We should savour Pep Guardiola while we can. English football without the Manchester City boss would be a canvas without its Michelangelo, 令状s OLIVER HOLT

  • The 首相 League won't be the same when Guardiola 結局 出発/死s City??
  • He is 準備するing for his final 首相 League 対決 against Jurgen Klopp?
  • The 広大な/多数の/重要な Klopp and Guardiola 競争: who comes out on 最高の,を越す in their last-ever league game? Listen to the?It's All Kicking Off podcast?

Pep Guardiola has a 冷淡な. He sits on a 演壇 in an auditorium at the Etihad Campus, his 注目する,もくろむs darting around, taking everything in, 診察するing everything, 調査するing the 列/漕ぐ/騒動s of seats that rise away from him and the 新聞記者/雑誌記者s sitting in them and waiting for the questions to come.

When he speaks, it is in a 発言する/表明する that barely rises above a whisper. To begin with, it seems he is 存在 deliberately taciturn. いつかs, that is his way. To begin with, it seems he is stripping all the emotion out of his words because he knows Anfield lives on emotion. He does not want to 料金d it before the オペラ that will be 行為/法令/行動するd and sung there on Sunday.

He is asked first about the things Liverpool’s 副/悪徳行為-captain Trent Alexander-Arnold said about how 勝利s mean more to Liverpool than Manchester City because Liverpool do not have the riches City 所有する.

He is 推定する/予想するing the question. He looks bored by the room’ s 試みる/企てる to stoke a 解雇する/砲火/射撃 of animosity. And so he 答える/応じるs with what sounds like a 用意が出来ている answer. He speaks as if he is repeating a line he has learned by rote from a script, a line he has little appetite for.

He is asked the same question about Alexander-Arnold twice and so he repeats the same answer, 辞退するing to be drawn, studiously expressionless. ‘I wish him 井戸/弁護士席,’ the City 経営者/支配人 says. ‘I wish him a 迅速な 回復 to come 支援する to the pitch as soon as possible. 迅速な 回復 and next question.’

English football will face a huge period of change when Pep Guardiola eventually leaves City

English football will 直面する a 抱擁する period of change when Pep Guardiola 結局 leaves City?

Much of the talk has turned to how English football will mourn Jurgen Klopp when he leaves Liverpool ahead of his final Premier League clash against Guardiola's City

Much of the talk has turned to how English football will 嘆く/悼む Jurgen Klopp when he leaves Liverpool ahead of his final 首相 League 衝突/不一致 against Guardiola's City?

A couple of times, Guardiola looks 負かす/撃墜する and covers his mouth with his 手渡す and coughs 静かに. ‘Frank Sinatra with a 冷淡な is Picasso without paint, Ferrari without 燃料,’ Gay Talese wrote in his famous Esquire essay, ‘…it 略奪するs him of that uninsurable jewel, his 発言する/表明する.’

It is not the same with Guardiola. A 冷淡な does not steal the essence of Guardiola away. His 発言する/表明する is not his 最初の/主要な gift. His gift is an intensity that cannot be quenched, that 燃やすs in his 注目する,もくろむs even when his 発言する/表明する 滞るs. His gift is his relentlessness, his acumen, his 拒絶 to 残り/休憩(する), his 拒絶 to let others 残り/休憩(する), even superstars.

Margaret Thatcher only slept four hours a night, it is said. ‘Then she was stronger than me,’ Guardiola, 53, says. ‘I need more.’ But it is hard to imagine him switching off. Ever. It is hard to imagine him 存在 able to relax or spend a 選び出す/独身 moment where he is not thinking about football and talking about football.

He 会談 about that for a while. Not in relation to Jurgen Klopp, his 広大な/多数の/重要な 競争相手, who he 衝突する/食い違うs with one last time on Sunday in a titanic 衝突/不一致 that may decide the 目的地 of the 肩書を与える. But rather the 圧力s that any 主要な 経営者/支配人 直面するs now. The 圧力s he 直面するs.

The temptation is to think that when Guardiola leaves, the whole edifice that was painstakingly built for him will come crashing down in his wake

The 誘惑 is to think that when Guardiola leaves, the whole edifice that was painstakingly built for him will come 衝突,墜落ing 負かす/撃墜する in his wake

‘All of us have ups and 負かす/撃墜するs as a 経営者/支配人,’ Guardiola says. ‘We feel 有罪の. We feel a 責任/義務 for many people who 信用 you, for the club you 代表する. That is normal. In Barcelona, I was really tired and so I left. Here, I stayed longer than I thought I would when I arrived. I think every 事例/患者 is different.

