reach its own 結論 on what was a 'difficult judgment call', the 政府 seems to have recognised the political 警告 signals and drawn 支援する.

But the BBC surely 耐えるs a far broader 責任/義務 for this 列/漕ぐ/騒動. In particular, its (人命などを)奪う,主張する that it was anxious to 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限 its 評判 for 公平さ will have 原因(となる)d a sharp intake of breath の中で the many who think it no longer has a 評判 of 公平さ to defend.

One of the 広大な/多数の/重要な ironies of this 状況/情勢, after all, is that most people in Britain have no idea about (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that Hamas has 明らかに been stealing the 援助(する) 供給(する)s and blowing up the crossing points - because the BBC's reporters 港/避難所't told them.

Indeed, by 報告(する)/憶測ing many of Hamas's own (人命などを)奪う,主張するs as fact - 特に its 見積(る) of the number of 非軍事の 死傷者s in Gaza, which イスラエル strenuously contests - the BBC has helped create a 危険に unbalanced and irrational public mood. It was 特に troubling, for example, to hear the jaw-dropping 告訴,告発 - made by, の中で others, Health 大臣 Ben Bradshaw - that the BBC has buckled to ユダヤ人の or Israeli 圧力.


Impartial broadcasting? Anti-BBC デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s in Trafalgar Square

But way beyond the 報告(する)/憶測ing of the Middle East, the BBC has brought this 危機 upon itself. It is not surprising that it finds itself friendless, since for years it has been systematically squandering the 尊敬(する)・点 and 信用 of the public - so much so that licence-料金 payers are ますます 尋問 its very 存在 as a 公然と 財政/金融d 放送者.?

Across the board, the BBC operates as a 肉親,親類d of '後見人' newspaper of the 空気/公表する. It is institutionally 敵意を持った to 保守主義, big 商売/仕事, 宗教, the countryside and family values; it supports multiculturalism, environmentalism, European federalism, human 権利s 法律 and '代案/選択肢' lifestyles.

Its own 公平さ review 結論するd two years ago that it operates in a 'Leftleaning 慰安 zone' and has an 'innate 自由主義の bias', dictating what 問題/発行するs it chooses to cover and how it does so.

In another 報告(する)/憶測, the writer Antony Jay, who helped create the sublime TV comedy Yes 大臣 - itself 証拠 of the brilliance that Auntie can produce - devastatingly 述べるd a BBC in which arrogance and a 誤った sense of moral 優越 連合させるd with 甚だしい/12ダース ignorance to spread an ideology 'based not on 観察 and deduction but on 約束 and doctrine', into which all events were wrenched to fit.

The worst of it is that even 上級の BBC (n)役員/(a)執行力のあるs can't しっかり掴む the problem because they, too, 株 the same way of looking at the world and 見解(をとる) their own Left-wing position as the centre ground.



Should the BBC show the Gaza 控訴,上告?

Should the BBC show the Gaza 控訴,上告?

  • Yes 14784 投票(する)s
  • No 8889 投票(する)s

Now 株 your opinion

  • ?

Intrinsically unable to 訂正する itself, the BBC thus 具体的に表現するs a frighteningly の近くにd thought system. But the 関心s 延長する more 概して even than its journalism. There is 普及した 狼狽 that, far from elevating and educating public values, its entertainment 生産(高) is becoming 刻々と degraded.

The 怒り/怒る and revulsion this has created boiled over in the Jonathan Ross 事件/事情/状勢, when he and Russell Brand 乱用d the 年輩の actor Andrew Sachs by leaving obscene and cruel messages on his telephone answering machine, which they broadcast on 空気/公表する.

Many people thought the £6 million-ayear Ross should have been 解雇(する)d rather than 一時停止するd. But now he is 支援する and it's pretty 井戸/弁護士席 商売/仕事 as usual.

While his TV show was 明らかに carefully edited to 除去する the most 不快な/攻撃 構成要素, 天然のまま 発言/述べるs were broadcast on his 無線で通信する 2 show about sleeping with an 80-year-old woman. And even on the TV show, a smutty question to Tom 巡航する about breaking 勝利,勝つd escaped the censor's scissors.

The return of Jonathan Ross is not just a 不名誉. It is a gesture of contempt to the public and 最高潮の場面s the extent to which the BBC has lost its way.

Its entire 推論する/理由 for 存在するing as a public service 放送者 is to 具体的に表現する the highest 基準s of excellence and 正直さ. But through both its 同志/支持者 journalism and its moronic and unprincipled entertainment shows it has destroyed this 評判.

The slew of audience-参加 詐欺s that it (罪などを)犯すd upon the public in such iconic shows as Blue Peter, Children In Need and Comic 救済, not to について言及する the broadcasting of 偽のd (映画の)フィート数 趣旨ing to show the Queen 嵐/襲撃するing out of a photo-shoot when, in fact, she was arriving at it, brought to a 長,率いる the real 危機 gripping the BBC.

This is a 深遠な loss of its 身元, 原因(となる)d by a repudiation of the values that gave it a unique place in Britain's cultural life and, indeed, the world. The resulting combination of loss of 信用 and public ignorance means that when the BBC makes a 訂正する judgment call, no one recognises it as such.

The 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over the 援助(する) 控訴,上告 shows above all that the BBC is now 劇的な 得るing what it has so recklessly sown.

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