The very personal trainers


Last updated at 16:27 31 January 2005

早期に one dark and dreary January morning a year ago, Alison Vaughan, 36, a director of an art and design 会社/堅い, dragged herself to the gym.

Joining the gym for the first time was her New Year 決意/決議. Her gym 指導者, Jeremy, had brown hair, a トンd, lithe 団体/死体 and a cheeky smile. And the fact that he was ten years younger than her, charming and devastatingly attractive certainly helped 動機づける Alison in her 企て,努力,提案 to get fit.

Before she knew it, he had not only talked her into agreeing to do three gym 開会/開廷/会期s a week, but also 説得するd her to get up at 6am for a personal cardio workout.

Jeremy was 極端に attentive and his compliments made Alison feel good. She was proud of herself for finding the 動機づけ to get fit.

At £25 an hour three times a week, it was an expensive hobby, but she 推論する/理由d that if it had worked for celebrities such as Kate Beckinsale, it would work for her.

She also knew how proud her husband Andrew, 42, a director at the same company, would be.

Though they had no children and Alison didn't have the excuse of pregnancy 負わせる 伸び(る), she had noticed that she was getting flabby around her waist and thighs. She 手配中の,お尋ね者 to make sure that Andrew still had 注目する,もくろむs for her alone.

Husband worked long hours

Within weeks, Jeremy 申し込む/申し出d to take 開会/開廷/会期s in her house 同様に as at the gym.

"Soon, I started to look 今後 to the 開会/開廷/会期s perhaps a little more than I should," says Alison.

"If I'd been honest with myself, the real 推論する/理由 for 調書をとる/予約するing more and more gym 開会/開廷/会期s with Jeremy was that I enjoyed his company.

"My husband worked long hours and I enjoyed the 平易な banter with my personal trainer. Without wanting to sound like a woman with a schoolgirl 鎮圧する, I was enjoying the way he made me feel."

The workouts became an escape from the boring outside world of mee tings and hard work.

"It was 中毒の. The fact that Jeremy made me feel attractive even when I was sweaty and not

wearing make-up was hugely 控訴,上告ing.

"He made me see the 可能性のある in myself to look sensational. I loved his company, the fact he was always complimentary and courteous, and 扱う/治療するd me like a lady. After a few weeks, I 設立する myself fantasising about wrapping my 団体/死体 around him.


"I still loved my husband and had never been tempted to cheat on him before but the more I saw of Jeremy, the more I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to be with him.

"I knew there was the 可能性のある for something to happen between us. His physical fitness was a 抱擁する turnon. The fact his 肌 would rub against 地雷 as we were working out and I could smell his sweat was so exciting and intimate."

Jeremy's ability to make Alison feel as though she was the only woman in the world was an incredible aphrodisiac: suddenly, she was ready to walk into a 罠(にかける) which is 証明するing a 誘惑 for many women.

Plenty has been written about 関係s between celebrities and gym 指導者s. Madonna's personal trainer, Carlos Leon, fathered her first child, Lourdes.

Vanessa Feltz 設立する long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 solace in the 武器 of her trainer, Dennis Duhaney, after the break-up of her 16-year-old marriage. And it's not just famous people who are drawn to their gym 指導者s. With more than 5,000 登録(する)d personal trainers in the UK, the number of ordinary women using their services is 増加するing. And the number of wives finding themselves embroiled in locker room love 事件/事情/状勢s is growing, too.

The attraction is not 純粋に physical. Cary Cooper, professor of psychology and health at Lancaster University, says that because of the intimate 役割 personal trainers play in women's lives, and the 肯定的な 激励 they 申し込む/申し出, they can appear to have all the 質s of the perfect partner.

"Busy women with 平等に busy partners crave the sort of attention that a personal trainer can give them," he says.

"He takes the 役割 of a confidant in much the same way as a hairdresser does, someone who sees you 定期的に and will listen to your problems and 関心s.

Mixing 商売/仕事 with 楽しみ

"Working one-on-one can be incredibly intimate, 肉体的に and emotionally. The personal trainer has a vested 利益/興味 in your health and wellbeing, and is there to help you look and feel better. He is supportive and encouraging.

"Moreover, he sees you at your worst, with no make-up and looking sweaty and unkempt. Yet for all that, he still 受託するs you for what you are.

"Essentially, he is behaving in 正確に/まさに the same way you would want your ideal partner to."

However, like any 事件/事情/状勢, a 関係 with a personal trainer is inextricably linked with lies and deceit.

In the 事例/患者 of Alison, she 設立する herself 事実上の/代理 完全に out of character and 活発に 追求するing an extramarital 事件/事情/状勢.

