Health with Sarah Stacey: を取り引きする 過度の sweating, 改善する your sleep, and homeopathy for Chron's 病気

Sarah Stacey 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs up this week’s 問題/発行するs and 革新s

Don't let the sweat get you down

Don't let the sweat get you 負かす/撃墜する

Why do I sweat so much?

Q Over the past five years I have frequently been perspiring profusely from my 長,率いる and 直面する. It is like an 極端に hot にわか雨, which soaks my hair and runs 負かす/撃墜する my 直面する. It is very embarrassing. I do not perspire どこかよそで. Could Botox help? I’m 61.

A Hyperhidrosis, or 過度の sweating, is ‘very traumatic’, agrees 顧問 dermatologist Professor Nick Lowe of the Cranley Clinic (, who has 研究d and

扱う/治療するd this 条件 for over three 10年間s.?

Sweating is necessary to 支配(する)/統制する 団体/死体 気温 when you get hot. But in about one in 100 people, this system is revved up, 原因(となる)ing sweating in 量s far greater than necessary to 支配(する)/統制する 団体/死体 気温, as the Hyperhidrosis Support Group explains (

最初の/主要な hyperhidrosis 影響する/感情s 確かな parts of the 団体/死体, usually the armpits, 手渡すs, feet or, いっそう少なく frequently, 直面する and scalp. The part of the brain that 規制するs the sweating 過程 sends signals to the eccrine (sweat) (分泌する為の)腺s to perspire, even though there is no need to 冷静な/正味の the 団体/死体.?

The 原因(となる) is not yet 設立するd but Prof Lowe believes it is まず第一に/本来 driven by emotions.? Many of us sweat when we are anxious or worried and this 機械装置 may underlie the 条件, he thinks.

A 4半期/4分の1 of 事例/患者s run in families, 示唆するing a genetic 突然変異 is 伴う/関わるd, によれば 顧問 neurologist Dr Marie-Helene Marion, who ran a specialist NHS clinic for ten years and now 扱う/治療するs the 条件 個人として (

第2位 hyperhidrosis 影響する/感情s the whole 団体/死体: in this 事例/患者 there is an underlying 原因(となる) such as menopause, an overactive 甲状腺 (分泌する為の)腺, alcohol/麻薬s, prescription 麻薬s 含むing some antidepressants, fertility 麻薬s and tamoxifen.

治療 usually starts with prescription antiperspirants 含む/封じ込めるing aluminium chloride.? These help 支配(する)/統制する underarm sweating but are not suitable in your 事例/患者. 麻薬s developed for 安定性のない bladders may help, says Dr Marion (but 味方する 影響s 含む a 乾燥した,日照りの mouth and urinary retention). Prof Lowe いつかs 定める/命ずるs betablockers, which 封鎖する the 解放(する) of 強調する/ストレス hormones, although drowsiness is a 可能性のある 味方する 影響.

Prof Lowe recommends learning 緩和 techniques such as meditation to 支配(する)/統制する 苦悩. He 言及するs some 患者s for psychotherapy.

Botulinum toxin A has regulatory 是認 for hyperhidrosis. It 効果的に 封鎖するs the signal from the 神経s to the sweat (分泌する為の)腺s. Prof Lowe recommends ‘多重の tiny 注射s into the dermis but not deeper or you 危険 sagging’. Botox may be 利用できる on the NHS ( from a 顧問 dermatologist, or from 私的な clinics. The 影響s last from two to eight months.??


Lights Out Blinds

Lights Out Blinds


A mummy tester ‘絶対 loves’ award-winning Lights Out Blinds, invented by a mother who was 失望させるd by trying to keep her children’s bedrooms dark. 安価な, simple to put up and take 負かす/撃墜する ? 経由で a ‘sucker’ and toggle ? and portable, they still 許す 空気/公表する to 循環させる. 広大な/多数の/重要な for 転換-労働者s too. £34.95 a pair (to cover different size windows), from





In 1992, Jo 支持を得ようと努めるd was 診断するd with Crohn’s 病気, 定める/命ずるd steroids, and ? after two years ? had 外科. But her problem wasn’t 現実に Crohn’s ? it was a perforated 虫垂. ‘I was so angry that I 公約するd I would only return to a 従来の doctor if I broke something. 一方/合間 I would exp lore other avenues,’ says Jo. Homeopathy is a 重要な therapy that Jo embraced. 同様に as 協議するing qualified homeopaths, Jo relies on her homeopathic 道具 for minor 病気s (try Helios Basic 18 道具, £26.95,

Jo 支持を得ようと努めるd supports Homeopathy 作品 for Me, a (選挙などの)運動をする 開始する,打ち上げるd by the British Homeopathic 協会. (It 作品 for me too, and millions 世界的な.)

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