‘There is no person to know when you will be tired, happy, sad. I learned in my 職業, don’t go against your mood. When you are sad, you are sad. Tomorrow, be better. When you are tired, there are 影響(力)s from people, family, friends.

‘People today in modern life have to be so happy all the time, show how good is your food you ate yesterday and show to the world. Now, we are a little bit sad, it’s normal. I am tired いつかs but now in my 職業, I’m 罰金.

‘Is there 圧力 not to show tiredness? We know each other incredibly 井戸/弁護士席, a lot of people here. They know when I am tired or not in a good mood. They realise it, it’s not a problem.

‘いつかs, you have to pretend you are Superman and perfect, 勝利,勝つ 1000 million 肩書を与えるs, exceptional things all the time. I am the same, like all of you, good moments and bad moments.’

And as the stream of questions about Klopp come at him, the questions about the Liverpool 経営者/支配人 leaving Anfield at the end of the season and the 影響 it will have on Liverpool and on the 首相 League and the 影響 it will have on Guardiola himself, it concentrates the mind on the man sitting in 前線 of us and speaking in something の近くに to a whisper.

Guardiola has turned a dominant outfit into a near unbeatable force in his eight years at the helm

Guardiola has turned a 支配的な outfit into a 近づく unbeatable 軍隊 in his eight years at the 舵輪/支配?

Because if we will 嘆く/悼む Klopp when he goes, if we will 悔いる his absence because of his dynamism and his personality and the football his teams play and the 教祖的指導力 he has 注入するd into English football, then it is a 論理(学)の step to imagine how it will feel when Guardiola decides the time has come to 企て,努力,提案 別れの(言葉,会) to our game 同様に.

What happens then? What happens to City, for a start? The 誘惑 is to think that when Guardiola leaves, the whole edifice that was so lovingly and lavishly and painstakingly built for him, and then around him, in east Manchester will come 衝突,墜落ing 負かす/撃墜する in his wake.

It doesn’t 事柄 who they get to 取って代わる him. He will leave a 無効の. ‘He is the best 経営者/支配人 in the world,’ Klopp said of Guardiola on Friday afternoon and he should know, because he is next in the 最高位のs. ‘I have no problem with that. I have a really good life without even 存在 の近くに to that.’

City 直面する 115 首相 League 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s relating to 申し立てられた/疑わしい 財政上の 違反s that are casting a 影をつくる/尾行する over the club and they 労働 in the glare of the suggestion that their dominance is built on the oil wealth of their owner Sheikh Mansour, but 非,不,無 of their 合理的な/理性的な critics would 否定する the genius of Guardiola.

It is Guardiola who has made City the 支配的な 軍隊 in the English game. It is Guardiola who has changed the English game. It is Guardiola who has 奮起させるd imitators across the 首相 League and beyond. He is the game’s pre-著名な thinker. People 熟考する/考慮する him and copy.

There is more reason than ever to savour Guardiola as we prepare for Klopp's adieu

There is more 推論する/理由 than ever to savour Guardiola as we 準備する for Klopp's adieu?

It is Guardiola who 奮起させるd his team to become only the second English 味方する to 勝利,勝つ a Treble of 支持する/優勝者s League, 首相 League and FA Cup last season. It is Guardiola who is 主要な City’s 追跡 of what would be an 前例のない fourth 連続する English 最高の,を越す flight league 肩書を与える. It is Guardiola who many now place in the pantheon of English football’s greatest 経営者/支配人s with Sir Alex Ferguson and (頭が)ひょいと動く Paisley.

And it is Guardiola who has exhausted Klopp. With someone lesser at the 舵輪/支配 of a club with City’s 財政上の might, perhaps Klopp might harbour some hope that the 戦う/戦い for the 肩書を与える in England would not drain him of every last 減少(する) of his emotional energy.

But he knows that as long as Guardiola is at the Etihad, a fellow obsessive, a like-minded soul, a man both obdurate and unforgiving in his dedication, then there is no chance of 一時的休止,執行延期, no 可能性 of escape from the reality that the 職業 消費するs everything.

So as Klopp 準備するs his adieus, there is more 推論する/理由 than ever to savour the presence of Guardiola. English football without him would be a canvas without its Michelangelo.