"I made the first move," she 収容する/認めるs. "During one lunchtime 開会/開廷/会期, Jeremy was adjusting some 器具/備品 I was working on and I spontaneously kissed his ear. As soon as I had done it, I felt mortified. Not because of my husband but in 事例/患者 Jeremy thought I was crazy. But he 答える/応じるd by telling me that he was 極端に attracted to me.

"Later that day, he called me on my 動きやすい phone - he had my number to arrange our training 開会/開廷/会期s - and asked me to go out for a drink with him the に引き続いて day.


"I was so excited but my stomach was churning with 犯罪. He'd awakened feelings in me that I hadn't experienced for many years.

"I knew 深い 負かす/撃墜する where it was 主要な and over the next few weeks our drinks turned from flirty 雑談(する)s to a fullblown 事件/事情/状勢.

"Once a week, I would tell my husband I was seeing girlfriends, when I was really having the best sex of my l ife. Sex had suddenly become forbidden, exciting and sensual, unlike with my husband, who was predictable in bed.'

自然に, Alison's 事件/事情/状勢 started to dent her marriage as she 設立する herself comparing her husband unfavourably with Jeremy. And while he continued to work long hours and so didn't 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う anything, Alison was aware of an unspoken 湾 growing between them.

She made the classic mistake of thinking she was the only (弁護士の)依頼人 Jeremy was 伴う/関わるd with and so was 荒廃させるd to discover he was having a 類似の 関係 with another woman.

"When a gym (弁護士の)依頼人 I was friendly with told me she, too, had been sleeping with Jeremy, I felt sick. I 直面するd him and he didn't even try to 否定する it. He just said he still fancied me but it was "just one of those things".

"At first, I was 傷つける, then angry and finally I was 打ち勝つ with utter shame at what a fool I'd been.

"Of course, a man as good looking as Jeremy was going to have lots of women throwing themselves at him. I couldn't believe I'd put my marriage on the line over an 事件/事情/状勢; but for him, I was just another perk of the 職業.


"I quickly changed gyms and although I still have a personal trainer, I made sure this time I chose a woman.

"When I see other women in the gym flirting with their male 指導者s, I feel sorry for them. I know how 平易な it is to be conned by their flattery and hope they don't make the same mistake I did."

Paul Cook, a 27-year-old personal trainer from Wimbledon, South-West London, says women throwing themselves at him is just part of the 職業. "Flirting with (弁護士の)依頼人s has always gone on, and most of the time it's 害のない. The 大多数 of the women aren't my type anyway," he says.

"It's usually 豊富な, married women in their late 30s with children who come on to me. It's not that they're bored housewives - most of them are intelligent career women with 広大な/多数の/重要な 職業s, who probably s hould know better, but can't やめる stop themselves."

Dr Nick Neave, evolutionary psychologist at Northumbria University, says the attraction between a woman and her personal trainer is often 必然的な 純粋に ーに関して/ーの点でs of how humans have developed.

"Women prefer physical fitness in men because it 示すs they are healthy. They like 幅の広い shoulders, a 狭くする waist and guys who are hunky but not too muscular," he says.

"During 演習, the 団体/死体 解放(する)s 化学製品s called endorphins, which make you feel relaxed, happy and can even dull 苦痛. When women feel some of these emotions, they can be far more sexually receptive.


"This natural high makes them feel sexy and, subconsciously, they start looking for a mate.

"Also, 演習 解放(する)s 化学製品s called pheromones from a man's armpits, which 増加する his attractiveness to a woman. These 化学製品s can even change her perception of his 直面する so she finds him more attractive."

A potent combination of 性の 進化 and the fact that many women use their 関係s - 性の and 非,不,無-性の - as an escape from unhappy 関係s and marriages 反映するs a deeper problem in modern society, where ますます both partners work hard, leaving little time for intimacy.

This is certainly what happened to Susan 支持を得ようと努めるd, a 30-year- old marketing (n)役員/(a)執行力のある from Jersey.

深く,強烈に unhappy in her live-in 関係 of three years, she 設立する her 長,率いる was turned by the obvious flirting when she started gym 開会/開廷/会期s with her personal trainer, David.

"It was obvious he was a real ladies' man and the more I saw him, the more the flirting 増大するd," she says.

"He was 極端に tactile. Whenever he helped me use a new piece of 器具/備品 or do a new 演習, we would touch and I'd feel a 誘発する between us. "いつかs, he would just pat my shoulder or arm but at other times he'd put his 手渡す on my stomach to check I was working my muscles 適切に or put nearly all his 団体/死体 負わせる on me to help me stretch, which felt incredibly sexy.

