Taylor 収容する/認めるs Middlesbrough need to mix it up as they fight for 首相 League 生き残り

Middlesbrough defender Andrew Taylor is mental ly 用意が出来ている for a rough-and-宙返り/暴落する relegation 捨てる in the 決定的な six-pointer against 船体 at the Riverside Stadium tomorrow.

However, Taylor still hopes that Boro can hang on to their 首相 League place by playing attractive football.

Andrew Taylor

Middlesbrough defender Andrew Taylor stands dejected に引き続いて 敗北・負かす at Bolton last week.

Taylor said: 'Everybody was sick to lose at Bolton last week, but after the game we were 説 that you don't have to be the best footballing team in the 首相 League to stay in it.

'Of the 底(に届く) seven or eight teams, I would say that ourselves and West Brom are the best two footballing teams. But we are second-底(に届く) and 底(に届く).

'Teams like Bolton and Stoke, and maybe 船体 同様に, are very direct and they have been 効果的な. Our mentality is to go out and try to play good football. That's how I 本人自身で want to play.

'いつかs we are better at it, and we need to make sure tomorrow is one of those times. Maybe いつかs we have to stand up a bit more for each other and be strong but we are not one of those teams that goes out to outmuscle the 対立.

'If we can put our game together all over the pitch then we can make it difficult for 船体 because teams don't like playing against us when we are playing 井戸/弁護士席.'

Boro, who are 現在/一般に five points off safety, cannot even afford to draw the game against one of their main relegation 競争相手s.

経営者/支配人 Gareth Southgate, never one to 誇張する, this week called the 衝突/不一致 a must-勝利,勝つ game, and Taylor agrees.

He said: 'We have to 勝利,勝つ it. We know that we can't settle for anything いっそう少なく. It's a 大規模な game. If we 勝利,勝つ then it will give everybody a 解除する and put us 権利 支援する into it.

'It would be 広大な/多数の/重要な to think that we can do it by playing good football, but if that doesn't happen then everybody will settle for a scruffy goal as long as it gives us the three points.'

Taylor is 推定する/予想するd to return to Boro's starting line-up at left-支援する tomorrow because 船長/主将 Emanuel Pogatetz has been 支配するd out for three weeks with a 膝 傷害.

Boro will 行方不明になる 一時停止するd midfielder Gary O'Neil, who was their best player at Bolton last week, but could have lively winger Adam Johnson 支援する に引き続いて an ankle knock.

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