Chocolate 'can give you nightmares'

Chocolate may 悪化させる a sleep disorder in which people 行為/法令/行動する out violent nightmares.

About one in 200 people, mostly men, を煩う the 条件, called 早い 注目する,もくろむ movement sleep behaviour disorder, or RBD.

普通は, people are paralysed while dreaming, but those with RBD thrash about and shout in their sleep.

The 苦しんでいる人 行為/法令/行動するs out what's happening in his dream - which could mean punching and kicking their partner.

研究員s were first 警報d to the chocolate link by a 患者 who 攻撃するd out during 頻発する dreams in which he tried to 保護する his home against 侵入者s.

The 患者 had 設立する that the 爆発s happened after he ate chocolate 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s, ice cream or syrup.

Robert Vorona, from the Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in the U.S. 明言する/公表する of Virginia, said the problems started after the 患者 苦しむd 長,率いる 傷害s in a car 事故.

But chocolate made the symptoms much worse.

'Far be it from me to say chocolate 原因(となる)d the problem,' Vorona told the magazine New Scientist.

'All it probably did was 悪化させる it.'

In a 報告(する)/憶測 予定 to appear in the 定期刊行物 Sleep 薬/医学, Vorona 示唆するs chocolate might help 封鎖する a natural 過程 that paralyses sleepers when they dream.

He has 首尾よく 扱う/治療するd the man with a sedative, but says the symptoms recur if he eats chocolate.

Maurice Ohayon, from the Sleep Disorders Centre at Stanford University, California, 強調する/ストレスd there was no 証拠 linking chocolate to violent sleep patterns in the general 全住民.

'There's no 原因(となる) for panic or to stop eating good chocolate,' he 追加するd.

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