Shoulder to cry on

"I had been confiding in him from the beginning about the 列/漕ぐ/騒動s with my boyfriend. At first, it was just like having a male friend to confide in. But then one day, a couple of months after we met, I broke 負かす/撃墜する in 涙/ほころびs in the gym after another 列/漕ぐ/騒動 with my partner.

"David took me by the 手渡す, led me into another room, の近くにd the door and kissed me 十分な on the lips as I leant against the 塀で囲む. It was late in the evening and no one else was around.

"I was shocked when it happened - so much so, that I couldn't speak. He smiled and 示唆するd that we finish the workout. It was surreal, but I 手配中の,お尋ね者 more. I felt terrible that I had kissed another man - after all, I had never been unfaithful to my boyfriend before. But I couldn't stop thinking about David.

"The next time I saw him was by coincidence. The に引き続いて day, I was walking 支援する from work and he passed by on his bike. He stopped and asked if I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to go 支援する to his place. I said 'Yes' - and that's when our four-month 事件/事情/状勢 began.

"While I was seeing David in secret at his flat, I didn't want sex with my boyfriend but he never even questioned it or asked if there was anything the 事柄.

"This 増強するd my 決定/判定勝ち(する) to have an 事件/事情/状勢. If my boyfriend didn't care about me, then why shouldn't I find solace with someone else?

"I knew my 関係 with David would never go anywhere because I was just another conquest to him.

"I 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd he was having other 事件/事情/状勢s while he was seeing me - he often used to go outside to speak on his 動きやすい phone and was always flirting with other women in the gym. I never asked him because I didn't need to.

The affir served its 目的

"Looking 支援する, our 関係 was based 純粋に on sex. He was 熱烈な in bed and taugh t me things I had only ever read about. 結局, I was the one to end things when I moved to Kent to (問題を)取り上げる a new 職業.

"Seeing David made me realise that my 関係 with my boyfriend was all wrong - so I left him.

"I ended my 関係 with David around the same time because I 手配中の,お尋ね者 a clean start. He wasn't upset when we 分裂(する) up: he wished me luck and 受託するd I had to move on.

"The affir served its 目的 and I 結局 went on to 会合,会う someone who was not a ladies' man. I don't think all personal trainers are womanisers, though it would be 平易な to 落ちる for one because most are charming and you spend so much time with them.

"I wasn't the first (弁護士の)依頼人 David had an 事件/事情/状勢 with and I'm sure I won't be the last."

But 関係s with personal trainers don't have to be sordid 事件/事情/状勢s. Fleur Rhiannon, 23, who is 選び出す/独身 and a personal assistant for an actor's 機関 in Kensington, West London, 時代遅れの her gym 指導者 for nine months.

She 雇うd her trainer, Paul, to help her shed a 石/投石する in 負わせる. But a feeling of closeness and camaraderie soon developed and they became friends outside the gym. One night, eight months after the training 開会/開廷/会期s began, they went for a drink in a 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 together.


"Trainers have a really bad 評判. I

know a few people who have had a fling with theirs," says Fleur. "So I assumed Paul would have women 落ちるing at his feet and had no 意向 of 存在 another conquest. But that drink was the start of a 関係 that 証明するd me wrong.

"Even though we were dating, while we worked out at the gym he was 全く professional and 扱う/治療するd me like any other (弁護士の)依頼人.

"One of the attractions was the physical element of our training together and the 偶発の physical 接触する.

"I was worried that after spending the day with beautiful 団体/死体s, he'd come home and find fault in 地雷. But he never did. He wouldn't even pass a comment if we went out for dinner and I ate fatty foods.

"At the beginning of the 事件/事情/状勢, I asked him if he'd had a 関係 with a (弁護士の)依頼人 before, but he said I was the first. I still believe him.

"He was friendly with the women he trained and I can see how 平易な it would be to misconstrue this for something more. I felt jealous of the more attractive ones he worked with. But I felt sorry for the women who made themselves embarrassingly 利用できる to him because they must have been lonely and misguided.

"We 分裂(する) up after nine months because the 関係 had run its course. I would never put anyone off going out with a personal trainer, but it isn't the easiest 関係 to have. The 誘惑 for many gym 指導者s is too 広大な/多数の/重要な."

Of course, not all personal trainers take advantage of the 状況/情勢. Kristoph Thompson, a 23-year-old gym 指導者 from Eastbourne, East Sussex, has 直面するd women with a 鎮圧する many times and has learned 戦略s to を取り引きする it.

"Almost all of my (弁護士の)依頼人s are women and about 75 per cent of them flirt with me. If a woman approaches me, I make it very (疑いを)晴らす that although I'm flattered, I don't mix 商売/仕事 with 楽しみ," he says.

"I think it would be unprofessional but I know a lot of trainers who don't think that and are more than happy to take advantage. But they're the ones who give this profession a bad 指名する."

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