Jamie leaves little brother in pieces


Last updated at 21:24 07 July 2007

Andrew Murray was a nervous 難破させる as he

(刑事)被告 his brother Jamie of 存在 'an idiot' for

nearly blowing his chance to play a Wimbledon

半分-final on Centre 法廷,裁判所.

But Jamie and his mixed (テニスなどの)ダブルス partner Jelena

Jankovic finally took advantage of their fifth

match-point in a 高度に 劇の 12th game of the

final 始める,決める to send mother Judy into raptures.

Scroll 負かす/撃墜する to read more:

Jankovic and Jamie Murray

Watching courtside, having finished her 無線で通信する

commentary on the women's final, Judy Murray

said: "I received a text from Andy, who was

watching the match from the USA. It said: 'I'm so

nervous, mum ― Jamie is 存在 an idiot'."

That message arrived even before the first four

match-points against Cara 黒人/ボイコット and Marcin

Matkowski were squandered, so how the more

famous Murray brother must have been feeling

by the time Jamie finally clinched his place in

Wimbledon history is anyone's guess.

Judy その上の 明らかにする/漏らすd: "Before he (機の)カム on for this

match, Jamie told me: 'Mum,do you realise that if

I 勝利,勝つ this match I will qualify for the Last Eight

Club and I will have 解放する/自由な 会員の地位 at Wimbledon for life'."

Jamie and his mother 誤った

thought that a 半分-final place in

(テニスなどの)ダブルス tournaments is what 勝利,勝つs

you a place with the エリート, but the 支配するs

were changed in 2001 and only a mixed

(テニスなどの)ダブルス final 寝台/地位 brings such an

honour these days.

But Murray and Jankovic were 予定 to 戦う/戦い for a place in that final by

stepping out late yesterday evening for

their second match in the space of a

few hours, against Daniel Nestor and

Elena Likhovtseva, who had earlier

beaten British pairing Alex Bogdanovic

and Melanie South.

Whatever the 追加するd 特別手当 for

his heroics yesterday, Jamie's 出資/貢献

to British tennis during this

Wimbledon fortnight has been both

予期しない and the stuff of dreams.

Judy 結論するd: "If anyone had told

me that Jamie would still have been

playing at Wimbledon on the final

Saturday I wouldn't have believed

them.I'm 絶対 delighted for him."

Murray and Jankovic never

stopped laughing and joking

with each other all match, and

celebrated their victory with a 抱擁する

and a kiss.

But Jelena's mother,Snezana,主張するd

last night that there was no romance

between the couple that the tennis

world is now talking about.

"There are no secrets between my daughter and I," she explained. "If

anything happens between Jelena

and Jamie,I will be the first to know.

The fact that I don't know anything

tells you the answer.

"What is 広大な/多数の/重要な about them is how

much fun they have together on

法廷,裁判所. This is something new, the

way they really enjoy themselves.

"You don't see many players

showing this much emotion and

that is what we should be happy

about. They have started to be good


Jamie has already 否定するd any

romantic 意向s, にもかかわらず

rumours that he has already 招待するd

Jelena to Scotland for Christmas.

He kept her amused while they

played yesterday, even when he had

to take a 医療の time-out so that

his 負傷させるd 権利 foot could be

strapped up.

Young British players have been

(刑事)被告 by former British No 1 Tim

Henman of not taking their tennis

本気で enough recently.

Sure, the comedy 行為/法令/行動する looks bad

when they lose, but the joyful

manner in which Murray took to

the limelight at Wimbledon yesterday

反抗するd any 消極的な 分析, not

least because he and Jankovic

managed to pull off a sensational

victory. 法廷,裁判所 Three was packed to

the rafters almost from the start,

and once the women's final was

over on Centre 法廷,裁判所, VIPs 急ぐd

on to its outer balconies to get a

grandstand 見解(をとる) of the 戦う/戦いing Scot

strutting his stuff in the London


The first 始める,決める was a 緊張した 事件/事情/状勢,with

Murray veering between admirable

介入s at the 逮捕する and 女性

ボレーs that seemed to sound alarm

bells の中で an anxious public.

Jankovic, the third-best woman in

world tennis, 供給するd a 安定した

counterbalance to Murray's 予測できなく,

and by the time the first

tie-break took place, the favoured

couple had gelled and were ready.

Jamie and Jelena ― or J-J as

the winning 共同 are 急速な/放蕩な

becoming known ― romped to a

5-0 lead when Cara 黒人/ボイコット doublefaulted.

A superb 防御の ボレー

from Murray, which somehow

turned into a 殺し屋 勝利者, 刺激するd

laughter and 賞賛 from a relaxed


Soon, they had taken the first 始める,決める

7-1 on that one-味方するd breaker, and

for a while it looked like it was

going to be plain sailing.

But Zimbabwean 黒人/ボイコット and

Matkowski ― a powerful 政治家 ― dug 深い and stayed with their

対抗者s all the way through the

second 始める,決める to yet another tie-break.

This time, it was Murray and

Jankovic's 対抗者s' turn to find

their rhythm when it 事柄d ―

and when Jankovic was wayward

with a desperate 運動, she and

Murray 設立する themselves 5-2 負かす/撃墜する.

They never 回復するd and lost the

breaker 7-4.

Little brother Andy's 神経s would

have been その上の shredded when

Jamie and Jelena squandered a 3-1

advantage in the last, telling 始める,決める. But

finally 黒人/ボイコット's serve was broken to

leave Jankovic serving for the match.

One match-point after another

went begging, with Jamie's ボレー

into the 逮捕する on the third occasion

probably most maddening for Andy.

When it was all over, though, the

(人が)群がる went wild and Jamie turned

his 即座の attention to how he

might get his aching 団体/死体 through

that 半分-final.

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