Why footy's biggest recluse Adam Goodes is 原因(となる)ing 関心 after 存在 指名するd to receive one of the sport's highest honours

  • ?Goodes will be 指名するd in Football Hall of Fame
  • ?Legend 削減(する) all 関係 with AFL after he retired in 2015
  • ?Goodes was booed relentlessly in his final seasons

Sydney Swans legend Adam Goodes has continued to shun the AFL limelight and has 拒絶するd an 申し込む/申し出?to be inducted into the NSW Australian Football Hall of Fame.

The NSW Australian Football Hall of Fame 明かすd its first roll call of 就任の inductees, headlined by fellow Swans icons Paul Kelly, Tony Lockett and Brett Kirk - but Goodes knocked 支援する the 申し込む/申し出.

'Adam is a 広大な/多数の/重要な 支持する/優勝者 and leader of our game who made an immeasurable 衝撃 on Australian 支配するs football in NSW,' a spokesperson for AFL NSW/ACT said.

'AFL NSW/ACT has reached out to Adam regarding the NSW Australian Football Hall of Fame and will 尊敬(する)・点 his choice regarding his induction.'

Goodes, a 二重の Brownlow Medallist, also knocked 支援する an 申し込む/申し出 to be inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame in 2021.

Goodes, who has shunned the AFL since his retirement, has knocked back an offer to be inducted into the NSW Australian Foo
tball Hall of Fame

Goodes, who has shunned the AFL since his 退職, has knocked 支援する an 申し込む/申し出 to be inducted into the NSW Australian Football Hall of Fame

Goodes (pictured with his wife Natalie) also refused an offer to be inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame in 2021

Goodes (pictured with his wife Natalie) also 辞退するd an 申し込む/申し出 to be inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame in 2021

The code's most decorated Indigenous player 辞退するd to have anything to do with the game after his 退職, which (機の)カム after he was 支配するd to 人種差別主義者 taunts and 長引かせるd booing from the (人が)群がる during his last three seasons - especi 同盟(する) his final year.

Goodes was called an 'ape' by a young Collingwood fan in an 悪名高い 2013 出来事/事件.?

Days later, then-Magpies boss Eddie McGuire 示唆するd promoters of a King Kong musical in Melbourne ask the footy 星/主役にする to 促進する the show.

In 2015 he celebrated a goal against Carlton with an Indigenous-主題d war cry that saw 観客s 的 him ひどく.

That year he 辞退するd to 参加する in a grand final motorcade for retired players, and has 拒絶する/低下するd 招待s to AFL events ever since - even 拒絶する/低下するing an 招待 to be inducted into the Australian Football Hall of Fame in 2021.

AFL chairman Richard Goyder 定評のある that the AFL should have done better by Goodes after he 拒絶するd the 2021 招待.

'The 治療 of Adam in his final years at AFL level drove him from football,' Goyder said at the time.

'The AFL and our game did not do enough to stand with him at the time, and call it out.

'The unreserved 陳謝 that the game 供給するd him in 2019 was too late, but, on に代わって of our (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 and the AFL, I apologise unreservedly again for our 失敗s during this period.

The two-time Brownlow Medal winner briefly ended his self-imposed exile from the AFL in 2022 to attend the Swans' 10-year premiership reunion at the SCG (pictured)

The two-time Brownlow メダル 勝利者 簡潔に ended his self-課すd 追放する from the AFL in 2022 to …に出席する the Swans' 10-year 首相の職 再会 at the SCG (pictured)

Goodes (pictured celebrating Sydney's 2012 grand final win) was called an 'ape' by a young Collingwood fan in 2013 and was heavily booed in his last three seasons in the league

Goodes (pictured celebrating Sydney's 2012 grand final 勝利,勝つ) was called an 'ape' by a young Collingwood fan in 2013 and was ひどく booed in his last three seasons in the league

'失敗 to call out 人種差別主義 and not standing up for Adam let 負かす/撃墜する all Aboriginal and Torres 海峡 Islander player s, past and 現在の.

'We hope that there will be a time in the 未来 when Adam will want to be connected to the game again.'

Goodes returned to the SCG in May 2022?for the Swans' 10-year 首相の職 再会, doing a (競技場の)トラック一周 of the ground at halftime in the Swans' 衝突/不一致 with the Gold Coast.

He looked happy as he 迎える/歓迎するd fans with his former チーム仲間s and stood in an honour guard as the 現在の Swans players ran on to the ground for the start of the match.