The Celebrity Chindex! As Anjelica Huston and Jennifer Aniston are snapped with 多重の chins, FEMAIL 明らかにする/漏らすs the other 星/主役にするs caught out at the worst possible angle

Proof that even the most glamorous 星/主役にするs can be caught at a bad angle, th e beautiful 行方不明になる Aniston and Adams Family 星/主役にする Anjelica Huston have both 攻撃する,衝突する headlines recently having 存在 snapped with a few extra chins.

Jennifer's 二塁打 chin moment occurred last week, when the 43-year-old 星/主役にする was pictured in Hollywood waving and 攻撃するing her 長,率いる 負かす/撃墜する, leaving her with an unusual 豊富 of chins.

As for Anjelica, the puffy-looking 直面する she 明らかにする/漏らすd last week 誘発するd 憶測 that she may have undergone some 肉親,親類d of cosmetic 手続き.

High spirits: Aniston was on great form as she arrived at the studio
Ageing gracefully: Angelica still has the same strong look she was made famous for in the early nineties

Unfortunate: Both Jennifer (left) and Anjelica (権利) hi t the headlines over their extra chins

The 61-year-old was taking part in a パネル盤 to 促進する the second 一連の her 攻撃する,衝突する show 粉砕する in Pasadena, California, when the photo was taken.

Although the 星/主役にする has 以前 自白するd to using cosmetic collagen 注射s and Botox, it seems likely that the actress is 簡単に the 犠牲者 of a very unfortunate camera angle.

Jennifer and Anjelica may be embarrassed at 存在 papped looking いっそう少なく than their best - but they are certainly not alone in 苦しむing the extra chins 現象.

Many more celebrities have fallen 犠牲者 to 多重の chin syndrome - whether it be thanks to a few extra 続けざまに猛撃するs, or a terrible camera angle.

Femail have 収集するd an 広範囲にわたる celebrity chindex to 文書 this peculiarity in the hope that we can learn from the mistakes of the 星/主役にするs.

最高の,を越す tip: Keep your chin(s) up, everyone!

Tulisa Contostavlos
Britney Spears

欠如(する)ing the Ne-X factor: Fellow X-factor 裁判官s Tulisa Contostavlos (left) and Britney Spears have both been caught with some extra neck 倍のs

prince charles
prince charles

Men of 力/強力にする: It is not just famous ladies 落ちるing prey to the camera angle 悪口を言う/悪態. Prince Charles (left) and the 総理大臣 David Cameron have both been 犠牲者s

Model and actress Lily Cole
Lindsay lohan

Seeing 二塁打... chins: Model Lily Cole (left) and wild-child actress Lindsay Lohan (権利)

colin firth
George Clooney

破滅的な! Two of the most sexy men alive, with a 二塁打 (or should that be 3倍になる?) chin: Colin Firth (left) and George Clooney

Jennifer Ellison

A multitude of chins: Jennifer Ellison (left) and Meg Ryan (権利) 論証する the danger of the 'displeased' look

Simon Cowell
Eamonn Holmes

Jowls for Cowell: Simon Cowell (left) and presenter Eamonn Holmes show their jowly necks

Kirstie Alley
Brooke Shields

Not camera ready: Kirstie Alley (left) and Brooke 保護物,者s (権利) get caught off guard by the camera

Unlucky! Kelly Brook proves that even one of the the most sexy women in the UK is not immune to the dreaded 'under shot' picture

Unlucky! Kelly Brook 証明するs that even one of the the most sexy women in the UK is not 免疫の to the dreaded 'under 発射' picture

Piers Morgan
James Corden.James Corden.

二塁打 trouble: Funnymen Pie rs Morgan (left) and James Corden (権利) 落ちる foul of the jowl

Eva Longoria

Chin chin: Brunette beauties Eva Longoria (left) and Teri Hatcher (権利) overdo their smile and 苦しむ the consequences

What a line-up! Christine Bleakley should probably avoid making this face if a contestant on Dancing on Ice falls over

What a line-up! Christine Bleakley should probably 避ける making this 直面する if a contestant on Dancing on Ice 落ちるs over

Cameron Diaz
Kim Cattrall.

No one's 免疫の: Cameron Diaz (left) and Kim Cattrall are both 最高の-トンd ladies, but that doesn't 保護する them from the multi-chin

Judy Finnigan
< img src="" data-src="" height="425" width="308" alt="FERN BRITTON" class="blkBorder" style="max-width:100%" />

直面するing facts: Beloved presenters Judy Finnigan (left) and Fern Britton 伸び(る) some extra chin 倍のs thanks to the combination of a 長,率いる 攻撃する and a bad camera angle?


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