Africa leads the next 革命

by JEFF POWELL, Daily Mail

Last updated at 09:20 17 July 2006

Two foreigners 人物/姿/数字 prominently on the short 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) from which South Africa are in the 過程 of selecting the 経営者/支配人 they hope will make their 来たるべき World Cup a 勝利 on the field of play 同様に as in their 進化 as a nation.

One is the Swedish gentleman who has just taken his belated leave of our country. The other is the Londoner who England hope will pass on his experience to their new 経営者/支配人.

Whether South Africa go for Sven Goran Eriksson, Terry Venables or someone else altogether ― and there are no prizes for guessing my 推薦 ― the 見込み is that four years from now the World Cup will be won for the first time by a country managed by somebody other than one of their own.

Not because Nelson Mandela's Rainbow Nation will have home advantage. Rather, because the hour is approaching for Africa to fulfil Pele's prophecy by winning its first World Cup and, in all probability, every one of its competing nations will be coached by a European or South American.

Having reached its zenith of 財政上の 超過 and public hysteria during the past few weeks, the World Cup is about to go through a metamorphosis both 冒険的な and cultural.

Danny Jordaan ― the unflagging visionary who girded himself to lead South Africa through a second World Cup 企て,努力,提案 (選挙などの)運動をする when his first was 拒絶するd by a 選び出す/独身 投票(する) ― has 約束d football its greatest 決勝戦.

What he has not done is 明示する in which way they will be the greatest, although it is 重要な that he has not について言及するd his country trying to outspend or outdazzle Germany 2006 in all its 経済的な extravagance.

So it is from those stadia of light to the Dark Continent, from the hi-tech to the high veld, that this man-made colossus not only moves on now to a very different 目的地 but also 始める,決めるs off in a profoundly changed direction.

To say that some 主要な members of what FIFA is fond of calling their family are nervous about relo cating to South Africa 2010 is to put it mildly.

Not the footballers ― Italy would 喜んで have played フラン on a car park 供給するing they won that final ― but the 巨大(な) sponsors who 料金d off the World Cup, their admen, their marketing gurus, the TV 網状組織s and even some commentators who really せねばならない know better.

This is what we have come to 推定する/予想する from the 会社/団体s who have turned the people's game into a 全世界の 商売/仕事 but, curiously, some of the professional 観察者/傍聴者s who are 尋問 South Africa's capacity to 行う/開催する/段階 the greatest show on earth are those who are most 批判的な of the 商業の greed enveloping football.

They 行方不明になる the point. If the World Cup is to be something nobler than just a gargantuan cash cow then its choice of 発生地 has to be 知らせるd by higher 基準 than the superficial trappings of the event.

Germany gave football its most sophisticated 決勝戦 of the 数字表示式の millennium but football 現在のd Germany with something of infinitely greater value.

This World Cup gave to a long-divided people a 再統合するd sense of nationhood. It did so by bestowing its richest gift on Germany at its exact moment of 準備完了 for discovering its proper place in the world.

Whether that was by 事故 or design perhaps only their FIFA highnesses Sepp Blatter and Franz Beckenbauer could tell us, but the 選択 of South Africa four years hence is even more 奮起させるd.

Even if the final itself had to be played on a 明らかにする and dusty field in an 貧窮化した 郡区 such as Soweto, the タイミング could not be more 熟した for FIFA to live up to their self-布告するd missionary ideal as a 軍隊 for good in a world which loves this game. Even if 2010 is not as opulent as Germany, an over-riding imperative has encouraged FIFA to bestow their greatest gift upon South Africa.

MANDELA, the now 88-year-old first 大統領,/社長 of the Rainbow Nation and to this day its figurehead, often 解任するs the exact moment he became 確かな his long incarceration in the infamo us 刑務所,拘置所 on Robben Island would end 結局 ― and along with it the 人種差別主義者 evil of 政府 by 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト).

It was the day in 1976 when he was told that football had taken a lead in mobilising the 力/強力にする of sport by expelling the old South Africa from FIFA.

While the white Boer and British 植民/開拓者s played rugby and cricket, football was the 黒人/ボイコット man's game and, with the 結局の 落ちる of 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト), South Africa was able at last to (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進む, 経由で sport, meaningful 関係s with its 隣人s to the north.

FIFA 大統領,/社長 Blatter 言及するs to football's 軍隊 for good. There was some 証拠 of that in Germany as people of different 部族の 家系 supported not only their own teams but also, for the first time, their African 競争相手s.

Football's old world will soon find itself challenged as never before by the 連合させるd 力/強力にする of Africa. If any in Europe and South America are caught by surprise they will have only themselves to 非難する.

The 開発 of the African game has taken longer than Pele 推定する/予想するd, but the Ivory Coast, Ghana and even Angola were only one, last refinement away from making the 打開 this summer. At the moment the Africans are liable to panic in 前線 of goal, their own 同様に as the 対立's.

The resulting 傾向 to snatch at chances and 急ぐ 通関手続き/一掃s undoes much of the magnificent

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