My life in drinks: KATIE FFORDE

  • ?The bestselling author, 71, tells Scarlett Dargan about drinks ? deux by the loch, why only シャンペン酒 will do ? and the one tipple she’ll never try again

My favourite drink as a child was Nesquik chocolate milk.

My mother was strict on sugar but she’d いつかs let us have it as a 扱う/治療する. I still remember taking a 瓶/封じ込める of it to school in my lunch 捕らえる、獲得する and when I opened it, the chocolate milk had 漏れるd everywhere. I was so upset.

I start 99 per cent of my mornings with a cup of tea.

I stay upstairs and wait impatiently at my 令状ing desk?for my lovely husband [Desmond, who Katie married in 1972] to bring it to me. I like no sugar and just a dash of milk.

If I’m feeling 特に virtuous I’ll have water instead.?

At our home in the Cotswolds, we have one of those fancy fridges with a water filter and cooler on the 前線, but to be honest it’s not even plumbed in. So I just have water from the tap, always with ice so it’s nice and 冷淡な.

The first time I met my husband we drank Monbazillac, a dessert ワイン.?

My mother and I were staying with friends in フラン and he was there. It was two days after my 18th birthday, 53 years ago now! Desmond was in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of 注ぐing the drinks and he gave me smaller glasses because he 明白に thought I was young and innocent. I remember 存在 very annoyed by this. Looking 支援する, I don’t know why we were drinking it as an ap?ritif. But it was delicious and if I see it on a menu now I still want a glass.

Nesquik was Katie's first love

Nesquik was Katie's first love

I don’t drink alcohol very often. I stopped getting the relaxed feeling I had when I was younger and started to worry about my health.?

That said, I’ll never turn 負かす/撃墜する a glass of シャンペン酒. I have half a flute and fill the 残り/休憩(する) with fizzy water, and it makes a drink that’s not too sugary. I’m not fussed about mocktails or the like ? they’re too 甘い and I know I won’t enjoy them. I won’t bother drinking if it’s Prosecco, but I’ll take any marque of シャンペン酒. That’s where my pickiness ends.

I can be tempted by a rum punch in Dominica, where I’ve been spending time 研究ing my new 調書をとる/予約する.

There’s a 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 there that makes one with the strongest passionfruit juice, rum and lots of ice. It’s 絶対 delicious. I also like a sip of Kubuli, the 地元の bee r. Kubuli is taken from the indigenous 指名する for Dominica, Waitukubuli. It means ‘Tall is her 団体/死体’ because of the country’s 形態/調整 and mountains.

Katie couldn’t resist rum punch and Kubuli in Dominica

Katie couldn’t resist rum punch and Kubuli in Dominica

Our family cabin in Perth is where I have the happiest memories of drinking.?

We used to take a 瓶/封じ込める of red ワイン to the foreshore, sit by the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and look out over the loch as the evening の近くにd in. It was always a special time, but what was わずかに worrying is the fact the 瓶/封じ込める used to go 負かす/撃墜する so quickly. I’d think, ‘How is this happening? It’s only me and Desmond!’

The worst drink I’ve ever tasted is a gut-health smoothie concoction.?

It was terribly healthy with 負担s of vinegar in it. You know the people who say, ‘Honestly it’s 罰金, it’s so good for you, just drink it!’ You always know it’s not going to be 罰金 and you’ll never drink it again. If I drink kombucha, it’s 儀礼 of my son’s wife. She’s ロシアの [where kombucha took off after 起こる/始まるing in 中国], so I know it’ll taste 承認する.

If I could 株 a drink with anyone, I’d 選ぶ Robert 燃やすs.

I think having a whisky with him would be very special.? I’d ask him where all his ideas (機の)カム from when he didn’t really have the sort of background you’d imagine would 流出/こぼす out poetry. And I used to be very fond of whisky. 燃やすs and whisky sounds like my perfect combination. Island in the Sun by


Katie Fforde is published by Century, £16.99.?Tao order a copy for £14.44 until 24 march, go to調書をとる/予約するs or call 020 3176 2937. 解放する/自由な UK 配達/演説/出産 on orders over £25.