Eight-month wait for more flu jabs as 在庫/株s run out

麻薬 会社/堅いs have been ordered to produce extra flu jabs まっただ中に a 国家の 不足 of 供給(する)s.

The 政府 認める yesterday there are ‘地元の 供給(する) 問題/発行するs’ with ワクチン接種s in parts of the country.

Many GP 外科s have now run out of 在庫/株 and 妊娠している wome n, the 年輩の and other ‘at 危険’ 患者s are 存在 turned away.

At risk: Drug firms have been ordered to produce extra flu jabs amid a national shortage of supplies which threatens to leave the elderly and pregnant women at risk of infection

At 危険: 麻薬 会社/堅いs have been ordered to produce extra flu jabs まっただ中に a 国家の 不足 of 供給(する)s which 脅すs to leave the 年輩の and 妊娠している women at 危険 of 感染

But they are ありそうもない to get any new 配達/演説/出産s as there are only a few thousand doses remaining across Britain.

Earlier this week the 政府 接触するd the six 麻薬 companies licensed to make the ワクチン, asking them to 供給(する) extra jabs as soon as possible.

But most 配達するd their last remaining doses to GP 外科s in November.

Last night a 広報担当者 代表するing the UK ワクチン 産業 Group 認める there were just ‘a few thousand’ remaining.

株 this article

They say it will take at least eight months to produce extra ワクチンs and the 政府 is considering shipping in 在庫/株 from European countries which have been いっそう少なく 影響する/感情d by flu.

Only last week the Mail 明らかにする/漏らすd many 外科s had run out of jabs and were turning 妊娠している women, the 年輩の and asthmatic children away.

患者s みなすd to be at 危険 of life-脅すing forms of flu have been told to ‘call 支援する in a few weeks’, while GPs 収容する/認める they have no idea when new 供給(する)s will be 配達するd.

Some 外科s are even advising 患者s to go to High Street 化学者/薬剤師s to buy the ワクチン themselves.

Eighteen victims in a single hospital

The Department of Health last night 否定するd that there was a 国家の 不足 of the jab but 受託するd some areas may have ‘地元の 供給(する) 問題/発行するs’.

Britain is experiencing one of its worst flu 突発/発生s in more than a 10年間 and 集中的な care 部隊s across the country are 十分な.

The under-fives have been the worst 影響する/感情d and 統計(学) from the 王室の College of GPs show there are 184 事例/患者s per 100,000 患者s.

However, 専門家s 予報する 人物/姿/数字s 解放(する)d today will show more than 200 事例/患者s per 100,000 ? 公式に making it an 疫病/流行性の.

Professor John Oxford, a ウイルス 専門家 from Barts and the London Hospital, said: ‘I don’t like the look of the 現在の 状況/情勢.’

Only 確かな groups みなすd to be most ‘at 危険’ are given the jab for 解放する/自由な on the NHS, 含むing 妊娠している women, the 年輩の, and 患者s with long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 条件s such as 喘息, 糖尿病 and 腎臓 病気.

麻薬s 会社/堅いs licensed to make the jab ? Baxter, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Sanofi Pasteur, Solvay Healthcare, and Wyeth ? 配達するd 14.7million doses to 外科s this winter.

GPs order in the ワクチンs they 推定する/予想する will be needed, based on previous years. But it is thought many underestimated 需要・要求する.

A Department of Health 広報担当者 said: ‘We are working with the NHS to 確実にする 利用できる 供給(する)s of 黒字/過剰 ワクチン are moved to where there is a need.’