Health Q&A: How ありふれた 冷淡な ウイルス can leave you in a spin

Dizzy woman

In a spin: Sudden dizziness is often 原因(となる)d by inflammation of the inner ear

A third of adults を煩う 厳しい dizziness - vestibular dysfunction - at some point. There are many 原因(となる)s but at this time of year it is often 予定 to an inner-ear 感染 called labyrinthitis. Here, the Mail on Sunday's 居住(者) 専門家 GP answers the questions her 患者s most often ask about dizzy (一定の)期間s.

Q: I have suddenly become dizzy in the past few days and the room is spinning - what is 原因(となる)ing it?

A: Sudden dizziness, 特に with room spinning, is often 原因(となる)d by labyrinthitis - inflammation of the inner ear or 迷宮/迷路, which 支配(する)/統制するs our balance and posture. If it is inflamed, this ability is impaired, 原因(となる)ing dizziness and associated nausea or vomiting (いつかs 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語d vertigo). 患者s often notice 審理,公聴会 loss on one 味方する 同様に. The onset is sudden because it is 普通は 原因(となる)d by a 冷淡な ウイルス, so can develop just as quickly.

Q: Is labyrinthitis always 原因(となる)d by a ウイルス?

A: Often it develops after a simple 冷淡な or sore throat, but いつかs it seems to be spontaneous. There are いっそう少なく ありふれた 推論する/理由s, 含むing bacterial 感染s or 傷害 to the ear. It can also be a 味方する 影響 of some 麻薬s. Very rarely it is 原因(となる)d by a tumour.

Q: It is difficult to 機能(する)/行事 - is there any 治療?

A: Labyrinthitis does 原因(となる) 激しい dizziness for the first few days, so normal 仕事s are impossi ble. Lying 負かす/撃墜する can be the only 救済, so you may need a sick 公式文書,認める. Your GP can 定める/命ずる anti-sickness tablets to help 戦闘 any nausea, and there are 薬/医学s that may 減ずる the vertigo わずかに. If you are 存在 sick it is important to stay hydrated.

Q: How long will a dizzy (一定の)期間 last?

A: Symptoms 一般に last for about two weeks but the first few days are 普通は the worst. Occasionally it can last as long as a couple of months but by this time your doctor would be looking for underlying 原因(となる)s other than a simple ウイルス.

Q: What 実験(する)s will I need if it does not 解決する?

A: 普通は, 血 実験(する)s, balance and 審理,公聴会 実験(する)s will be carried out and then a ざっと目を通す such as a CT or MRI ざっと目を通す.

Q: What else can 原因(となる) dizziness?

A: Anaemia, low 血 圧力, a heart rhythm 騒動, 神経 disorder, or the 味方する 影響s of 確かな 医薬s are all 可能性のある 原因(となる)s. Talking through the history of your dizziness and other symptoms with your GP will give them a good idea of where it is 起こる/始まるing.

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